21 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Transient Stability of DFIG Based Variable Speed Wind Generator Using Diode-bridge-type Non-superconducting Fault Current Limiter and Resistive Solid State Fault Current Limiter

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    The application of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is very effective in the fast-growing wind generator (WG) market. The foremost concern for the DFIG based WG system is to maintain the transient stability during fault, as the stator of the DFIG is directly connected to the grid. Therefore, transient stability enhancement of the DFIG is very important. In this work, a diode-bridge-type nonsuperconducting fault current limiter (NSFCL) and resistive solid-state fault current limiter (R-type SSFCL) are examined to augment the transient stability of the DFIG based WG system.In simulations, temporary balanced and unbalanced faults were applied in the test system to investigate the proposed NSFCL and the R-type SSFCL transient stability performance. Besides a DC resistive superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL), bridge-type fault current limiter (BFCL) and series dynamic braking resistor (SDBR) are also considered to compare their performance with the proposed NSFCL and R-type SSFCL. These simulations were performed with Matlab/Simulink software. Simulation results clearly indicate that the NSFCL and R-type SSFCL enhances the transient stability of the DFIG based WG. Moreover, the NSFCL works better than the DC resistive SFCL, BFCL and SDBR in every aspect and R-type SSFCL works better than the SDBR in all aspect

    Power Quality Improvement and Low Voltage Ride through Capability in Hybrid Wind-PV Farms Grid-Connected Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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    © 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.This paper proposes the application of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) to enhance the power quality and improve the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of a three-phase medium-voltage network connected to a hybrid distribution generation system. In this system, the photovoltaic (PV) plant and the wind turbine generator (WTG) are connected to the same point of common coupling (PCC) with a sensitive load. The WTG consists of a DFIG generator connected to the network via a step-up transformer. The PV system is connected to the PCC via a two-stage energy conversion (dc-dc converter and dc-ac inverter). This topology allows, first, the extraction of maximum power based on the incremental inductance technique. Second, it allows the connection of the PV system to the public grid through a step-up transformer. In addition, the DVR based on fuzzy logic controller is connected to the same PCC. Different fault condition scenarios are tested for improving the efficiency and the quality of the power supply and compliance with the requirements of the LVRT grid code. The results of the LVRT capability, voltage stability, active power, reactive power, injected current, and dc link voltage, speed of turbine, and power factor at the PCC are presented with and without the contribution of the DVR system.Peer reviewe

    Analysis and Modeling of Advanced Power Control and Protection Requirements for Integrating Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grid,

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    Attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are promising with the recent dramatic increase of installed renewable energy sources (RES) capacity. Integration of large intermittent renewable resources affects smart grid systems in several significant ways, such as transient and voltage stability, existing protection scheme, and power leveling and energy balancing. To protect the grid from threats related to these issues, utilities impose rigorous technical requirements, more importantly, focusing on fault ride through requirements and active/reactive power responses following disturbances. This dissertation is aimed at developing and verifying the advanced and algorithmic methods for specification of protection schemes, reactive power capability and power control requirements for interconnection of the RESs to the smart grid systems. The first findings of this dissertation verified that the integration of large RESs become more promising from the energy-saving, and downsizing perspective by introducing a resistive superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) as a self-healing equipment. The proposed SFCL decreased the activation of the conventional control scheme for the wind power plant (WPP), such as dc braking chopper and fast pitch angle control systems, thereby increased the reliability of the system. A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) has been proposed to assist with the uninterrupted operation of the doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs)-based WTs during grid disturbances. The key motivation of this study was to design a new computational intelligence technique based on a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP), for the online coordinated reactive power control between the DFIG and the STATCOM in order to improve the low voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability of the WT during the fault, and to smooth low-frequency oscillations of the active power during the recovery. Furthermore, the application of a three-phase single-stage module-integrated converter (MIC) incorporated into a grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system was investigated in this dissertation. A new current control scheme based on multivariable PI controller, with a faster dynamic and superior axis decoupling capability compared with the conventional PI control method, was developed and experimentally evaluated for three-phase PV MIC system. Finally, a study was conducted based on the framework of stochastic game theory to enable a power system to dynamically survive concurrent severe multi-failure events, before such failures turn into a full blown cascading failure. This effort provides reliable strategies in the form of insightful guidelines on how to deploy limited budgets for protecting critical components of the smart grid systems

    Efficient low-voltage ride-through nonlinear backstepping control strategy for PMSG-based wind turbine during the grid faults

