4 research outputs found

    Multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem including multi-skill labor (MRCPSP-MS): model and a solution method

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    The problem that we address in this chapter is an extension of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). It belongs to the class of project scheduling problems with multi-level (or multi-mode) activities, that permit an activity to be processed by resources operating at appropriate modes, where each mode belongs to a different resource level and incurs different cost and duration. Each activity must be allocated exactly one unit of each required resource, and the resource unit may be used at any of its specified levels. The processing time of an activity is given by the maximum of the durations that would result from different resources allocated to that activity. The objective is to find an optimal solution that minimizes the overall project cost, given a delivery date. A penalty is incurred for tardiness beyond the specified delivery date, or a bonus is accrued for early completion. We present a mathematical programming formulation as an accurate problem definition. A Filtered Beam Search (FBS)-based method is used to solve the problem. It was implemented using the C# language. Results of our experimentations on the use of this method are also presented.(undefined

    Scheduling optimization of prefabricated construction projects by genetic algorithm

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    Published: 15 June 2021Prefabricated buildings are the direction of the future development of the construction industry and have received widespread attention. The effective execution of prefabricated construction project scheduling should consider resource constraints and the supply arrangement of prefabricated components. However, the traditional construction resource-constrained project scheduling implementation method cannot simultaneously consider the characteristics of the linkage between component production and on-site assembly construction. It cannot also fully adapt to the scheduling implementation method of the prefabricated construction projects. It is difficult to work out a reasonable project schedule and resource allocation table. In order to determine the relevant schedule parameters that can reflect the actual construction situation of the prefabricated building and meet the scheduling requirements of the prefabricated project, this study proposes a prefabricated construction project scheduling model that considers project resource constraints and prefabricated component supply constraints. Additionally, it improves the design of traditional genetic algorithms (GAs). Research results of the experimental calculation and engineering application show that the proposed project scheduling optimization model and GA are effective and practical, which can help project managers in effectively formulating prefabricated construction project scheduling plans, reasonably allocating resources, reducing completion time, and improving project performance.Linlin Xie, Yajiao Chen and Ruidong Chan

    A Constraint Integer Programming Approach for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling

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    Abstract. We propose a hybrid approach for solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem which is an extremely hard to solve combinatorial optimization problem of practical relevance. Jobs have to be scheduled on (renewable) resources subject to precedence constraints such that the resource capacities are never exceeded and the latest completion time of all jobs is minimized. The problem has challenged researchers from different communities, such as integer programming (IP), constraint programming (CP), and satisfiability testing (SAT). Still, there are instances with 60 jobs which have not been solved for many years. The currently best known approach, lazyFD, is a hybrid between CP and SAT techniques. In this paper we propose an even stronger hybridization by integrating all the three areas, IP, CP, and SAT, into a single branch-and-bound scheme. We show that lower bounds from the linear relaxation of the IP formulation and conflict analysis are key ingredients for pruning the search tree. First computational experiments show very promising results. For five instances of the well-known PSPLib we report an improvement of lower bounds. Our implementation is generic, thus it can be potentially applied to similar problems as well.

    Robust long-term production planning

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