4,800 research outputs found

    Naive Bayes and Exemplar-Based approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation Revisited

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    This paper describes an experimental comparison between two standard supervised learning methods, namely Naive Bayes and Exemplar-based classification, on the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) problem. The aim of the work is twofold. Firstly, it attempts to contribute to clarify some confusing information about the comparison between both methods appearing in the related literature. In doing so, several directions have been explored, including: testing several modifications of the basic learning algorithms and varying the feature space. Secondly, an improvement of both algorithms is proposed, in order to deal with large attribute sets. This modification, which basically consists in using only the positive information appearing in the examples, allows to improve greatly the efficiency of the methods, with no loss in accuracy. The experiments have been performed on the largest sense-tagged corpus available containing the most frequent and ambiguous English words. Results show that the Exemplar-based approach to WSD is generally superior to the Bayesian approach, especially when a specific metric for dealing with symbolic attributes is used.Comment: 5 page

    Boosting Applied to Word Sense Disambiguation

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    In this paper Schapire and Singer's AdaBoost.MH boosting algorithm is applied to the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) problem. Initial experiments on a set of 15 selected polysemous words show that the boosting approach surpasses Naive Bayes and Exemplar-based approaches, which represent state-of-the-art accuracy on supervised WSD. In order to make boosting practical for a real learning domain of thousands of words, several ways of accelerating the algorithm by reducing the feature space are studied. The best variant, which we call LazyBoosting, is tested on the largest sense-tagged corpus available containing 192,800 examples of the 191 most frequent and ambiguous English words. Again, boosting compares favourably to the other benchmark algorithms.Comment: 12 page

    Combined optimization of feature selection and algorithm parameters in machine learning of language

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    Comparative machine learning experiments have become an important methodology in empirical approaches to natural language processing (i) to investigate which machine learning algorithms have the 'right bias' to solve specific natural language processing tasks, and (ii) to investigate which sources of information add to accuracy in a learning approach. Using automatic word sense disambiguation as an example task, we show that with the methodology currently used in comparative machine learning experiments, the results may often not be reliable because of the role of and interaction between feature selection and algorithm parameter optimization. We propose genetic algorithms as a practical approach to achieve both higher accuracy within a single approach, and more reliable comparisons

    Adjusting Sense Representations for Word Sense Disambiguation and Automatic Pun Interpretation

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    Word sense disambiguation (WSD)—the task of determining which meaning a word carries in a particular context—is a core research problem in computational linguistics. Though it has long been recognized that supervised (machine learning–based) approaches to WSD can yield impressive results, they require an amount of manually annotated training data that is often too expensive or impractical to obtain. This is a particular problem for under-resourced languages and domains, and is also a hurdle in well-resourced languages when processing the sort of lexical-semantic anomalies employed for deliberate effect in humour and wordplay. In contrast to supervised systems are knowledge-based techniques, which rely only on pre-existing lexical-semantic resources (LSRs). These techniques are of more general applicability but tend to suffer from lower performance due to the informational gap between the target word's context and the sense descriptions provided by the LSR. This dissertation is concerned with extending the efficacy and applicability of knowledge-based word sense disambiguation. First, we investigate two approaches for bridging the information gap and thereby improving the performance of knowledge-based WSD. In the first approach we supplement the word's context and the LSR's sense descriptions with entries from a distributional thesaurus. The second approach enriches an LSR's sense information by aligning it to other, complementary LSRs. Our next main contribution is to adapt techniques from word sense disambiguation to a novel task: the interpretation of puns. Traditional NLP applications, including WSD, usually treat the source text as carrying a single meaning, and therefore cannot cope with the intentionally ambiguous constructions found in humour and wordplay. We describe how algorithms and evaluation methodologies from traditional word sense disambiguation can be adapted for the "disambiguation" of puns, or rather for the identification of their double meanings. Finally, we cover the design and construction of technological and linguistic resources aimed at supporting the research and application of word sense disambiguation. Development and comparison of WSD systems has long been hampered by a lack of standardized data formats, language resources, software components, and workflows. To address this issue, we designed and implemented a modular, extensible framework for WSD. It implements, encapsulates, and aggregates reusable, interoperable components using UIMA, an industry-standard information processing architecture. We have also produced two large sense-annotated data sets for under-resourced languages or domains: one of these targets German-language text, and the other English-language puns
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