7 research outputs found

    Arquitecturas distribuidas para gobierno electr贸nico

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    La inserci贸n de la tecnolog铆a en la sociedad, a trav茅s de una gran variedad de dispositivos, en especial los inal谩mbricos con alto poder de c贸mputo y comunicaci贸n, promueven cambios y desarrollos nuevos. La utilizaci贸n de sistemas de informaci贸n se incrementa d铆a a d铆a en organizaciones, empresas, agencias, usuarios, ciudadanos. El acceso a la informaci贸n se puede realizar desde diferentes locaciones y horarios. Este proyecto propone integrar los conceptos de arquitecturas, frameworks de desarrollo aplicados a sistemas distribuidos para aplicaciones de gobierno electr贸nico. Este tipo de aplicaciones requiere propiedades que son necesarias para alcanzar aceptaci贸n entre los diferentes usuarios.Eje: Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Arquitecturas distribuidas para gobierno electr贸nico

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    La inserci贸n de la tecnolog铆a en la sociedad, a trav茅s de una gran variedad de dispositivos, en especial los inal谩mbricos con alto poder de c贸mputo y comunicaci贸n, promueven cambios y desarrollos nuevos. La utilizaci贸n de sistemas de informaci贸n se incrementa d铆a a d铆a en organizaciones, empresas, agencias, usuarios, ciudadanos. El acceso a la informaci贸n se puede realizar desde diferentes locaciones y horarios. Este proyecto propone integrar los conceptos de arquitecturas, frameworks de desarrollo aplicados a sistemas distribuidos para aplicaciones de gobierno electr贸nico. Este tipo de aplicaciones requiere propiedades que son necesarias para alcanzar aceptaci贸n entre los diferentes usuarios.Eje: Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    The Case of the Mexican Mobile Government: Measurement and Examples

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    The mobile government has become a reality in a large majority of countries around the world. The use of apps to link government websites and information is a recent trend that is capturing citizens and public officials. The uses, advantages and disadvantages have recently become a study field for several scholars around the globe. The mobile government is not new for e-government scholars; however, the explosion of apps and the increase of smart phones have created a new trend in the mobile government field. In order to understand these phenomena in the Mexican society we have gathered data from different sources: government, companies and citizen organizations. Based on this information, we analyzed the impact of apps across the country and suggest a classification method that can be used for a better understanding of this new field. We finish with five small case studies, which we consider good examples to be followed by different government organizations. To accomplish this objective we divided this chapter into seven main sections: this first section is the introduction. The second section includes a literature review. The third section describes the method we suggest to classify the apps. The fourth section discusses the findings with the model application. The fifth section presents the case studies we suggest for government apps. The sixth section discusses future research on government apps. In the seventh section, we present some remarks and the conclusion of this topic

    Hybrid Hierarchical Architecture for Integration and Interoperability of a One-Stop E-Government Portal

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    The main function of a one-stop e-government portal is to provide single access point to various e-government services for its users. It needs an effective architecture for integration and interoperability between a one-stop e-government portal and related e-government services. However, due to heterogeneous e-government service platforms and bad e-government service organization, a one-stop e-government portal may fail to provide its main function effectively. This study proposes an architectural approach to improve integration and interoperability among one-stop e-government portal, e-government applications, and e-government services using a service component architecture. The evaluation shows that the proposed approach could be successfully implemented in a prototype of a one-stop e-government portal

    Ajuste cultural mediante la aceptaci贸n tecnol贸gica en un entorno tecnosocial

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    Currently in Colombia, the programs developed to facilitate citizens appropriation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concentrate efforts on to increasing and to improving the ICT infrastructure (hardware-software). This tendency might be observed in the results presented by the government about ICT politics which register the number of given computers, the increase on information transmission/reception speed or the number of Internet connections enabled in the country, among others. However, the access to the Information Society, the knowledge construction and the development of cognitive processes result to be non reachable complex phases with just having more technology. This work proposes the consideration of variables linked to the cultural environment of the regions and the knowledge of its relationships, with the purpose of having a key factor to predict the technological acceptance and its impact in the culture of the inhabitants. If the multidimensional complex culture is not considered to implement the ICT in the society, the digital gap will increasingly be bigger and it will increase the inequality in the education and in the use of the technological resources giving at the end a bigger social inequity and poverty