4 research outputs found

    Enhanced cell-based algorithm with dynamic radius in solving capacitated multi-source weber problem

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    Capacitated Multi-source Weber Problem (CMSWP) is a type of Location Allocation Problem (LAP) which have been extensively researched because they can be applied in a variety of contexts. Random selection of facility location in a Cell-based approach may cause infeasible or worse solutions. This is due to the unprofitable cells are not excluded and maybe selected for locating facilities. As a result, the total transportation cost increases, and solution quality is not much improved. This research finds the location of facilities in a continuous space to meet the demand of customers which minimize the total cost using Enhanced Cell-based Algorithm (ECBA). This method was derived from previous study that divides the distribution of customers into smaller cells of promising locations. The methodology consists of three phases. First, the profitable cells were constructed by applying ECBA. Second, initial facility configuration was determined using fixed and dynamic radius. Third, Alternating Transportation Problem (ATL) was applied to find a new location. The algorithm was tested on a dataset of three sizes which are 50, 654 and 1060 customers. The computational results of the algorithm prove that the results are superior in terms of total distance compared to the result of previous studies. This study provides useful knowledge to other researchers to find strategic facilities locations by considering their capacities

    Modelo matem谩tico para determinar la ubicaci贸n de Centros de Distribuci贸n en un contexto real

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    En el presente trabajo se considera el problema de localizaci贸n de instalaciones, en el cual se busca determinar la mejor ubicaci贸n de dep贸sitos que deben funcionar en una red de distribuci贸n. La soluci贸n del problema se lleva a cabo mediante la formulaci贸n de un modelo de programaci贸n lineal entera binaria, para m煤ltiples productos. El objetivo es minimizar la suma del costo total, que comprende el costo de transporte, el costo fijo de instalaci贸n, el costo de servicios p煤blicos y el costo tributario.El modelo matem谩tico se valid贸 en un contexto real, para el caso de una comercializadora de textiles en Colombia, utilizando el software GAMS. Los resultados evidencian una mejora en el costo total de la red de distribuci贸n de la comercializadora