4 research outputs found

    Java Special Feature: Multithreading

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    Abstract Multithreading is the most crucial feature of the java. In real world parallel processing is needed to perform multiple tasks at the same time for the purpose of resource management and time management. This goal generates an urgent need for multithreading. In this paper first, we show the importance of multithreading in java and then implementation of threads in java

    Language independent modelling of parallelism

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    To make programs work in parallel contexts without any hazards, programming languages require changes to their structures and compilers. One of the most complicated parts is memory models and how programming languages deal with memory interactions. Different processors provide a different level of safety guarantees (i.e. ARM provides relaxed whereas Intel provides strong guarantees). On the other hand, different programming languages provide different structures for parallel computation and have individual protocols for communicating with parallel processes. Unfortunately, no specific choice is best in all situations. This thesis focuses on memory models of various programming languages and processors highlighting some positive and negative features from the point of view of programmability, performance and portability. In order to give some evidence of problems and performance bottlenecks, some small programs have been developed. This thesis also concentrates on incorrect behaviors, especially on data race conditions in programs, providing suggestions on how to avoid them. Also, some litmus tests on systems featuring different vendors' processors were performed to observe data races on each system. Nowadays programming paradigms also became a big issue. Some of the programming styles support observable non-determinism which is the main reason for incorrect behavior in programs. In this thesis, different programming models are also discussed based on the current state of the available research. Also, the imperative and functional paradigms in different contexts are compared. Finally, a mathematical problem was solved using two different paradigms to provide some practical evidence of the theory

    Techniques for Implementing Concurrent Exceptions in C++

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    In recent years, concurrent programming has become more and more important. Multi-core processors and distributed programming allow the use of real-world parallelism for increased computing power. Graphical user interfaces in modern applications benefit from concurrency which allows them to stay responsive in all situations. Concurrency support has been added to many programming languages, libraries and frameworks. While exceptions are widely used in sequential programming, many concurrent programming languages and libraries provide little or no support for concurrent exception handling. This is also true for the C++ programming language, which is widely used in the industry for system programming, mobile and embedded applications, as well as high-performance computing, server and traditional desktop applications. The 2003 version of the C++ standard provides no support for concurrency, and the new C++11 standard only supports thread-based concurrency in a shared address space. Procedure and method calls across address space boundaries require support for serialisation. Such C++ libraries exist for serialisation of parameters and return values, but serialisation of exceptions is more complicated. Types of passed exceptions are not known at compile-time, and the exceptions may be thrown by third-party code. Concurrency also complicates exception handling itself. It makes it possible for several exceptions to be thrown concurrently and end up in the same process. This scenario is not supported in most current programming languages, especially C++. This thesis analyses problems in concurrent exception handling and presents mechanisms for solving them. The solution includes automatic serialisation of C++ exceptions for RPC, and exception reduction, future groups and compound exceptions for concurrent exception handling. The usability and performance of the mechanisms are measured and discussed using a use case application. Mechanisms for concurrent exception handling are provided using a library approach (i.e., without extending the language itself). Template metaprogramming is used in the solutions to automate mechanisms as much as possible. Solutions to the problems given in this thesis can be used in other programming languages as well

    A comparison of the concurrency features of Ada 95 and Java

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