8,567 research outputs found

    Sometimes less is more : Romanian word sense disambiguation revisited

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    Recent approaches to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) generally fall into two classes: (1) information-intensive approaches and (2) information-poor approaches. Our hypothesis is that for memory-based learning (MBL), a reduced amount of data is more beneficial than the full range of features used in the past. Our experiments show that MBL combined with a restricted set of features and a feature selection method that minimizes the feature set leads to competitive results, outperforming all systems that participated in the SENSEVAL-3 competition on the Romanian data. Thus, with this specific method, a tightly controlled feature set improves the accuracy of the classifier, reaching 74.0% in the fine-grained and 78.7% in the coarse-grained evaluation

    Using a Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution

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    This paper presents the use of probabilistic class-based lexica for disambiguation in target-word selection. Our method employs minimal but precise contextual information for disambiguation. That is, only information provided by the target-verb, enriched by the condensed information of a probabilistic class-based lexicon, is used. Induction of classes and fine-tuning to verbal arguments is done in an unsupervised manner by EM-based clustering techniques. The method shows promising results in an evaluation on real-world translations.Comment: 7 pages, uses colacl.st

    Word sense disambiguation criteria: a systematic study

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    This article describes the results of a systematic in-depth study of the criteria used for word sense disambiguation. Our study is based on 60 target words: 20 nouns, 20 adjectives and 20 verbs. Our results are not always in line with some practices in the field. For example, we show that omitting non-content words decreases performance and that bigrams yield better results than unigrams

    Extending, trimming and fusing WordNet for technical documents

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    This paper describes a tool for the automatic extension and trimming of a multilingual WordNet database for cross-lingual retrieval and multilingual ontology building in intranets and domain-specific document collections. Hierarchies, built from automatically extracted terms and combined with the WordNet relations, are trimmed with a disambiguation method based on the document salience of the words in the glosses. The disambiguation is tested in a cross-lingual retrieval task, showing considerable improvement (7%-11%). The condensed hierarchies can be used as browse-interfaces to the documents complementary to retrieval

    Enriching very large ontologies using the WWW

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    This paper explores the possibility to exploit text on the world wide web in order to enrich the concepts in existing ontologies. First, a method to retrieve documents from the WWW related to a concept is described. These document collections are used 1) to construct topic signatures (lists of topically related words) for each concept in WordNet, and 2) to build hierarchical clusters of the concepts (the word senses) that lexicalize a given word. The overall goal is to overcome two shortcomings of WordNet: the lack of topical links among concepts, and the proliferation of senses. Topic signatures are validated on a word sense disambiguation task with good results, which are improved when the hierarchical clusters are used.Comment: 6 page

    Dependency relations as source context in phrase-based SMT

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    The Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) model has recently begun to include source context modeling, under the assumption that the proper lexical choice of an ambiguous word can be determined from the context in which it appears. Various types of lexical and syntactic features such as words, parts-of-speech, and supertags have been explored as effective source context in SMT. In this paper, we show that position-independent syntactic dependency relations of the head of a source phrase can be modeled as useful source context to improve target phrase selection and thereby improve overall performance of PB-SMT. On a Dutch—English translation task, by combining dependency relations and syntactic contextual features (part-of-speech), we achieved a 1.0 BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) point improvement (3.1% relative) over the baseline

    Integrating Weakly Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation into Neural Machine Translation

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    This paper demonstrates that word sense disambiguation (WSD) can improve neural machine translation (NMT) by widening the source context considered when modeling the senses of potentially ambiguous words. We first introduce three adaptive clustering algorithms for WSD, based on k-means, Chinese restaurant processes, and random walks, which are then applied to large word contexts represented in a low-rank space and evaluated on SemEval shared-task data. We then learn word vectors jointly with sense vectors defined by our best WSD method, within a state-of-the-art NMT system. We show that the concatenation of these vectors, and the use of a sense selection mechanism based on the weighted average of sense vectors, outperforms several baselines including sense-aware ones. This is demonstrated by translation on five language pairs. The improvements are above one BLEU point over strong NMT baselines, +4% accuracy over all ambiguous nouns and verbs, or +20% when scored manually over several challenging words.Comment: To appear in TAC
