3,830 research outputs found

    Differential evolution with an evolution path: a DEEP evolutionary algorithm

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    Utilizing cumulative correlation information already existing in an evolutionary process, this paper proposes a predictive approach to the reproduction mechanism of new individuals for differential evolution (DE) algorithms. DE uses a distributed model (DM) to generate new individuals, which is relatively explorative, whilst evolution strategy (ES) uses a centralized model (CM) to generate offspring, which through adaptation retains a convergence momentum. This paper adopts a key feature in the CM of a covariance matrix adaptation ES, the cumulatively learned evolution path (EP), to formulate a new evolutionary algorithm (EA) framework, termed DEEP, standing for DE with an EP. Without mechanistically combining two CM and DM based algorithms together, the DEEP framework offers advantages of both a DM and a CM and hence substantially enhances performance. Under this architecture, a self-adaptation mechanism can be built inherently in a DEEP algorithm, easing the task of predetermining algorithm control parameters. Two DEEP variants are developed and illustrated in the paper. Experiments on the CEC'13 test suites and two practical problems demonstrate that the DEEP algorithms offer promising results, compared with the original DEs and other relevant state-of-the-art EAs

    KL-based Control of the Learning Schedule for Surrogate Black-Box Optimization

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    This paper investigates the control of an ML component within the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) devoted to black-box optimization. The known CMA-ES weakness is its sample complexity, the number of evaluations of the objective function needed to approximate the global optimum. This weakness is commonly addressed through surrogate optimization, learning an estimate of the objective function a.k.a. surrogate model, and replacing most evaluations of the true objective function with the (inexpensive) evaluation of the surrogate model. This paper presents a principled control of the learning schedule (when to relearn the surrogate model), based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the current search distribution and the training distribution of the former surrogate model. The experimental validation of the proposed approach shows significant performance gains on a comprehensive set of ill-conditioned benchmark problems, compared to the best state of the art including the quasi-Newton high-precision BFGS method

    Online Selection of CMA-ES Variants

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    In the field of evolutionary computation, one of the most challenging topics is algorithm selection. Knowing which heuristics to use for which optimization problem is key to obtaining high-quality solutions. We aim to extend this research topic by taking a first step towards a selection method for adaptive CMA-ES algorithms. We build upon the theoretical work done by van Rijn \textit{et al.} [PPSN'18], in which the potential of switching between different CMA-ES variants was quantified in the context of a modular CMA-ES framework. We demonstrate in this work that their proposed approach is not very reliable, in that implementing the suggested adaptive configurations does not yield the predicted performance gains. We propose a revised approach, which results in a more robust fit between predicted and actual performance. The adaptive CMA-ES approach obtains performance gains on 18 out of 24 tested functions of the BBOB benchmark, with stable advantages of up to 23\%. An analysis of module activation indicates which modules are most crucial for the different phases of optimizing each of the 24 benchmark problems. The module activation also suggests that additional gains are possible when including the (B)IPOP modules, which we have excluded for this present work.Comment: To appear at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'19) Appendix will be added in due tim

    A hybrid swarm-based algorithm for single-objective optimization problems involving high-cost analyses

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    In many technical fields, single-objective optimization procedures in continuous domains involve expensive numerical simulations. In this context, an improvement of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, called the Artificial super-Bee enhanced Colony (AsBeC), is presented. AsBeC is designed to provide fast convergence speed, high solution accuracy and robust performance over a wide range of problems. It implements enhancements of the ABC structure and hybridizations with interpolation strategies. The latter are inspired by the quadratic trust region approach for local investigation and by an efficient global optimizer for separable problems. Each modification and their combined effects are studied with appropriate metrics on a numerical benchmark, which is also used for comparing AsBeC with some effective ABC variants and other derivative-free algorithms. In addition, the presented algorithm is validated on two recent benchmarks adopted for competitions in international conferences. Results show remarkable competitiveness and robustness for AsBeC.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Springer Swarm Intelligenc

    The SOS Platform: Designing, Tuning and Statistically Benchmarking Optimisation Algorithms

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    open access articleWe present Stochastic Optimisation Software (SOS), a Java platform facilitating the algorithmic design process and the evaluation of metaheuristic optimisation algorithms. SOS reduces the burden of coding miscellaneous methods for dealing with several bothersome and time-demanding tasks such as parameter tuning, implementation of comparison algorithms and testbed problems, collecting and processing data to display results, measuring algorithmic overhead, etc. SOS provides numerous off-the-shelf methods including: (1) customised implementations of statistical tests, such as the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the Holm–Bonferroni procedure, for comparing the performances of optimisation algorithms and automatically generating result tables in PDF and formats; (2) the implementation of an original advanced statistical routine for accurately comparing couples of stochastic optimisation algorithms; (3) the implementation of a novel testbed suite for continuous optimisation, derived from the IEEE CEC 2014 benchmark, allowing for controlled activation of the rotation on each testbed function. Moreover, we briefly comment on the current state of the literature in stochastic optimisation and highlight similarities shared by modern metaheuristics inspired by nature. We argue that the vast majority of these algorithms are simply a reformulation of the same methods and that metaheuristics for optimisation should be simply treated as stochastic processes with less emphasis on the inspiring metaphor behind them

    Linear Convergence of Comparison-based Step-size Adaptive Randomized Search via Stability of Markov Chains

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    In this paper, we consider comparison-based adaptive stochastic algorithms for solving numerical optimisation problems. We consider a specific subclass of algorithms that we call comparison-based step-size adaptive randomized search (CB-SARS), where the state variables at a given iteration are a vector of the search space and a positive parameter, the step-size, typically controlling the overall standard deviation of the underlying search distribution.We investigate the linear convergence of CB-SARS on\emph{scaling-invariant} objective functions. Scaling-invariantfunctions preserve the ordering of points with respect to their functionvalue when the points are scaled with the same positive parameter (thescaling is done w.r.t. a fixed reference point). This class offunctions includes norms composed with strictly increasing functions aswell as many non quasi-convex and non-continuousfunctions. On scaling-invariant functions, we show the existence of ahomogeneous Markov chain, as a consequence of natural invarianceproperties of CB-SARS (essentially scale-invariance and invariance tostrictly increasing transformation of the objective function). We thenderive sufficient conditions for \emph{global linear convergence} ofCB-SARS, expressed in terms of different stability conditions of thenormalised homogeneous Markov chain (irreducibility, positivity, Harrisrecurrence, geometric ergodicity) and thus define a general methodologyfor proving global linear convergence of CB-SARS algorithms onscaling-invariant functions. As a by-product we provide aconnexion between comparison-based adaptive stochasticalgorithms and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms.Comment: SIAM Journal on Optimization, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 201
