999 research outputs found

    Lmit and shakedown analysis based on solid shell models

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    The paper treats the formulation of the shakedown problem and, as special case, of the limit analysis problem, using solid shell models and ES-FEM discratization technology. In this proposal the Discrete shear gap method is applied to alleviate the shear locking phenomenon

    Petri Nets Modeling of Dead-End Refinement Problems in a 3D Anisotropic hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method

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    We consider two graph grammar based Petri nets models for anisotropic refinements of three dimensional hexahedral grids. The first one detects possible dead-end problems during the graph grammar based anisotropic refinements of the mesh. The second one employs an enhanced graph grammar model that is actually dead-end free. We apply the resulting algorithm to the simulation of resistivity logging measurements for estimating the location of underground oil and/or gas formations. The graph grammar based Petri net models allow to fix the self-adaptive mesh refinement algorithm and finish the adaptive computations with the required accuracy needed by the numerical solution

    Petri Nets Modeling of Dead-End Refinement Problems in a 3D Anisotropic hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method

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    We consider two graph grammar based Petri nets models for anisotropic refinements of three dimensional hexahedral grids. The first one detects possible dead-end problems during the graph grammar based anisotropic refinements of the mesh. The second one employs an enhanced graph grammar model that is actually dead-end free. We apply the resulting algorithm to the simulation of resistivity logging measurements for estimating the location of underground oil and/or gas formations. The graph grammar based Petri net models allow to fix the self-adaptive mesh refinement algorithm and finish the adaptive computations with the required accuracy needed by the numerical solution

    An agglomeration-based massively parallel non-overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioner for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods on polytopic grids

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    In this article we design and analyze a class of two-level non-overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioners for the solution of the linear system of equations stemming from discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of second-order elliptic partial differential equations on polytopic meshes. The preconditioner is based on a coarse space and a non-overlapping partition of the computational domain where local solvers are applied in parallel. In particular, the coarse space can potentially be chosen to be non-embedded with respect to the finer space; indeed it can be obtained from the fine grid by employing agglomeration and edge coarsening techniques. We investigate the dependence of the condition number of the preconditioned system with respect to the diffusion coefficient and the discretization parameters, i.e., the mesh size and the polynomial degree of the fine and coarse spaces. Numerical examples are presented which confirm the theoretical bounds

    Energy-based comparison between the Fourier--Galerkin method and the finite element method

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    The Fourier-Galerkin method (in short FFTH) has gained popularity in numerical homogenisation because it can treat problems with a huge number of degrees of freedom. Because the method incorporates the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in the linear solver, it is believed to provide an improvement in computational and memory requirements compared to the conventional finite element method (FEM). Here, we systematically compare these two methods using the energetic norm of local fields, which has the clear physical interpretation as being the error in the homogenised properties. This enables the comparison of memory and computational requirements at the same level of approximation accuracy. We show that the methods' effectiveness relies on the smoothness (regularity) of the solution and thus on the material coefficients. Thanks to its approximation properties, FEM outperforms FFTH for problems with jumps in material coefficients, while ambivalent results are observed for the case that the material coefficients vary continuously in space. FFTH profits from a good conditioning of the linear system, independent of the number of degrees of freedom, but generally needs more degrees of freedom to reach the same approximation accuracy. More studies are needed for other FFT-based schemes, non-linear problems, and dual problems (which require special treatment in FEM but not in FFTH).Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 2 table