244 research outputs found

    Teaching the Right Letter Pronunciation in Reciting the Holy Quran Using Intelligent Tutoring System

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    An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that offers an instant, adapted instruction and customized feedback to students without human teacher interference. Reciting "Tajweed" the Holy Quran in the appropriate way is very important for all Muslims and is obligatory in Islamic devotions such as prayers. In this paper, the researchers introduce an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Reciting "Tajweed". Our "Tajweed" tutoring system is limited to "Tafkhim and Tarqiq in TAJWEED" the Holy Quran, Rewaya: Hafs from ‘Aasem. The system was evaluated by reciting teachers and students, and the results were auspicious

    Teaching the right letter pronunciation in reciting the holy Quran using ITS

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    An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that offers an instant, adapted instruction and customized feedback to students without human teacher interference. Reciting "Tajweed" the Holy Quran in the appropriate way is very important for all Muslims and is obligatory in Islamic devotions such as prayers. In this paper, the researchers introduce an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Reciting "Tajweed". Our "Tajweed" tutoring system is limited to "Tafkhim and Tarqiq in TAJWEED" the Holy Quran, Rewaya: Hafs from ‘Aasem. The system was evaluated by reciting teachers and students, and the results were auspicious

    Tajweed Rules Haptic Application with Sound for Visually Impaired People

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    Every Muslim in this world needs to read Quran as one of religion activities in Islam. Quran can be read in a book and even in digitalized form of Quran such as in mobile phones and also electronic type of Quran. However, blind people are unable to read Quran in book form and digitalized form. Therefore, this project aims to address the problems faced by blind people and partially impaired people to learn on how to recite Quran with right Tajweed which synchronizes audio and haptic. Interview session with blind people and partially impaired people will be done to determine what are the limitations and problems faced by them during reciting Quran. Respondents from Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) will be the main focus group for this project. Hence, this research study will discover ways to help blind people and partially impaired people to read Quran with right Tajweed and right pronunciation. This project is hoped to successfully help blind people and partially impaired people to teach and learn on how to recite Quran properly with the help of Braille Line 20 haptic and audio application

    Lips tracking identification of a correct pronunciation of Quranic alphabets for tajweed teaching and learning

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    Mastering the recitation of the Holy Quran is an obligation among Muslims. It is an important task to fulfill other Ibadat like prayer, pilgrimage, and zikr. However, the traditional way of teaching Quran recitation is a hard task due to the extensive training time and effort required from both teacher and learner. In fact, learning the correct pronunciation of the Quranic letters or alphabets is the first step in mastering Tajweed (Rules and Guidance) in Quranic recitation. The pronunciation of Arabic alphabets is based on its points of articulation and the characteristics of a particular alphabet. In this paper, we implement a lip identification technique from video signal acquired from experts to extract the movement data of the lips while pronouncing the correct Quranic alphabets. The extracted lip movement data from experts helps in categorizing the alphabets into 5 groups and in deciding the final shape of the lips. Later, the technique was tested among a public reciter and then compared for similarity verification between the novice and the professional reciter. The system is able to extract the lip movement of the random user and draw the displacement graph and compare with the pronunciation of the expert. The error will be shown if the user has mistakenly pronounced the alphabet and suggests ways for improvement. More subjects with different backgrounds will be tested in the very near future with feedback instructions. Machine learning techniques will be implemented at a later stage for the real time learning application. Menguasai bacaan Al-Quran adalah satu kewajipan di kalangan umat Islam. Ia adalah satu tugas yang penting untuk memenuhi Ibadat lain seperti solat, haji, dan zikir. Walau bagaimanapun, cara tradisional pengajaran bacaan Al-Quran adalah satu tugas yang sukar kerana memerlukan masa latihan dan usaha yang banyak daripada guru dan pelajar. Malah, mempelajari sebutan yang betul bagi huruf Al-Quran adalah langkah pertama dalam menguasai Tajweed (Peraturan dan Panduan) pada bacaan Al-Quran. Sebutan huruf Arab adalah berdasarkan cara penyebutan tiap-tiap huruf dan ciri-ciri huruf tertentu. Dalam kertas ini, kami membina teknik pengenalan bibir dari isyarat video yang diperoleh daripada bacaan Al Quran oleh pakar-pakar untuk mengekstrak data pergerakan bibir ketika menyebut huruf Al-Quran yang betul. Data pergerakan bibir yang diekstrak daripada pembacaan oleh pakar membantu dalam mengkategorikan huruf kepada 5 kumpulan dan dalam menentukan bentuk akhir bibir. Kemudian, teknik ini diuji dengan pembaca awam dan kemudian bacaan mereka dibandingkan untuk pengesahan persamaan bacaan antara pembaca awam dan pembaca Al-Quran profesional. Sistem ini berjaya mengambil pergerakan bibir pengguna rawak dan melukis graf perbezaan sebutan mereka apabila dibandingkan dengan sebutan pakar. Jika pengguna telah tersilap menyebut sesuatu huruf, kesilapan akan ditunjukkan dan cara untuk penambahbaikan dicadangkan. Lebih ramai pengguna yang mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeza akan diuji dalam masa terdekat dan arahan maklum balas akan diberi. Teknik pembelajaran mesin akan dilaksanakan di peringkat seterusnya bagi penggunaan pembelajaran masa nyata

    Tajweed Rules Haptic Application with Sound for Visually Impaired People

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    Every Muslim in this world needs to read Quran as one of religion activities in Islam. Quran can be read in a book and even in digitalized form of Quran such as in mobile phones and also electronic type of Quran. However, blind people are unable to read Quran in book form and digitalized form. Therefore, this project aims to address the problems faced by blind people and partially impaired people to learn on how to recite Quran with right Tajweed which synchronizes audio and haptic. Interview session with blind people and partially impaired people will be done to determine what are the limitations and problems faced by them during reciting Quran. Respondents from Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) will be the main focus group for this project. Hence, this research study will discover ways to help blind people and partially impaired people to read Quran with right Tajweed and right pronunciation. This project is hoped to successfully help blind people and partially impaired people to teach and learn on how to recite Quran properly with the help of Braille Line 20 haptic and audio application

    Rule-based embedded HMMs phoneme classification to improve Qur’anic recitation recognition

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    Phoneme classification performance is a critical factor for the successful implementation of a speech recognition system. A mispronunciation of Arabic short vowels or long vowels can change the meaning of a complete sentence. However, correctly distinguishing phonemes with vowels in Quranic recitation (the Holy book of Muslims) is still a challenging problem even for state-of-the-art classification methods, where the duration of the phonemes is considered one of the important features in Quranic recitation, which is called Medd, which means that the phoneme lengthening is governed by strict rules. These features of recitation call for an additional classification of phonemes in Qur’anic recitation due to that the phonemes classification based on Arabic language characteristics is insufficient to recognize Tajweed rules, including the rules of Medd. This paper introduces a Rule-Based Phoneme Duration Algorithm to improve phoneme classification in Qur’anic recitation. The phonemes of the Qur’anic dataset contain 21 Ayats collected from 30 reciters and are carefully analyzed from a baseline HMM-based speech recognition model. Using the Hidden Markov Model with tied-state triphones, a set of phoneme classification models optimized based on duration is constructed and integrated into a Quranic phoneme classification method. The proposed algorithm achieved outstanding accuracy, ranging from 99.87% to 100% according to the Medd type. The obtained results of the proposed algorithm will contribute significantly to Qur’anic recitation recognition models

    Characteristics with opposite of quranic letters mispronunciation detection: a classifier-based approach

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    Reading Quran for non-Arab is a challenge due to different mother tongues. learning Quran face-to-face is considered time-consuming. The correct pronunciation of Makhraj and Sifaat are the two things that are considered difficult. In this paper, Sifaat evaluation system was developed, focusing on Sifaat with opposites for teaching the pronunciation of the Quranic letters. A classifier-based approach has been designed for evaluating the Sifaat with opposites, using machine learning technique; the k-nearest neighbour (KNN), the ensemble random undersampling (RUSBoosted), and the support vector machine (SVM). Five separated classifiers were designed to classify the Quranic letters according to group of Sifaat with opposites, where letters that are classified to the wrong groups are considered mispronounced. The paper started with identifying the acoustic features to represent each group of Sifaat. Then, the classification method was identified to be used with each group of Sifaat, where best models were selected relying on various metrics; accuracy, recall, precision, and F-score. Cross-validation scheme was then used to protect against overfitting and estimate an unbiased generalization performance. Various acoustic features and classification models were investigated, however, only the outperformed models are reported in this paper. The results showed a good performance for the five classification models