373 research outputs found

    Advances in Patient Classification for Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Machine Learning Perspective

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    As a complementary and alternative medicine in medical field, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has drawn great attention in the domestic field and overseas. In practice, TCM provides a quite distinct methodology to patient diagnosis and treatment compared to western medicine (WM). Syndrome (ZHENG or pattern) is differentiated by a set of symptoms and signs examined from an individual by four main diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation which reflects the pathological and physiological changes of disease occurrence and development. Patient classification is to divide patients into several classes based on different criteria. In this paper, from the machine learning perspective, a survey on patient classification issue will be summarized on three major aspects of TCM: sign classification, syndrome differentiation, and disease classification. With the consideration of different diagnostic data analyzed by different computational methods, we present the overview for four subfields of TCM diagnosis, respectively. For each subfield, we design a rectangular reference list with applications in the horizontal direction and machine learning algorithms in the longitudinal direction. According to the current development of objective TCM diagnosis for patient classification, a discussion of the research issues around machine learning techniques with applications to TCM diagnosis is given to facilitate the further research for TCM patient classification

    A comparative analysis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using machine learning, and deep learning

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a general clinical issue in numerous countries considered the fifth reason for inability and the third reason for mortality on a global scale within 2021. From recent reviews, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is used in the primary analysis of the deadly COPD, which uses the computed tomography (CT) images procured from the deep learning tools. Detection and analysis of COPD using several image processing techniques, deep learning models, and machine learning models are notable contributions to this review. This research aims to cover the detailed findings on pulmonary diseases or lung diseases, their causes, and symptoms, which will help treat infections with high performance and a swift response. The articles selected have more than 80% accuracy and are tabulated and analyzed for sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) using different methodologies. This research focuses on the various tools and techniques used in COPD analysis and eventually provides an overview of COPD with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms.

    Applying naive bayesian networks to disease prediction: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Naive Bayesian networks (NBNs) are one of the most effective and simplest Bayesian networks for prediction. Objective: This paper aims to review published evidence about the application of NBNs in predicting disease and it tries to show NBNs as the fundamental algorithm for the best performance in comparison with other algorithms. Methods: PubMed was electronically checked for articles published between 2005 and 2015. For characterizing eligible articles, a comprehensive electronic searching method was conducted. Inclusion criteria were determined based on NBN and its effects on disease prediction. A total of 99 articles were found. After excluding the duplicates (n= 5), the titles and abstracts of 94 articles were skimmed according to the inclusion criteria. Finally, 38 articles remained. They were reviewed in full text and 15 articles were excluded. Eventually, 23 articles were selected which met our eligibility criteria and were included in this study. Result: In this article, the use of NBN in predicting diseases was described. Finally, the results were reported in terms of Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity and Area under ROC curve (AUC). The last column in Table 2 shows the differences between NBNs and other algorithms. Discussion: This systematic review (23 studies, 53,725 patients) indicates that predicting diseases based on a NBN had the best performance in most diseases in comparison with the other algorithms. Finally in most cases NBN works better than other algorithms based on the reported accuracy. Conclusion: The method, termed NBNs is proposed and can efficiently construct a prediction model for disease. � 2016 Mostafa Langarizadeh and Fateme Moghbeli

    Bayesian networks for classification, clustering, and high-dimensional data visualisation

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    This thesis presents new developments for a particular class of Bayesian networks which are limited in the number of parent nodes that each node in the network can have. This restriction yields structures which have low complexity (number of edges), thus enabling the formulation of optimal learning algorithms for Bayesian networks from data. The new developments are focused on three topics: classification, clustering, and high-dimensional data visualisation (topographic map formation). For classification purposes, a new learning algorithm for Bayesian networks is introduced which generates simple Bayesian network classifiers. This approach creates a completely new class of networks which previously was limited mostly to two well known models, the naive Bayesian (NB) classifier and the Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) classifier. The proposed learning algorithm enhances the NB model by adding a Bayesian monitoring system. Therefore, the complexity of the resulting network is determined according to the input data yielding structures which model the data distribution in a more realistic way which improves the classification performance. Research on Bayesian networks for clustering has not been as popular as for classification tasks. A new unsupervised learning algorithm for three types of Bayesian network classifiers, which enables them to carry out clustering tasks, is introduced. The resulting models can perform cluster assignments in a probabilistic way using the posterior probability of a data point belonging to one of the clusters. A key characteristic of the proposed clustering models, which traditional clustering techniques do not have, is the ability to show the probabilistic dependencies amongst the variables for each cluster. This feature enables a better understanding of each cluster. The final part of this thesis introduces one of the first developments for Bayesian networks to perform topographic mapping. A new unsupervised learning algorithm for the NB model is presented which enables the projection of high-dimensional data into a two-dimensional space for visualisation purposes. The Bayesian network formalism of the model allows the learning algorithm to generate a density model of the input data and the presence of a cost function to monitor the convergence during the training process. These important features are limitations which other mapping techniques have and which have been overcome in this research

    Quantitative analysis with machine learning models for multi-parametric brain imaging data

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    Gliomas are considered to be the most common primary adult malignant brain tumor. With the dramatic increases in computational power and improvements in image analysis algorithms, computer-aided medical image analysis has been introduced into clinical applications. Precision tumor grading and genotyping play an indispensable role in clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Gliomas diagnostic procedures include histopathological imaging tests, molecular imaging scans and tumor grading. Pathologic review of tumor morphology in histologic sections is the traditional method for cancer classification and grading, yet human study has limitations that can result in low reproducibility and inter-observer agreement. Compared with histopathological images, Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging present the different structure and functional features, which might serve as noninvasive surrogates for tumor genotypes. Therefore, computer-aided image analysis has been adopted in clinical application, which might partially overcome these shortcomings due to its capacity to quantitatively and reproducibly measure multilevel features on multi-parametric medical information. Imaging features obtained from a single modal image do not fully represent the disease, so quantitative imaging features, including morphological, structural, cellular and molecular level features, derived from multi-modality medical images should be integrated into computer-aided medical image analysis. The image quality differentiation between multi-modality images is a challenge in the field of computer-aided medical image analysis. In this thesis, we aim to integrate the quantitative imaging data obtained from multiple modalities into mathematical models of tumor prediction response to achieve additional insights into practical predictive value. Our major contributions in this thesis are: 1. Firstly, to resolve the imaging quality difference and observer-dependent in histological image diagnosis, we proposed an automated machine-learning brain tumor-grading platform to investigate contributions of multi-parameters from multimodal data including imaging parameters or features from Whole Slide Images (WSI) and the proliferation marker KI-67. For each WSI, we extract both visual parameters such as morphology parameters and sub-visual parameters including first-order and second-order features. A quantitative interpretable machine learning approach (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) was followed to measure the contribution of features for single case. Most grading systems based on machine learning models are considered “black boxes,” whereas with this system the clinically trusted reasoning could be revealed. The quantitative analysis and explanation may assist clinicians to better understand the disease and accordingly to choose optimal treatments for improving clinical outcomes. 2. Based on the automated brain tumor-grading platform we propose, multimodal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) have been introduced in our research. A new imaging–tissue correlation based approach called RA-PA-Thomics was proposed to predict the IDH genotype. Inspired by the concept of image fusion, we integrate multimodal MRIs and the scans of histopathological images for indirect, fast, and cost saving IDH genotyping. The proposed model has been verified by multiple evaluation criteria for the integrated data set and compared to the results in the prior art. The experimental data set includes public data sets and image information from two hospitals. Experimental results indicate that the model provided improves the accuracy of glioma grading and genotyping