50,190 research outputs found

    Assessing User Experiences with ZORQ: A Gamification Framework for Computer Science Education

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    ZORQ is a gamification software framework designed to increase student engagement within undergraduate Computer Science (CS) education. ZORQ is an attractive learning method that (1) utilizes numerous gamification elements, (2) provides a collaborative, game-development based learning approach, (3) offers an opportunity for students to explore a complex, real-world software development implementation, and (4) provides students with a high level of engagement with the system and a high level of social engagement in its collaborative customization. The usage of ZORQ was assessed using quantitative, qualitative and sentiment analyses in a Data Structures and Algorithms course over five years. The overwhelmingly positive results show that students were satisfied with their user experience and ZORQ was beneficial to their educational experience. By triangulating results from multiple analyses, this study adds to a deeper understanding of how gamification can improve learning and retention and provides a novel, robust, holistic methodology for evaluating user experiences

    Arena: A General Evaluation Platform and Building Toolkit for Multi-Agent Intelligence

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    Learning agents that are not only capable of taking tests, but also innovating is becoming a hot topic in AI. One of the most promising paths towards this vision is multi-agent learning, where agents act as the environment for each other, and improving each agent means proposing new problems for others. However, existing evaluation platforms are either not compatible with multi-agent settings, or limited to a specific game. That is, there is not yet a general evaluation platform for research on multi-agent intelligence. To this end, we introduce Arena, a general evaluation platform for multi-agent intelligence with 35 games of diverse logics and representations. Furthermore, multi-agent intelligence is still at the stage where many problems remain unexplored. Therefore, we provide a building toolkit for researchers to easily invent and build novel multi-agent problems from the provided game set based on a GUI-configurable social tree and five basic multi-agent reward schemes. Finally, we provide Python implementations of five state-of-the-art deep multi-agent reinforcement learning baselines. Along with the baseline implementations, we release a set of 100 best agents/teams that we can train with different training schemes for each game, as the base for evaluating agents with population performance. As such, the research community can perform comparisons under a stable and uniform standard. All the implementations and accompanied tutorials have been open-sourced for the community at https://sites.google.com/view/arena-unity/

    Unifying an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course through Machine Learning Laboratory Experiences

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    This paper presents work on a collaborative project funded by the National Science Foundation that incorporates machine learning as a unifying theme to teach fundamental concepts typically covered in the introductory Artificial Intelligence courses. The project involves the development of an adaptable framework for the presentation of core AI topics. This is accomplished through the development, implementation, and testing of a suite of adaptable, hands-on laboratory projects that can be closely integrated into the AI course. Through the design and implementation of learning systems that enhance commonly-deployed applications, our model acknowledges that intelligent systems are best taught through their application to challenging problems. The goals of the project are to (1) enhance the student learning experience in the AI course, (2) increase student interest and motivation to learn AI by providing a framework for the presentation of the major AI topics that emphasizes the strong connection between AI and computer science and engineering, and (3) highlight the bridge that machine learning provides between AI technology and modern software engineering

    Energy Demand Prediction: A Partial Information Game Approach

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    International audienceThis article proposes an original approach to predict the electric vehicles (EVs)' energy demand in a charge station using a regret minimization learning approach. The problem is modelled as a two players game involving: on the one hand the EV drivers, whose demand is unknown and, on the other hand, the service provider who owns the charge station and wants to make the best predictions in order to minimize his regret. The information in the game is partial. Indeed, the service provider never observes the EV drivers' energy demand. The only information he has access to is contained in a feedback function which depends on his predictions accuracy and on the EV drivers' consumption level. The local/expanded accuracy and the ability for uncertainty handling of the regret minimization learning approach is evaluated by comparison with three well-known learning approaches: (i) Neural Network, (ii) Support Vector Machine, (iii) AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average process, using as benchmarks two data bases: an artificial one generated using a bayesian network and real domestic household electricity consumption data in southern California. We observe that over real data, regret minimization algorithms clearly outperform the other learning approaches. The efficiency of these methods open the door to a wide class of game theory applications dealing with collaborative learning, information sharing and manipulation