24 research outputs found

    Phase Retrieval for Sparse Signals: Uniqueness Conditions

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    In a variety of fields, in particular those involving imaging and optics, we often measure signals whose phase is missing or has been irremediably distorted. Phase retrieval attempts the recovery of the phase information of a signal from the magnitude of its Fourier transform to enable the reconstruction of the original signal. A fundamental question then is: "Under which conditions can we uniquely recover the signal of interest from its measured magnitudes?" In this paper, we assume the measured signal to be sparse. This is a natural assumption in many applications, such as X-ray crystallography, speckle imaging and blind channel estimation. In this work, we derive a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the solution of the phase retrieval (PR) problem for both discrete and continuous domains, and for one and multi-dimensional domains. More precisely, we show that there is a strong connection between PR and the turnpike problem, a classic combinatorial problem. We also prove that the existence of collisions in the autocorrelation function of the signal may preclude the uniqueness of the solution of PR. Then, assuming the absence of collisions, we prove that the solution is almost surely unique on 1-dimensional domains. Finally, we extend this result to multi-dimensional signals by solving a set of 1-dimensional problems. We show that the solution of the multi-dimensional problem is unique when the autocorrelation function has no collisions, significantly improving upon a previously known result.Comment: submitted to IEEE TI

    Homometric sets in trees

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    Let G=(V,E)G = (V,E) denote a simple graph with the vertex set VV and the edge set EE. The profile of a vertex set V′⊆VV'\subseteq V denotes the multiset of pairwise distances between the vertices of V′V'. Two disjoint subsets of VV are \emph{homometric}, if their profiles are the same. If GG is a tree on nn vertices we prove that its vertex sets contains a pair of disjoint homometric subsets of size at least n/2−1\sqrt{n/2} - 1. Previously it was known that such a pair of size at least roughly n1/3n^{1/3} exists. We get a better result in case of haircomb trees, in which we are able to find a pair of disjoint homometric sets of size at least cn2/3cn^{2/3} for a constant c>0c > 0

    On Conditions for Uniqueness in Sparse Phase Retrieval

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    The phase retrieval problem has a long history and is an important problem in many areas of optics. Theoretical understanding of phase retrieval is still limited and fundamental questions such as uniqueness and stability of the recovered solution are not yet fully understood. This paper provides several additions to the theoretical understanding of sparse phase retrieval. In particular we show that if the measurement ensemble can be chosen freely, as few as 4k-1 phaseless measurements suffice to guarantee uniqueness of a k-sparse M-dimensional real solution. We also prove that 2(k^2-k+1) Fourier magnitude measurements are sufficient under rather general conditions

    Gromov-Monge quasi-metrics and distance distributions

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    Applications in data science, shape analysis and object classification frequently require maps between metric spaces which preserve geometry as faithfully as possible. In this paper, we combine the Monge formulation of optimal transport with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance construction to define a measure of the minimum amount of geometric distortion required to map one metric measure space onto another. We show that the resulting quantity, called Gromov-Monge distance, defines an extended quasi-metric on the space of isomorphism classes of metric measure spaces and that it can be promoted to a true metric on certain subclasses of mm-spaces. We also give precise comparisons between Gromov-Monge distance and several other metrics which have appeared previously, such as the Gromov-Wasserstein metric and the continuous Procrustes metric of Lipman, Al-Aifari and Daubechies. Finally, we derive polynomial-time computable lower bounds for Gromov-Monge distance. These lower bounds are expressed in terms of distance distributions, which are classical invariants of metric measure spaces summarizing the volume growth of metric balls. In the second half of the paper, which may be of independent interest, we study the discriminative power of these lower bounds for simple subclasses of metric measure spaces. We first consider the case of planar curves, where we give a counterexample to the Curve Histogram Conjecture of Brinkman and Olver. Our results on plane curves are then generalized to higher dimensional manifolds, where we prove some sphere characterization theorems for the distance distribution invariant. Finally, we consider several inverse problems on recovering a metric graph from a collection of localized versions of distance distributions. Results are derived by establishing connections with concepts from the fields of computational geometry and topological data analysis.Comment: Version 2: Added many new results and improved expositio

