2 research outputs found


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    International audienceAccess to relevant information adapted to the needs and the context of the user is a real challenge in the Web Search, owing to the increase of heterogeneous resources on the web. In most of cases, user queries are shortened and ambiguous, thus we need to handle implicit needs or intentions that are behind these queries. For improving user query processing, we present a context-based method for query expansion that automatically generates context-related terms. Here, we consider the user context as the current state of the task that the user is undertaking when the information retrieval process takes place, thus State Reformulated Queries (SRQ) are generated according to the user task state and the ontological user profile to provide personalized results in a particular context

    Towards Adapting Scientific Workflow Systems To Healthcare Planning

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    Healthcare and research environments have common characteristics and needs, such as managing people and resources, planning and conducting distributed activities, event-sensitive and monitoring processes. There are several examples in which Workflow Management Systems can aid healthcare management, systematizing, logging and automating activities. In this work we propose a context-driven approach to produce health workflows, which goes beyond an adaptation of workflows tasks to afford health procedures - as proposed in related work - departing from the rationale born from health professionals and materialized in CIG. This paper presents our proposal to support nursing processes through customization of workflows tools using as a starting point a comparative study of systems with respect to features required by healthcare professionals.7584 Inst. Syst. Technol. Inf., Control Commun. 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