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    This paper presents a new nonlinear backstepping controller for a direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator-based wind turbine, which is connected to the power system via back-to-back converters. The proposed controller deals with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in normal condition and enhances the low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability in fault conditions. In this method, to improve LVRT capability, machine-side converter controls dc-link voltage and MPPT is performed by grid side converter. Hence, PMSG output power is reduced very fast and dc-link voltage variation is reduced.  Due to nonlinear relationship between dc-link voltage and controller input, nonlinear backstepping controller has good performances. By applying the proposed controller, dc-link overvoltage is significantly decreased. The proposed controller has good performance in comparison with Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and Sliding Mode Controller (SMC). In asymmetrical faults, to decrease grid side active power oscillations, the nonlinear backstepping dual-current controller is designed for positive- and negative- sequence components. The simulation results confirm that the proposed controller is efficient in different conditions

    Large Grid-Connected Wind Turbines

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    This book covers the technological progress and developments of a large-scale wind energy conversion system along with its future trends, with each chapter constituting a contribution by a different leader in the wind energy arena. Recent developments in wind energy conversion systems, system optimization, stability augmentation, power smoothing, and many other fascinating topics are included in this book. Chapters are supported through modeling, control, and simulation analysis. This book contains both technical and review articles

    Dynamic Phasor Modeling of Type 3 Wind Farm including Multi-mass and LVRT Effects

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    The proportion of power attributable to wind generation has grown significantly in the last two decades. System impact studies such as load flow studies and short circuit studies, are important for planning before integration of any new wind generation into the existing power grid. Short circuit modelling is central in these planning studies to determine protective relay settings, protection coordination, and equipment ratings. Numerous factors, such as low voltage situations, power electronic switching, control actions, sub-synchronous oscillations, etc., influence the response of wind farms to short circuit conditions, and that makes short circuit modelling of wind farms an interesting, complex, and challenging task. Power electronics-based converters are very common in wind power plants, enabling the plant to operate at a wide range of wind speeds and provide reactive power support without disconnection from the grid during low voltage scenarios. This has led to the growth of Type 3 (with rotor side converter) and Type 4 (with stator side full converter) wind generators, in which power electronics-based converters and controls are an integral part. The power electronics in these generators are proprietary in nature, which makes it difficult to obtain the necessary information from the manufacturer to model them accurately in planning studies for conditions such as those found during faults or low voltage ride through (LVRT) periods. The use of power electronic controllers also has led to phenomena such as sub-synchronous control interactions in series compensated Type 3 wind farms, which are characterized by non-fundamental frequency oscillations. The above factors have led to the need to develop generic models for wind farms that can be used in studies by planners and protection engineers. The current practice for short circuit modelling of wind farms in the power industry is to utilize transient stability programs based on either simplified electromechanical fundamental frequency models or detailed electromagnetic time domain models. The fundamental frequency models are incapable of representing the majority of critical wind generator fault characteristics, such as during power electronic switching conditions and sub-synchronous interactions. The detailed time domain models, though accurate, demand high levels of computation and modelling expertise. A simple yet accurate modelling methodology for wind generators that does not require resorting to fundamental frequency based simplifications or time domain type simulations is the basis for this research work. This research work develops an average value model and a dynamic phasor model of a Type 3 DFIG wind farm. The average value model replaces the switches and associated phenomena by equivalent current and voltage sources. The dynamic phasor model is based on generalized averaging theory, where the system variables are represented as time varying Fourier coefficients known as dynamic phasors. The two types models provide a generic type model and achieve a middle ground between conventional electromechanical models and the cumbersome electromagnetic time domain models. The dynamic phasor model enables the user to consider each harmonic component individually; this selective view of the components of the system response is not achievable in conventional electromagnetic transient simulations. Only the appropriate dynamic phasors are selected for the required fault behaviour to be represented, providing greater computational efficiency than detailed time domain simulations. A detailed electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation model is also developed in this thesis using a real-time digital simulator (RTDS). The results obtained with the average value model and the dynamic phasor model are validated with an accurate electromagnetic simulation model and some state-of-the-art industrial schemes: a voltage behind transient reactance model, an analytical expression model, and a voltage dependent current source model. The proposed RTDS models include the effect of change of flux during faulted conditions in the wind generator during abnormal system conditions instead of incorrectly assuming it is a constant. This was not investigated in previous studies carried out in the real-time simulations laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan or in various publications reported in the literature. The most commonly used LVRT topologies, such as rotor side crowbar circuit, DC-link protection scheme, and series dynamic braking resistance (SDBR) in rotor and stator circuits, are investigated in the short circuit studies. The RTDS model developed uses a multi-mass (three-mass) model of the mechanical drive train instead of a simple single-mass model to represent torsional dynamics. The single mass model considers the blade inertia, the turbine hub, and the generator as a single lumped mass and so cannot reproduce the torsional behaviour. The root cause of sub-synchronous frequencies in Type 3 wind generators is not well understood by system planners and protection engineers. Some literature reports it is self excitation while others report it is due to sub-synchronous control interactions. One publication in the stability literature reports on a small signal analysis study aimed at finding the root cause of the problem, and a similar type of analysis was performed in this thesis. A linearized model was developed, which includes the generator model, a three mass drive train, rotor side converter, and the grid side converter represented as a constant voltage source. The linear model analysis showed that the sub-synchronous oscillations are due to control interactions between the rotor side controller of the Type 3 wind power plant and the series capacitor in the transmission line. The rotor side controls were tuned to obtain a stable response at higher levels of compensation. A real-time simulation model of a 450 MW Type 3 wind farm consisting of 150 units transmitting power via 345 kV transmission line was developed on the RTDS. The dynamic phasor method is shown to be accurate for representing faults at the point of interconnection of the wind farm to the grid for balanced and unbalanced faults as well as for different sub- synchronous oscillation frequencies

    A coordinated control of PMSG based wind turbine generator to improve fault-ride-through performance and transient stability

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    With the high penetration of wind power into the medium and low voltage power grid, ensuring power quality and transient stability following the utility grid codes become challenging nowadays. Wind power fluctuates with the variation of wind speed which leads to the voltage regulation and frequency control problems in the power grid. Among the issues wind power systems are facing, grid fault is a major one. According to the utility grid codes, wind turbine generators (WTGs) need to have enough fault ride through (FRT) capability. Different configurations of power converters and control techniques have been developed to address this issue. However, a coordinated controller which is capable of the grid voltage regulation, frequency control, and DC link overvoltage minimisation altogether at the time of grid faults is yet to be reported in any literature. This PhD research is focused on developing such a coordinated control method for a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based WTG. This coordinated control combines a pitch angle control, a flux weakening control and a reactive power control to enhance the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of the PMSG based variable speed wind energy conversion system (WECS). The design process of the controller parameters and the stability of proposed control strategy have been analysed. Here, the pitch angle controller is modified to adjust the pitch for wind power smoothing as well as LVRT enhancement during variable wind speeds and grid fault respectively. The flux weakening controller is used to reduce the flux linkages of PMSG by supplying negative field regulating current to reduce the DC link overvoltage during grid voltage dips. Additionally, static compensator (STATCOM) or grid side converter (GSC) is used to provide reactive power support during the grid faults. Extensive simulations of the proposed method have been carried out under different cases. The proposed control method is compared with the braking chopper (BC) and the battery energy storage system (BESS) based conventional controls via simulations results and are verified to perform better in providing FRT. Frequency stability of the grid connected WECS after the fault recovery is also an important issue which needs to be solved. If the frequency fluctuation goes beyond the safe limit, the power system will collapse creating a cascaded failure that was seen in the South Australian Power System in 2016. Therefore, it is essential to provide primary frequency control support for a stable operation of the power system. Two control methods are considered in this PhD research to provide the grid frequency stability. A simultaneous controller is developed based on the inertia support from the wind turbine and the DC-link capacitor energy to provide the primary frequency control from a PMSG based variable speed WECS. Another approach is developed based on the PMSG flux linkage controller with a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES). The SMES is considered here due to its higher efficiency over other energy storage devices. In this approach, the PMSG flux increases or decreases according to the frequency variation. Similarly, SMES also absorbs or injects some amount of real power when the system frequency is increased or decreased. Both strategies are verified with the WTGS connected to the single and multi-machine power systems under different wind speeds, load demand variations, and grid faults. Time series simulation results illustrate that a significant enhancement of frequency regulation is achieved with both proposed controllers

