709 research outputs found

    Deformed Kazhdan-Lusztig elements and Macdonald polynomials

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    We introduce deformations of Kazhdan-Lusztig elements and specialised nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials, both of which form a distinguished basis of the polynomial representation of a maximal parabolic subalgebra of the Hecke algebra. We give explicit integral formula for these polynomials, and explicitly describe the transition matrices between classes of polynomials. We further develop a combinatorial interpretation of homogeneous evaluations using an expansion in terms of Schubert polynomials in the deformation parameters.Comment: major revision, 29 pages, 22 eps figure

    Cluster algebras of type D: pseudotriangulations approach

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    We present a combinatorial model for cluster algebras of type DnD_n in terms of centrally symmetric pseudotriangulations of a regular 2n2n-gon with a small disk in the centre. This model provides convenient and uniform interpretations for clusters, cluster variables and their exchange relations, as well as for quivers and their mutations. We also present a new combinatorial interpretation of cluster variables in terms of perfect matchings of a graph after deleting two of its vertices. This interpretation differs from known interpretations in the literature. Its main feature, in contrast with other interpretations, is that for a fixed initial cluster seed, one or two graphs serve for the computation of all cluster variables. Finally, we discuss applications of our model to polytopal realizations of type DD associahedra and connections to subword complexes and cc-cluster complexes.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figure

    Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory and the conifold

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    Given a quiver algebra A with relations defined by a superpotential, this paper defines a set of invariants of A counting framed cyclic A-modules, analogous to rank-1 Donaldson-Thomas invariants of Calabi-Yau threefolds. For the special case when A is the non-commutative crepant resolution of the threefold ordinary double point, it is proved using torus localization that the invariants count certain pyramid-shaped partition-like configurations, or equivalently infinite dimer configurations in the square dimer model with a fixed boundary condition. The resulting partition function admits an infinite product expansion, which factorizes into the rank-1 Donaldson-Thomas partition functions of the commutative crepant resolution of the singularity and its flop. The different partition functions are speculatively interpreted as counting stable objects in the derived category of A-modules under different stability conditions; their relationship should then be an instance of wall crossing in the space of stability conditions on this triangulated category.Comment: Infinite product form, conjectured in v1, now a theorem of Ben Young. Additional discussion of small-volume expansion related to Eisenstein-like serie

    Multispecies Weighted Hurwitz Numbers

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    The construction of hypergeometric 2D2D Toda τ\tau-functions as generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers is extended to multispecies families. Both the enumerative geometrical significance of multispecies weighted Hurwitz numbers, as weighted enumerations of branched coverings of the Riemann sphere, and their combinatorial significance in terms of weighted paths in the Cayley graph of SnS_n are derived. The particular case of multispecies quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers is studied in detail.Comment: this is substantially enhanced version of arXiv:1410.881

    The number of rhombus tilings of a "punctured" hexagon and the minor summation formula

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    We compute the number of all rhombus tilings of a hexagon with sides a,b+1,c,a+1,b,c+1a,b+1,c,a+1,b,c+1, of which the central triangle is removed, provided a,b,ca,b,c have the same parity. The result is a product of four numbers, each of which counts the number of plane partitions inside a given box. The proof uses nonintersecting lattice paths and a new identity for Schur functions, which is proved by means of the minor summation formula of Ishikawa and Wakayama. A symmetric generalization of this identity is stated as a conjecture.Comment: 21 pages, AmS-TeX, uses TeXDra

    Chow rings of toric varieties defined by atomic lattices

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    We study a graded algebra D=D(L,G) defined by a finite lattice L and a subset G in L, a so-called building set. This algebra is a generalization of the cohomology algebras of hyperplane arrangement compactifications found in work of De Concini and Procesi. Our main result is a representation of D, for an arbitrary atomic lattice L, as the Chow ring of a smooth toric variety that we construct from L and G. We describe this variety both by its fan and geometrically by a series of blowups and orbit removal. Also we find a Groebner basis of the relation ideal of D and a monomial basis of D over Z.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, final revision with minor changes, to appear in Invent. Mat