36 research outputs found

    From continuous-time formulations to discretization schemes: tensor trains and robust regression for BSDEs and parabolic PDEs

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    The numerical approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs) poses formidable challenges in high dimensions since classical grid-based methods suffer from the so-called curse of dimensionality. Recent attempts rely on a combination of Monte Carlo methods and variational formulations, using neural networks for function approximation. Extending previous work (Richter et al., 2021), we argue that tensor trains provide an appealing framework for parabolic PDEs: The combination of reformulations in terms of backward stochastic differential equations and regression-type methods holds the promise of leveraging latent low-rank structures, enabling both compression and efficient computation. Emphasizing a continuous-time viewpoint, we develop iterative schemes, which differ in terms of computational efficiency and robustness. We demonstrate both theoretically and numerically that our methods can achieve a favorable trade-off between accuracy and computational efficiency. While previous methods have been either accurate or fast, we have identified a novel numerical strategy that can often combine both of these aspects

    Average cost optimal control under weak ergodicity hypotheses: Relative value iterations

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    We study Markov decision processes with Polish state and action spaces. The action space is state dependent and is not necessarily compact. We first establish the existence of an optimal ergodic occupation measure using only a near-monotone hypothesis on the running cost. Then we study the well-posedness of Bellman equation, or what is commonly known as the average cost optimality equation, under the additional hypothesis of the existence of a small set. We deviate from the usual approach which is based on the vanishing discount method and instead map the problem to an equivalent one for a controlled split chain. We employ a stochastic representation of the Poisson equation to derive the Bellman equation. Next, under suitable assumptions, we establish convergence results for the 'relative value iteration' algorithm which computes the solution of the Bellman equation recursively. In addition, we present some results concerning the stability and asymptotic optimality of the associated rolling horizon policies.Comment: 32 page

    Topics in multiscale modeling: numerical analysis and applications

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    We explore several topics in multiscale modeling, with an emphasis on numerical analysis and applications. Throughout Chapters 2 to 4, our investigation is guided by asymptotic calculations and numerical experiments based on spectral methods. In Chapter 2, we present a new method for the solution of multiscale stochastic differential equations at the diffusive time scale. In contrast to averaging-based methods, the numerical methodology that we present is based on a spectral method. We use an expansion in Hermite functions to approximate the solution of an appropriate Poisson equation, which is used in order to calculate the coefficients in the homogenized equation. Extensions of this method are presented in Chapter 3 and 4, where they are employed for the investigation of the Desai—Zwanzig mean-field model with colored noise and the generalized Langevin dynamics in a periodic potential, respectively. In Chapter 3, we study in particular the effect of colored noise on bifurcations and phase transitions induced by variations of the temperature. In Chapter 4, we investigate the dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient associated with the generalized Langevin equation on the parameters of the equation. In Chapter 5, which is independent from the rest of this thesis, we introduce a novel numerical method for phase-field models with wetting. More specifically, we consider the Cahn—Hilliard equation with a nonlinear wetting boundary condition, and we propose a class of linear, semi-implicit time-stepping schemes for its solution.Open Acces

    Hadron models and related New Energy issues

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    The present book covers a wide-range of issues from alternative hadron models to their likely implications in New Energy research, including alternative interpretation of lowenergy reaction (coldfusion) phenomena. The authors explored some new approaches to describe novel phenomena in particle physics. M Pitkanen introduces his nuclear string hypothesis derived from his Topological Geometrodynamics theory, while E. Goldfain discusses a number of nonlinear dynamics methods, including bifurcation, pattern formation (complex GinzburgLandau equation) to describe elementary particle masses. Fu Yuhua discusses a plausible method for prediction of phenomena related to New Energy development. F. Smarandache discusses his unmatter hypothesis, and A. Yefremov et al. discuss Yang-Mills field from Quaternion Space Geometry. Diego Rapoport discusses theoretical link between Torsion fields and Hadronic Mechanic. A.H. Phillips discusses semiconductor nanodevices, while V. and A. Boju discuss Digital Discrete and Combinatorial methods and their likely implications in New Energy research. Pavel Pintr et al. describe planetary orbit distance from modified Schrödinger equation, and M. Pereira discusses his new Hypergeometrical description of Standard Model of elementary particles. The present volume will be suitable for researchers interested in New Energy issues, in particular their link with alternative hadron models and interpretation

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Diffusion equations and inverse problems regularization.