    Integration improvement of DFIG-based wind turbine into the electrical grid

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    [ENG] This doctoral thesis in electrical engineering is presented as five research works linked together by the same theme. Five articles were published in indexed journals. In this sense, each of these works forms a piece of the puzzle constructed around the subject ”wind farms integration into the electricity grid.” To better understand the articulation between these works, this thesis is structured in three parts: The first part treats the Fault Ride Through (FRT) capability of the Grid-connected DFIG-based Wind Turbine. The first proposed approach is a hybrid method combining two methods (active and passive methods): The active method aims to develop the control of DFIG. In contrast, the passive method is applied for severe voltage faults using hardware protection circuits. Otherwise, the second proposed approach is a control design implemented to the power converters using Proportional-Resonant regulators in a stationary two-phase(α−β) reference frame. The control performance is significantly validated by applying the real-time simulation for the rotor side converter and the hardware in the loop simulation technic for the experiment part of the generator’s grid side converter control. This thesis’s second part presents a new fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control strategy for doubly fed induction generator with DC output based on predictive torque control. Generally, the current sensor failures can deteriorate the reliability and the performance of the control system and can lead to the malfunction of the predictive control strategy since the rotor-and stator flux cannot be estimated correctly. The proposed fault diagnosis can deal with all types of sensor faults. A non-linear observer adapted to the studied system to achieve smooth operation continuity when two or all the current sensors are faulty. The proposed approach’s feasibility and robustness are achieved by testing different sensor faults on the stator-and rotor-current and under different operation mode cases. The third part focuses on calculating the wind capacity credit by integrating the Moroccan project on the wind energy of 1000 MW in 2020. After introducing the Moroccan Integrated Wind Energy Project, a wind capacity credit assessment program will be implemented on Matlab software, including the complete information about” installed capacity, number of plants, failure rate, types of installed units, peak demand, etc.” This program will be used to calculate the safety rate of an electrical system as well as the capacity credit of Morocco’s electricity production network. The research provides conclusions according to comments and assessment of the impact of this electric energy integration based on wind generation. [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral en ingeniería eléctrica se presenta como cinco trabajos de investigación vinculados entre sí por un mismo tema. Se publicaron cinco artículos en revistas indexadas. En este sentido, cada uno de estos trabajos forma una pieza del rompecabezas construido en torno al tema “Integración de parques eólicos en la red eléctrica”. Para comprender mejor la articulación entre estos trabajos, esta tesis se estructura en tres partes: La primera parte trata la capacidad Fault Ride Through (FRT) de la turbina eólica basada en DFIG conectada a la red. El primer enfoque propuesto es un método híbrido que combina dos métodos (métodos activo y pasivo): El método activo tiene como objetivo desarrollar el control de DFIG. En contraste, el método pasivo se aplica para fallos severos de voltaje usando circuitos de protección de hardware. De lo contrario, el segundo enfoque propuesto es un diseño de control implementado para los convertidores de potencia utilizando reguladores de resonancia proporcional en un marco de referencia estacionario de dos fases (α−β). El rendimiento del control se valida significativamente aplicando la simulación en tiempo real para el convertidor del lado del rotor y la técnica de simulación de hardware en el bucle para la parte experimental del control del convertidor del lado de la red del generador. La segunda parte de esta tesis presenta una nueva estrategia de diagnóstico de fallos y control tolerante de fallos para un generador de inducción doblemente alimentado con salida de CC basado en control predictivo de par. Generalmente, los fallos del sensor de corriente pueden deteriorar la confiabilidad y el rendimiento del sistema de control y pueden conducir al mal funcionamiento de la estrategia de control predictivo ya que el flujo del rotor y el estator no se puede estimar correctamente. El diagnóstico de fallos propuesto puede tratar todo tipo de fallos del sensor. Un observador no lineal adaptado al sistema estudiado para lograr una continuidad de operación suave cuando dos o todos los sensores de corriente están defectuosos. La viabilidad y solidez del enfoque propuesto se logran probando diferentes fallos de sensor en la corriente del estator y del rotor y en diferentes casos de modo de operación. La tercera parte se centra en el cálculo del crédito de capacidad eólica mediante la integración del proyecto marroquí sobre la energía eólica de 1000 MW en 2020. Después de presentar el Proyecto Integrado de Energía Eólica de Marruecos, se implementará un programa de evaluación del crédito de capacidad eólica en el software Matlab, incluido la información sobre “capacidad instalada, número de plantas, tasa de fallos, tipos de unidades instaladas, pico de demanda, etc.” Este programa se utilizará para calcular la tasa de seguridad de un sistema eléctrico, así como el crédito de capacidad de la red de producción de electricidad de Marruecos. La investigación brinda conclusiones según comentarios y evaluación del impacto de esta integración de energía eléctrica basada en la generación eólicaEscuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energétic