40,822 research outputs found

    Neural Network Generation of Temporal Sequences from Single Static Vector Inputs using Varying Length Distal Target Sequences

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    Training an agent to operate in an environment whose mappings are largely unknown is generally recognized to be exceptionally difficult. Further, granting such a learning agent the ability to produce an appropriate sequence of actions entirely from a single input stimulus remains a key problem. Various reinforcement learning techniques have been utilized to handle such learning tasks, but convergence to optimal policies is not guaranteed for many of these methods. Traditional supervised learning methods hold more assurances of convergence, but these methods are not well suited for tasks where desired actions in the output space of the learner, termed proximal actions, are not available for training. Rather, target outputs from the environment are distal from where the learning takes place. For example, a child acquiring language who makes speech errors must learn to correct them based on heard information that reaches his/her auditory cortex which is distant from the motor cortical regions that control speech output. While distal supervised learning techniques for neural networks have been devised, it remains to be established how they can be trained to produce sequences of proximal actions from only a single static input. In this research, I develop an architecture which incorporates recurrent multi-layered neural networks that possess some form of history in the form of a context vector into the distal supervised learning framework, enabling it to learn to generate correct proximal sequences from single static input stimuli. This is in contrast to existing distal learning methods designed for non-recurrent neural network learners that utilize no concept of memory of their prior behavior. Also, I adapt a technique in this research known as teacher forcing for use in distal sequential learning settings which is shown to result in more efficient usage of the recurrent neural network's context layer. The effectiveness of my approach is demonstrated by applying it to acquire varying length phoneme sequence generation behavior using only previously heard and stored auditory phoneme sequences. The results indicate that simple recurrent backpropagation networks can be integrated with distal learning methods to create effective sequence generators even when they do not constantly update current state information

    Improving Language Modelling with Noise-contrastive estimation

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    Neural language models do not scale well when the vocabulary is large. Noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) is a sampling-based method that allows for fast learning with large vocabularies. Although NCE has shown promising performance in neural machine translation, it was considered to be an unsuccessful approach for language modelling. A sufficient investigation of the hyperparameters in the NCE-based neural language models was also missing. In this paper, we showed that NCE can be a successful approach in neural language modelling when the hyperparameters of a neural network are tuned appropriately. We introduced the 'search-then-converge' learning rate schedule for NCE and designed a heuristic that specifies how to use this schedule. The impact of the other important hyperparameters, such as the dropout rate and the weight initialisation range, was also demonstrated. We showed that appropriate tuning of NCE-based neural language models outperforms the state-of-the-art single-model methods on a popular benchmark

    Feedback control by online learning an inverse model

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    A model, predictor, or error estimator is often used by a feedback controller to control a plant. Creating such a model is difficult when the plant exhibits nonlinear behavior. In this paper, a novel online learning control framework is proposed that does not require explicit knowledge about the plant. This framework uses two learning modules, one for creating an inverse model, and the other for actually controlling the plant. Except for their inputs, they are identical. The inverse model learns by the exploration performed by the not yet fully trained controller, while the actual controller is based on the currently learned model. The proposed framework allows fast online learning of an accurate controller. The controller can be applied on a broad range of tasks with different dynamic characteristics. We validate this claim by applying our control framework on several control tasks: 1) the heating tank problem (slow nonlinear dynamics); 2) flight pitch control (slow linear dynamics); and 3) the balancing problem of a double inverted pendulum (fast linear and nonlinear dynamics). The results of these experiments show that fast learning and accurate control can be achieved. Furthermore, a comparison is made with some classical control approaches, and observations concerning convergence and stability are made

    Echo State Condition at the Critical Point

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    Recurrent networks with transfer functions that fulfill the Lipschitz continuity with K=1 may be echo state networks if certain limitations on the recurrent connectivity are applied. It has been shown that it is sufficient if the largest singular value of the recurrent connectivity is smaller than 1. The main achievement of this paper is a proof under which conditions the network is an echo state network even if the largest singular value is one. It turns out that in this critical case the exact shape of the transfer function plays a decisive role in determining whether the network still fulfills the echo state condition. In addition, several examples with one neuron networks are outlined to illustrate effects of critical connectivity. Moreover, within the manuscript a mathematical definition for a critical echo state network is suggested

    Lattice Recurrent Unit: Improving Convergence and Statistical Efficiency for Sequence Modeling

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    Recurrent neural networks have shown remarkable success in modeling sequences. However low resource situations still adversely affect the generalizability of these models. We introduce a new family of models, called Lattice Recurrent Units (LRU), to address the challenge of learning deep multi-layer recurrent models with limited resources. LRU models achieve this goal by creating distinct (but coupled) flow of information inside the units: a first flow along time dimension and a second flow along depth dimension. It also offers a symmetry in how information can flow horizontally and vertically. We analyze the effects of decoupling three different components of our LRU model: Reset Gate, Update Gate and Projected State. We evaluate this family on new LRU models on computational convergence rates and statistical efficiency. Our experiments are performed on four publicly-available datasets, comparing with Grid-LSTM and Recurrent Highway networks. Our results show that LRU has better empirical computational convergence rates and statistical efficiency values, along with learning more accurate language models.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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