4 research outputs found

    Low-voltage Low-power Bulk-driven CMOS Op-Amp Using Negative Miller Compensation for ECG

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    Two bulk-driven CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) operational amplifier (op-amp) designs for electrocardiogram (ECG) application are presented and compared in this paper. Both op-amps are based on two-stage amplification, where bulk-driven differential input is the first stage, while additional DC gain is the second stage. Different compensation techniques were integrated in each op-amp design. Standard Miller compensation was used for the first op-amp parallel with the second stage. The novelty of the second op-amp is that it utilizes negative Miller compensation between the bulk-driven input node and the output node of the first stag, while standard Miller compensation was used in the second stage. The purpose of this work was to compare DC gain, phase margin (PM) and unit gain frequency (UGF) obtained through different simulated compensation strategies and test results. The op-amps were simulated using 0.25 μm CMOS technology. The simulation results are presented using the standard model libraries from Tanner EDA tools, operating on a single rail +0.8V power supply

    Low-voltage Low-power Bulk-driven CMOS Op-Amp Using Negative Miller Compensation for ECG

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    Two bulk-driven CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) operational amplifier (op-amp) designs for electrocardiogram (ECG) application are presented and compared in this paper. Both op-amps are based on two-stage amplification, where bulk-driven differential input is the first stage, while additional DC gain is the second stage. Different compensation techniques were integrated in each op-amp design. Standard Miller compensation was used for the first op-amp parallel with the second stage. The novelty of the second op-amp is that it utilizes negative Miller compensation between the bulk-driven input node and the output node of the first stag, while standard Miller compensation was used in the second stage. The purpose of this work was to compare DC gain, phase margin (PM) and unit gain frequency (UGF) obtained through different simulated compensation strategies and test results. The op-amps were simulated using 0.25 μm CMOS technology. The simulation results are presented using the standard model libraries from Tanner EDA tools, operating on a single rail +0.8V power supply

    A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Ultra-Low-Power Radios

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    The increasing need of digital signal processing for telecommunication and multimedia applications, implemented in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, creates the necessity for high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Based on the sampling frequency, ADCs are of two types: Nyquist-rate converters and oversampling converters. Oversampling converters are preferred for low-bandwidth applications such as audio and instrumentation because they provide inherently high resolution when coupled with proper noise shaping. This allows to push noise out of signal band, thus increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Continuous time delta-sigma ADCs are becoming more popular than discrete-time ADCs primarily because of inherent anti-aliasing filtering, reduced settling time and low-power consumption. In this thesis, a 2nd-order 4-bits continuous-time (CT) delta-sigma modulator (DSM) for radio applications is designed. It employs a 2nd-order loop filter with a single operational amplifier. Implemented in a 65-nanometer CMOS technology, the modulator runs on a 0.8-V supply and achieves a SNR of 70dB over a 500-kHz signal bandwidth. The modulator operates with an oversampling ratio (OSR) of 16 and a sampling frequency of 16MHz. In the first chapter the principles of ΔΣ modulators are analysed, introducing the differences between discrete-time (DT) modulators and continuous-time (CT) modulators. In the next chapter the techniques to design a ΔΣ modulators for ultra-low-power radios are presented. The third chapter talks over the design of the operational amplifier, which appears inside the loop filter. In the fourth chapter the performance of the complete ΔΣ modulator, which employs a flash quantizer, is shown. Finally, in the last chapter, a performance analysis is carried out replacing the flash quantizer with an asynchronous SAR quantizer. The analysis shows that a further reduction of the quantizer power consumption of about 40% is possible. The conjunction of this replacement with the power-saving technique implemented in the loop filter appears relevant

    A Compensation Technique for Two-Stage Differential OTAs

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    In this paper a frequency compensation method for operational transconductance amplifiers is proposed, which poses no power overhead compared to Miller compensation, while improving the 3dB bandwidth, the unity gain frequency and the slew rate. The technique employees positive feedback to introduce an extra left half plane zero to cancel a pole.The phase margin shows good robustness against process and temperature variations. The proposed technique poses no design constraints on the transconductance or capacitor values which makes it attractive for low power applications with low area overhead