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    The present thesis can be split into two dfferent parts: The first part mainly deals with the porous and fast diffusion equations. Chapter 2 presents these equations in the Euclidean setting highlighting the technical issues that arise when trying to extend results in a Riemannian setting. Chapter 3 is devoted to the construction of exhaustion and cut-o_ functions with controlled gradient and Laplacian, on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by a (possibly unbounded) nonpositive function of the distance from a fixed reference point, and without any assumptions on the topology or the injectivity radius. The cut-offs are then applied to the study of the fast and porous media diffusion, of Lq-properties of the gradient and of the selfadjointness of Schrödinger-type operators. The second part is concerned with inverse problems regularization applied to image deblurring. In Chapter 5 new variants of the Tikhonov filter method, called fractional and weighted Tikhonov, are presented alongside their saturation properties and converse results on their convergence rates. New iterated fractional Tikhonov regularization methods are then introduced. In Chapter 6 the modified linearized Bregman algorithm is investigated. It is showed that the standard approach based on the block circulant circulant block preconditioner may provide low quality restored images and different preconditioning strategies are then proposed, which improve the quality of the restoration

    Nonlinear Systems

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    Open Mathematics is a challenging notion for theoretical modeling, technical analysis, and numerical simulation in physics and mathematics, as well as in many other fields, as highly correlated nonlinear phenomena, evolving over a large range of time scales and length scales, control the underlying systems and processes in their spatiotemporal evolution. Indeed, available data, be they physical, biological, or financial, and technologically complex systems and stochastic systems, such as mechanical or electronic devices, can be managed from the same conceptual approach, both analytically and through computer simulation, using effective nonlinear dynamics methods. The aim of this Special Issue is to highlight papers that show the dynamics, control, optimization and applications of nonlinear systems. This has recently become an increasingly popular subject, with impressive growth concerning applications in engineering, economics, biology, and medicine, and can be considered a veritable contribution to the literature. Original papers relating to the objective presented above are especially welcome subjects. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Stability analysis of discrete and continuous dynamical systems; Nonlinear dynamics in biological complex systems; Stability and stabilization of stochastic systems; Mathematical models in statistics and probability; Synchronization of oscillators and chaotic systems; Optimization methods of complex systems; Reliability modeling and system optimization; Computation and control over networked systems

    Diffusion equations and inverse problems regularization.

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    The present thesis can be split into two dfferent parts: The first part mainly deals with the porous and fast diffusion equations. Chapter 2 presents these equations in the Euclidean setting highlighting the technical issues that arise when trying to extend results in a Riemannian setting. Chapter 3 is devoted to the construction of exhaustion and cut-o_ functions with controlled gradient and Laplacian, on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by a (possibly unbounded) nonpositive function of the distance from a fixed reference point, and without any assumptions on the topology or the injectivity radius. The cut-offs are then applied to the study of the fast and porous media diffusion, of Lq-properties of the gradient and of the selfadjointness of Schrödinger-type operators. The second part is concerned with inverse problems regularization applied to image deblurring. In Chapter 5 new variants of the Tikhonov filter method, called fractional and weighted Tikhonov, are presented alongside their saturation properties and converse results on their convergence rates. New iterated fractional Tikhonov regularization methods are then introduced. In Chapter 6 the modified linearized Bregman algorithm is investigated. It is showed that the standard approach based on the block circulant circulant block preconditioner may provide low quality restored images and different preconditioning strategies are then proposed, which improve the quality of the restoration