    Multi-Reference Alignment for sparse signals, Uniform Uncertainty Principles and the Beltway Problem

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    Motivated by cutting-edge applications like cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), the Multi-Reference Alignment (MRA) model entails the learning of an unknown signal from repeated measurements of its images under the latent action of a group of isometries and additive noise of magnitude σ\sigma. Despite significant interest, a clear picture for understanding rates of estimation in this model has emerged only recently, particularly in the high-noise regime σ≫1\sigma \gg 1 that is highly relevant in applications. Recent investigations have revealed a remarkable asymptotic sample complexity of order σ6\sigma^6 for certain signals whose Fourier transforms have full support, in stark contrast to the traditional σ2\sigma^2 that arise in regular models. Often prohibitively large in practice, these results have prompted the investigation of variations around the MRA model where better sample complexity may be achieved. In this paper, we show that \emph{sparse} signals exhibit an intermediate σ4\sigma^4 sample complexity even in the classical MRA model. Our results explore and exploit connections of the MRA estimation problem with two classical topics in applied mathematics: the \textit{beltway problem} from combinatorial optimization, and \textit{uniform uncertainty principles} from harmonic analysis

    Coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space into Hilbert spaces

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    In this paper, we discuss the embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space, which consists of isometry classes of compact metric spaces endowed with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, into Hilbert spaces. These embeddings are particularly valuable for applications to topological data analysis. We prove that its subspace consisting of metric spaces with at most n points has asymptotic dimension n(n−1)/2n(n-1)/2. Thus, there exists a coarse embedding of that space into a Hilbert space. On the contrary, if the number of points is not bounded, then the subspace cannot be coarsely embedded into any uniformly convex Banach space and so, in particular, into any Hilbert space. Furthermore, we prove that, even if we restrict to finite metric spaces whose diameter is bounded by some constant, the subspace still cannot be bi-Lipschitz embedded into any finite-dimensional Hilbert space. We obtain both non-embeddability results by finding obstructions to coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddings in families of isometry classes of finite subsets of the real line endowed with the Euclidean-Hausdorff distance

    The spread of finite and infinite groups

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    It is well known that every finite simple group has a generating pair. Moreover, Guralnick and Kantor proved that every finite simple group has the stronger property, known as 32\frac{3}{2}-generation, that every nontrivial element is contained in a generating pair. Much more recently, this result has been generalised in three different directions, which form the basis of this survey article. First, we look at some stronger forms of 32\frac{3}{2}-generation that the finite simple groups satisfy, which are described in terms of spread and uniform domination. Next, we discuss the recent classification of the finite 32\frac{3}{2}-generated groups. Finally, we turn our attention to infinite groups, focusing on the recent discovery that the finitely presented simple groups of Thompson are also 32\frac{3}{2}-generated, as are many of their generalisations. Throughout the article we pose open questions in this area, and we highlight connections with other areas of group theory.Comment: 38 pages; survey article based on my lecture at Groups St Andrews 202

    Generalized Shapes and Point Sets Correspondence and Registration

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    The theory of shapes, as proposed by David Kendall, is concerned with sets of labeled points in the Euclidean space Rd that define a shape regardless of trans- lations, rotations and dilatations. We present here a method that extends the theory of shapes, where, in this case, we use the term generalized shape for structures of unlabeled points. By using the distribution of distances between the points in a set we are able to define the existence of generalized shapes and to infer the computation of the correspondences and the orthogonal transformation between two elements of the same generalized shape equivalence class. This study is oriented to solve the registration of large set of landmarks or point sets derived from medical images but may be employed in other fields such as computer vision or biological morphometry