94,182 research outputs found

    Deadlock detection of active objects with synchronous and asynchronous method calls

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    Open distributed systems are essential in today’s softwaresolutions. However, not all programming paradigms providenatural support for such systems. The setting of concurrentobjects is attractive since it supports independent units ofcomputation. In particular we consider concurrent objectscommunicating by asynchronous method calls supporting non-blocking as well as blocking method calls. In this settingwaiting time can be reduced, allowing efficient cooperationbetween objects. With this concurrency model, deadlock isavoided if blocking calls are avoided. However, blocking callsare sometimes needed to control the order of computation. Thenon-hierarchical nature of concurrent objects systems gives riseto non-trivial deadlock situations. Deadlocks may occur if thereis a call chain with at least one blocking call.We propose amethod for static detection of deadlocks, and demonstrate itsuse on a non-trivial example

    Behavioural Types

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    Behavioural type systems in programming languages support the specification and verification of properties of programs beyond the traditional use of type systems to describe data processing. A major example of such a property is correctness of communication in concurrent and distributed systems, motivated by the importance of structured communication in modern software. Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools presents programming languages and software tools produced by members of COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems, a European research network that was funded from October 2012 to October 2016. As a survey of the most recent developments in the application of behavioural type systems, it is a valuable reference for researchers in the field, as well as an introduction to the area for graduate students and software developers

    Distributed Programming with Shared Data

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    Until recently, at least one thing was clear about parallel programming: tightly coupled (shared memory) machines were programmed in a language based on shared variables and loosely coupled (distributed) systems were programmed using message passing. The explosive growth of research on distributed systems and their languages, however, has led to several new methodologies that blur this simple distinction. Operating system primitives (e.g., problem-oriented shared memory, Shared Virtual Memory, the Agora shared memory) and languages (e.g., Concurrent Prolog, Linda, Emerald) for programming distributed systems have been proposed that support the shared variable paradigm without the presence of physical shared memory. In this paper we will look at the reasons for this evolution, the resemblances and differences among these new proposals, and the key issues in their design and implementation. It turns out that many implementations are based on replication of data. We take this idea one step further, and discuss how automatic replication (initiated by the run time system) can be used as a basis for a new model, called the shared data-object model, whose semantics are similar to the shared variable model. Finally, we discuss the design of a new language for distributed programming, Orca, based on the shared data-object model. 1

    A Generative Communication Service for Database Interoperability

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    Parallel and distributed programming is conceptually harder to undertake and to understand than sequential programming, because a programmer often has to manage the coexistence and coordination of multiple concurrent activities. The model of Generative Communication in Linda a paradigm that has been developed for parallel computing emphasizes the decoupling of cooperating parallel processes; thus, relieving the programmer from the burden of having to consider all process interrelations explicitly. In many application areas, data is distributed over a multitude of heterogeneous, autonomous information systems. These systems are often isolated and an exchange of data among them is not easy. On the other hand, support for dynamic exchange of data is required to improve the business processes. Cooperative information systems enable such autonomous systems to interoperate. They are complex systems of systems which require a well designed and flexible software architecture. The Linda model had a great influence on research in parallel programming languages. Stimulated by this success, a Generative Communication Service, which offers a very flexible associative addressing mechanism based on metadata matching, has been developed for supporting interoperability of cooperative information systems. Some design patterns guided the construction of the resulting communication service that has been implemented on top of CORBA for an ODMG canonical data model

    Behavioural Types

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    Behavioural type systems in programming languages support the specification and verification of properties of programs beyond the traditional use of type systems to describe data processing. A major example of such a property is correctness of communication in concurrent and distributed systems, motivated by the importance of structured communication in modern software. Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools presents programming languages and software tools produced by members of COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems, a European research network that was funded from October 2012 to October 2016. As a survey of the most recent developments in the application of behavioural type systems, it is a valuable reference for researchers in the field, as well as an introduction to the area for graduate students and software developers

    A Machine-Independent port of the MPD language run time system to NetBSD

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    SR (synchronizing resources) is a PASCAL - style language enhanced with constructs for concurrent programming developed at the University of Arizona in the late 1980s. MPD (presented in Gregory Andrews' book about Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming) is its successor, providing the same language primitives with a different, more C-style, syntax. The run-time system (in theory, identical, but not designed for sharing) of those languages provides the illusion of a multiprocessor machine on a single Unix-like system or a (local area) network of Unix-like machines. Chair V of the Computer Science Department of the University of Bonn is operating a laboratory for a practical course in parallel programming consisting of computing nodes running NetBSD/arm, normally used via PVM, MPI etc. We are considering to offer SR and MPD for this, too. As the original language distributions were only targeted at a few commercial Unix systems, some porting effort is needed. However, some of the porting effort of our earlier SR port should be reusable. The integrated POSIX threads support of NetBSD-2.0 and later allows us to use library primitives provided for NetBSD's phtread system to implement the primitives needed by the SR run-time system, thus implementing 13 target CPUs at once and automatically making use of SMP on VAX, Alpha, PowerPC, Sparc, 32-bit Intel and 64 bit AMD CPUs. We'll present some methods used for the impementation and compare some performance values to the traditional implementation.Comment: 6 page

    A linear decomposition of multiparty sessions for safe distributed programming

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    Multiparty Session Types (MPST) is a typing discipline for message-passing distributed processes that can ensure properties such as absence of communication errors and deadlocks, and protocol conformance. Can MPST provide a theoretical foundation for concurrent and distributed programming in "mainstream" languages? We address this problem by (1) developing the first encoding of a full-fledged multiparty session π-calculus into linear π-calculus, and(2) using the encoding as the foundation of a practical toolchain for safe multiparty programming in Scala. Our encoding is type-preserving and operationally sound and complete. Crucially, it keeps the distributed choreographic nature of MPST, illuminating that the safety properties of multiparty sessions can be precisely represented with a decomposition into binary linear channels. Previous works have only studied the relation between (limited) multiparty and binary sessions via centralised orchestration means. We exploit these results to implement an automated generation of Scala APIs for multiparty sessions, abstracting existing libraries for binary communication channels. This allows multiparty systems to be safely implemented over binary message transports, as commonly found in practice. Our implementation is the first to support distributed multiparty delegation: Our encoding yields it for free, via existing mechanisms for binary delegation
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