2,642 research outputs found

    Explainable Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs for Recommendation

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    Incorporating knowledge graph into recommender systems has attracted increasing attention in recent years. By exploring the interlinks within a knowledge graph, the connectivity between users and items can be discovered as paths, which provide rich and complementary information to user-item interactions. Such connectivity not only reveals the semantics of entities and relations, but also helps to comprehend a user's interest. However, existing efforts have not fully explored this connectivity to infer user preferences, especially in terms of modeling the sequential dependencies within and holistic semantics of a path. In this paper, we contribute a new model named Knowledge-aware Path Recurrent Network (KPRN) to exploit knowledge graph for recommendation. KPRN can generate path representations by composing the semantics of both entities and relations. By leveraging the sequential dependencies within a path, we allow effective reasoning on paths to infer the underlying rationale of a user-item interaction. Furthermore, we design a new weighted pooling operation to discriminate the strengths of different paths in connecting a user with an item, endowing our model with a certain level of explainability. We conduct extensive experiments on two datasets about movie and music, demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art solutions Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding and Neural Factorization Machine.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, AAAI-201

    Transfer Meets Hybrid: A Synthetic Approach for Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering with Text

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) is the key technique for recommender systems (RSs). CF exploits user-item behavior interactions (e.g., clicks) only and hence suffers from the data sparsity issue. One research thread is to integrate auxiliary information such as product reviews and news titles, leading to hybrid filtering methods. Another thread is to transfer knowledge from other source domains such as improving the movie recommendation with the knowledge from the book domain, leading to transfer learning methods. In real-world life, no single service can satisfy a user's all information needs. Thus it motivates us to exploit both auxiliary and source information for RSs in this paper. We propose a novel neural model to smoothly enable Transfer Meeting Hybrid (TMH) methods for cross-domain recommendation with unstructured text in an end-to-end manner. TMH attentively extracts useful content from unstructured text via a memory module and selectively transfers knowledge from a source domain via a transfer network. On two real-world datasets, TMH shows better performance in terms of three ranking metrics by comparing with various baselines. We conduct thorough analyses to understand how the text content and transferred knowledge help the proposed model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, a full version for the WWW 2019 short pape

    Deep Learning based Recommender System: A Survey and New Perspectives

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    With the ever-growing volume of online information, recommender systems have been an effective strategy to overcome such information overload. The utility of recommender systems cannot be overstated, given its widespread adoption in many web applications, along with its potential impact to ameliorate many problems related to over-choice. In recent years, deep learning has garnered considerable interest in many research fields such as computer vision and natural language processing, owing not only to stellar performance but also the attractive property of learning feature representations from scratch. The influence of deep learning is also pervasive, recently demonstrating its effectiveness when applied to information retrieval and recommender systems research. Evidently, the field of deep learning in recommender system is flourishing. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of recent research efforts on deep learning based recommender systems. More concretely, we provide and devise a taxonomy of deep learning based recommendation models, along with providing a comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art. Finally, we expand on current trends and provide new perspectives pertaining to this new exciting development of the field.Comment: The paper has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/328502

    Latent Relational Metric Learning via Memory-based Attention for Collaborative Ranking

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    This paper proposes a new neural architecture for collaborative ranking with implicit feedback. Our model, LRML (\textit{Latent Relational Metric Learning}) is a novel metric learning approach for recommendation. More specifically, instead of simple push-pull mechanisms between user and item pairs, we propose to learn latent relations that describe each user item interaction. This helps to alleviate the potential geometric inflexibility of existing metric learing approaches. This enables not only better performance but also a greater extent of modeling capability, allowing our model to scale to a larger number of interactions. In order to do so, we employ a augmented memory module and learn to attend over these memory blocks to construct latent relations. The memory-based attention module is controlled by the user-item interaction, making the learned relation vector specific to each user-item pair. Hence, this can be interpreted as learning an exclusive and optimal relational translation for each user-item interaction. The proposed architecture demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance across multiple recommendation benchmarks. LRML outperforms other metric learning models by 6%7.5%6\%-7.5\% in terms of Hits@10 and nDCG@10 on large datasets such as Netflix and MovieLens20M. Moreover, qualitative studies also demonstrate evidence that our proposed model is able to infer and encode explicit sentiment, temporal and attribute information despite being only trained on implicit feedback. As such, this ascertains the ability of LRML to uncover hidden relational structure within implicit datasets.Comment: WWW 201

    An Intelligent Online Shopping Guide Based On Product Review Mining

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    This position paper describes an on-going work on a novel recommendation framework for assisting online shoppers in choosing the most desired products, in accordance with requirements input in natural language. Existing feature-based Shopping Guidance Systems fail when the customer lacks domain expertise. This framework enables the customer to use natural language in the query text to retrieve preferred products interactively. In addition, it is intelligent enough to allow a customer to use objective and subjective terms when querying, or even the purpose of purchase, to screen out the expected products

    A Survey of e-Commerce Recommender Systems

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    Due to their powerful personalization and efficiency features, recommendation systems are being used extensively in many online environments. Recommender systems provide great opportunities to businesses, therefore research on developing new recommender system techniques and methods have been receiving increasing attention. This paper reviews recent developments in recommender systems in the domain of ecommerce. The main purpose of the paper is to summarize and compare the latest improvements of e-commerce recommender systems from the perspective of e-vendors. By examining the recent publications in the field, our research provides thorough analysis of current advancements and attempts to identify the existing issues in recommender systems. Final outcomes give practitioners and researchers the necessary insights and directions on recommender systems

    Combining configuration and recommendation to enable an interactive guidance of product line configuration

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    This paper is interested in e-commerce for complex configurable products/systems. E-commerce makes a wide use of recommendation techniques to help customers identify relevant products or services in large collections of offers. One particular way to achieve this is to offer customers a panel of options among which they can select their preferred ones. A trend in the industry is to go a step further, beyond the selection of pre-defined products from a catalogue by handling products customization. The systems engineering community has shown that, based on product line engineering methods, techniques and tools, it is possible to produce customized products efficiently and at low cost. The problem is that there are usually so many products in a PL that it is impossible to specify all of them explicitly, and therefore traditional recommendation techniques cannot be simply applied. This paper proposes an approach that combines two complementary forms of guidance: configuration and recommendation, to help customers define their own products out of a product line specification. The proposed approach, called interactive configuration supports the combination by organizing the configuration process in a series of partial configurations where decisions are made by the recommendation. This paper illustrates this process by applying it to an example with the content based method for recommendation and the a priori configuration approach

    Neural Collaborative Filtering

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -- collaborative filtering -- on the basis of implicit feedback. Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -- the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items. By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural network-based Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure