67 research outputs found

    Approximating Subadditive Hadamard Functions on Implicit Matrices

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    An important challenge in the streaming model is to maintain small-space approximations of entrywise functions performed on a matrix that is generated by the outer product of two vectors given as a stream. In other works, streams typically define matrices in a standard way via a sequence of updates, as in the work of Woodruff (2014) and others. We describe the matrix formed by the outer product, and other matrices that do not fall into this category, as implicit matrices. As such, we consider the general problem of computing over such implicit matrices with Hadamard functions, which are functions applied entrywise on a matrix. In this paper, we apply this generalization to provide new techniques for identifying independence between two vectors in the streaming model. The previous state of the art algorithm of Braverman and Ostrovsky (2010) gave a (1±ϵ)(1 \pm \epsilon)-approximation for the L1L_1 distance between the product and joint distributions, using space O(log1024(nm)ϵ1024)O(\log^{1024}(nm) \epsilon^{-1024}), where mm is the length of the stream and nn denotes the size of the universe from which stream elements are drawn. Our general techniques include the L1L_1 distance as a special case, and we give an improved space bound of O(log12(n)log2(nmϵ)ϵ7)O(\log^{12}(n) \log^{2}({nm \over \epsilon})\epsilon^{-7})

    Cryptography from Information Loss

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    © Marshall Ball, Elette Boyle, Akshay Degwekar, Apoorvaa Deshpande, Alon Rosen, Vinod. Reductions between problems, the mainstay of theoretical computer science, efficiently map an instance of one problem to an instance of another in such a way that solving the latter allows solving the former.1 The subject of this work is “lossy” reductions, where the reduction loses some information about the input instance. We show that such reductions, when they exist, have interesting and powerful consequences for lifting hardness into “useful” hardness, namely cryptography. Our first, conceptual, contribution is a definition of lossy reductions in the language of mutual information. Roughly speaking, our definition says that a reduction C is t-lossy if, for any distribution X over its inputs, the mutual information I(X; C(X)) ≤ t. Our treatment generalizes a variety of seemingly related but distinct notions such as worst-case to average-case reductions, randomized encodings (Ishai and Kushilevitz, FOCS 2000), homomorphic computations (Gentry, STOC 2009), and instance compression (Harnik and Naor, FOCS 2006). We then proceed to show several consequences of lossy reductions: 1. We say that a language L has an f-reduction to a language L0 for a Boolean function f if there is a (randomized) polynomial-time algorithm C that takes an m-tuple of strings X = (x1, . . ., xm), with each xi ∈ {0, 1}n, and outputs a string z such that with high probability, L0(z) = f(L(x1), L(x2), . . ., L(xm)) Suppose a language L has an f-reduction C to L0 that is t-lossy. Our first result is that one-way functions exist if L is worst-case hard and one of the following conditions holds: f is the OR function, t ≤ m/100, and L0 is the same as L f is the Majority function, and t ≤ m/100 f is the OR function, t ≤ O(m log n), and the reduction has no error This improves on the implications that follow from combining (Drucker, FOCS 2012) with (Ostrovsky and Wigderson, ISTCS 1993) that result in auxiliary-input one-way functions. 2. Our second result is about the stronger notion of t-compressing f-reductions – reductions that only output t bits. We show that if there is an average-case hard language L that has a t-compressing Majority reduction to some language for t = m/100, then there exist collision-resistant hash functions. This improves on the result of (Harnik and Naor, STOC 2006), whose starting point is a cryptographic primitive (namely, one-way functions) rather than average-case hardness, and whose assumption is a compressing OR-reduction of SAT (which is now known to be false unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses). Along the way, we define a non-standard one-sided notion of average-case hardness, which is the notion of hardness used in the second result above, that may be of independent interest

    Brief Announcement: Zero-Knowledge Protocols for Search Problems

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    We consider natural ways to extend the notion of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Proofs beyond decision problems. Specifically, we consider search problems, and define zero-knowledge proofs in this context as interactive protocols in which the prover can establish the correctness of a solution to a given instance without the verifier learning anything beyond the intended solution, even if it deviates from the protocol. The goal of this work is to initiate a study of Search Zero-Knowledge (search-ZK), the class of search problems for which such systems exist. This class trivially contains search problems where the validity of a solution can be efficiently verified (using a single message proof containing only the solution). A slightly less obvious, but still straightforward, way to obtain zero-knowledge proofs for search problems is to let the prover send a solution and prove in zero-knowledge that the instance-solution pair is valid. However, there may be other ways to obtain such zero-knowledge proofs, and they may be more advantageous. In fact, we prove that there are search problems for which the aforementioned approach fails, but still search zero-knowledge protocols exist. On the other hand, we show sufficient conditions for search problems under which some form of zero-knowledge can be obtained using the straightforward way

    Communication Complexity of Statistical Distance

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    We prove nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the randomized communication complexity of the following problem: Alice and Bob are each given a probability distribution over nn elements, and they wish to estimate within +-epsilon the statistical (total variation) distance between their distributions. For some range of parameters, there is up to a log(n) factor gap between the upper and lower bounds, and we identify a barrier to using information complexity techniques to improve the lower bound in this case. We also prove a side result that we discovered along the way: the randomized communication complexity of n-bit Majority composed with n-bit Greater-Than is Theta(n log n)

    Nondeterministic Interactive Refutations for Nearest Boolean Vector

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    Most n-dimensional subspaces ? of ?^m are ?(?m)-far from the Boolean cube {-1, 1}^m when n 0. How hard is it to certify that the Nearest Boolean Vector (NBV) is at least ? ?m far from a given random ?? Certifying NBV instances is relevant to the computational complexity of approximating the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Hamiltonian, i.e. maximizing x^TAx over the Boolean cube for a matrix A sampled from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble. The connection was discovered by Mohanty, Raghavendra, and Xu (STOC 2020). Improving on their work, Ghosh, Jeronimo, Jones, Potechin, and Rajendran (FOCS 2020) showed that certification is not possible in the sum-of-squares framework when m ? n^1.5, even with distance ? = 0. We present a non-deterministic interactive certification algorithm for NBV when m ? n log n and ? ? 1/mn^1.5. The algorithm is obtained by adapting a public-key encryption scheme of Ajtai and Dwork

    Placing Conditional Disclosure of Secrets in the Communication Complexity Universe

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    In the conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) problem (Gertner et al., J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2000) Alice and Bob, who hold n-bit inputs x and y respectively, wish to release a common secret z to Carol (who knows both x and y) if and only if the input (x,y) satisfies some predefined predicate f. Alice and Bob are allowed to send a single message to Carol which may depend on their inputs and some shared randomness, and the goal is to minimize the communication complexity while providing information-theoretic security. Despite the growing interest in this model, very few lower-bounds are known. In this paper, we relate the CDS complexity of a predicate f to its communication complexity under various communication games. For several basic predicates our results yield tight, or almost tight, lower-bounds of Omega(n) or Omega(n^{1-epsilon}), providing an exponential improvement over previous logarithmic lower-bounds. We also define new communication complexity classes that correspond to different variants of the CDS model and study the relations between them and their complements. Notably, we show that allowing for imperfect correctness can significantly reduce communication - a seemingly new phenomenon in the context of information-theoretic cryptography. Finally, our results show that proving explicit super-logarithmic lower-bounds for imperfect CDS protocols is a necessary step towards proving explicit lower-bounds against the class AM, or even AM cap coAM - a well known open problem in the theory of communication complexity. Thus imperfect CDS forms a new minimal class which is placed just beyond the boundaries of the "civilized" part of the communication complexity world for which explicit lower-bounds are known