21,772 research outputs found

    Sensing as a Service Model for Smart Cities Supported by Internet of Things

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    The world population is growing at a rapid pace. Towns and cities are accommodating half of the world's population thereby creating tremendous pressure on every aspect of urban living. Cities are known to have large concentration of resources and facilities. Such environments attract people from rural areas. However, unprecedented attraction has now become an overwhelming issue for city governance and politics. The enormous pressure towards efficient city management has triggered various Smart City initiatives by both government and private sector businesses to invest in ICT to find sustainable solutions to the growing issues. The Internet of Things (IoT) has also gained significant attention over the past decade. IoT envisions to connect billions of sensors to the Internet and expects to use them for efficient and effective resource management in Smart Cities. Today infrastructure, platforms, and software applications are offered as services using cloud technologies. In this paper, we explore the concept of sensing as a service and how it fits with the Internet of Things. Our objective is to investigate the concept of sensing as a service model in technological, economical, and social perspectives and identify the major open challenges and issues.Comment: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2014 (Accepted for Publication

    Towards delay-aware container-based Service Function Chaining in Fog Computing

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    Recently, the fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is getting significant attention. Empowered by Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 5G networks aim to support diverse services coming from different business verticals (e.g. Smart Cities, Automotive, etc). To fully leverage on NFV, services must be connected in a specific order forming a Service Function Chain (SFC). SFCs allow mobile operators to benefit from the high flexibility and low operational costs introduced by network softwarization. Additionally, Cloud computing is evolving towards a distributed paradigm called Fog Computing, which aims to provide a distributed cloud infrastructure by placing computational resources close to end-users. However, most SFC research only focuses on Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) use cases where mobile operators aim to deploy services close to end-users. Bi-directional communication between Edges and Cloud are not considered in MEC, which in contrast is highly important in a Fog environment as in distributed anomaly detection services. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an SFC controller to optimize the placement of service chains in Fog environments, specifically tailored for Smart City use cases. Our approach has been validated on the Kubernetes platform, an open-source orchestrator for the automatic deployment of micro-services. Our SFC controller has been implemented as an extension to the scheduling features available in Kubernetes, enabling the efficient provisioning of container-based SFCs while optimizing resource allocation and reducing the end-to-end (E2E) latency. Results show that the proposed approach can lower the network latency up to 18% for the studied use case while conserving bandwidth when compared to the default scheduling mechanism

    Assessing dynamic models for high priority waste collection in smart cities

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    Waste Management (WM) represents an important part of Smart Cities (SCs) with significant impact on modern societies. WM involves a set of processes ranging from waste collection to the recycling of the collected materials. The proliferation of sensors and actuators enable the new era of Internet of Things (IoT) that can be adopted in SCs and help in WM. Novel approaches that involve dynamic routing models combined with the IoT capabilities could provide solutions that outperform existing models. In this paper, we focus on a SC where a number of collection bins are located in different areas with sensors attached to them. We study a dynamic waste collection architecture, which is based on data retrieved by sensors. We pay special attention to the possibility of immediate WM service in high priority areas, e.g., schools or hospitals where, possibly, the presence of dangerous waste or the negative effects on human quality of living impose the need for immediate collection. This is very crucial when we focus on sensitive groups of citizens like pupils, elderly or people living close to areas where dangerous waste is rejected. We propose novel algorithms aiming at providing efficient and scalable solutions to the dynamic waste collection problem through the management of the trade-off between the immediate collection and its cost. We describe how the proposed system effectively responds to the demand as realized by sensor observations and alerts originated in high priority areas. Our aim is to minimize the time required for serving high priority areas while keeping the average expected performance at high level. Comprehensive simulations on top of the data retrieved by a SC validate the proposed algorithms on both quantitative and qualitative criteria which are adopted to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. We claim that, local authorities could choose the model that best matches their needs and resources of each city

    Empowering citizens' cognition and decision making in smart sustainable cities

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Advances in Internet technologies have made it possible to gather, store, and process large quantities of data, often in real time. When considering smart and sustainable cities, this big data generates useful information and insights to citizens, service providers, and policy makers. Transforming this data into knowledge allows for empowering citizens' cognition as well as supporting decision-making routines. However, several operational and computing issues need to be taken into account: 1) efficient data description and visualization, 2) forecasting citizens behavior, and 3) supporting decision making with intelligent algorithms. This paper identifies several challenges associated with the use of data analytics in smart sustainable cities and proposes the use of hybrid simulation-optimization and machine learning algorithms as an effective approach to empower citizens' cognition and decision making in such ecosystemsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft