34 research outputs found

    Cluster-Based Load Balancing Algorithms for Grids

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    E-science applications may require huge amounts of data and high processing power where grid infrastructures are very suitable for meeting these requirements. The load distribution in a grid may vary leading to the bottlenecks and overloaded sites. We describe a hierarchical dynamic load balancing protocol for Grids. The Grid consists of clusters and each cluster is represented by a coordinator. Each coordinator first attempts to balance the load in its cluster and if this fails, communicates with the other coordinators to perform transfer or reception of load. This process is repeated periodically. We analyze the correctness, performance and scalability of the proposed protocol and show from the simulation results that our algorithm balances the load by decreasing the number of high loaded nodes in a grid environment.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; International Journal of Computer Networks, volume3, number 5, 201

    A Matrix-Analytic Solution for Randomized Load Balancing Models with Phase-Type Service Times

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    In this paper, we provide a matrix-analytic solution for randomized load balancing models (also known as \emph{supermarket models}) with phase-type (PH) service times. Generalizing the service times to the phase-type distribution makes the analysis of the supermarket models more difficult and challenging than that of the exponential service time case which has been extensively discussed in the literature. We first describe the supermarket model as a system of differential vector equations, and provide a doubly exponential solution to the fixed point of the system of differential vector equations. Then we analyze the exponential convergence of the current location of the supermarket model to its fixed point. Finally, we present numerical examples to illustrate our approach and show its effectiveness in analyzing the randomized load balancing schemes with non-exponential service requirements.Comment: 24 page

    Алгоритми балансування навантаження в Грід-системах

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    Проведено аналіз стратегій балансування навантаження в Грід-системах та порівняльний аналіз наявних алгоритмів розподілу потоку завдань між обчислювальними ресурсами Грід-середовища.Проведен анализ стратегий балансирования нагрузки в Грид-системах и сравнительный анализ имеющихся алгоритмов распределения потока заданий между вычислительными ресурсами Грид-среды.The analysis of strategies of balancing load in the Grid-systems and comparative analysis of existing algorithms of the distribution of flow of the tasks between computing resources of a Grid environment are shown

    Алгоритмы балансирования нагрузки в Грид-системах

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    Проведено аналіз стратегій балансування навантаження в Грід-системах та порівняльний аналіз наявних алгоритмів розподілу потоку завдань між обчислювальними ресурсами Грід-середовища.The analysis of strategies of balancing load in the Grid-systems and comparative analysis of existing algorithms of the distribution of flow of the tasks between computing resources of a Grid environment are shown.Проведен анализ стратегий балансирования нагрузки в Грид-системах и сравнительный анализ имеющихся алгоритмов распределения потока заданий между вычислительными ресурсами Грид-среды

    Doubly Exponential Solution for Randomized Load Balancing Models with General Service Times

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    In this paper, we provide a novel and simple approach to study the supermarket model with general service times. This approach is based on the supplementary variable method used in analyzing stochastic models extensively. We organize an infinite-size system of integral-differential equations by means of the density dependent jump Markov process, and obtain a close-form solution: doubly exponential structure, for the fixed point satisfying the system of nonlinear equations, which is always a key in the study of supermarket models. The fixed point is decomposited into two groups of information under a product form: the arrival information and the service information. based on this, we indicate two important observations: the fixed point for the supermarket model is different from the tail of stationary queue length distribution for the ordinary M/G/1 queue, and the doubly exponential solution to the fixed point can extensively exist even if the service time distribution is heavy-tailed. Furthermore, we analyze the exponential convergence of the current location of the supermarket model to its fixed point, and study the Lipschitz condition in the Kurtz Theorem under general service times. Based on these analysis, one can gain a new understanding how workload probing can help in load balancing jobs with general service times such as heavy-tailed service.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure

    An Efficient Diffusion Load Balancing Algorithm in Distributed System

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    A Physical Particle and Plane Framework for Load Balancing in Multiprocessors

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    Different models for load balancing have been proposed before, each of which has its own features and advantages when considered for a specific scenario. Yet, nearly all of the existing techniques have assumed an oversimplified model of the system which is often not the case of the real world. In this paper, a new gradient based algorithm for dynamic load balancing on multiprocessors is proposed. This algorithm is an analogy of a classical physical model of a Particle & Plane system which operates based on the classic laws of physics dictated by the nature. 1

    Una clasificación general de las estrategias de distribución de carga

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    Recientemente la computación distribuida sobre estaciones de trabajo se ha convertido en una alternativa barata y efectiva para hacer frente a la performance ofrecida por las supercomputadoras. Estos sistemas construidos con hardware estándar de producción masiva se encuentran ampliamente disponibles tanto en ambientes académicos como industriales, sin embargo para lograr explotar al máximo su potencial se vuelve necesaria la presencia de un algoritmo de distribución de carga efectivo. Diferentes tipos de aplicaciones y entornos de cómputo requieren diferentes algoritmos de distribución de carga, es entonces indispensable contar con una clasificación que provea la terminología necesaria y una metodología de comparación eficaz y útil para comparar y elegir la mejor estrategia aplicable al entorno subyacente. En este trabajo se propone una nueva y m´as general clasificación de las estrategias de distribución de carga. Además se presentan ejemplos que verifican su funcionamiento y utilidad para la creación de nuevos enfoques.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI