18,833 research outputs found

    IT in the Chinese Healthcare Industry

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    China is leveraging the cloud and mobile computing to enable doctors and other healthcare professionals to collaborate, share information, and more easily access reports, scans, EMRs, lab reports, prescriptions, and medical histories. China is also garnering government support and help from various foreign companies. Here, the author reviews some of these efforts as he examine the current state and future directions of the Chinese healthcare industry

    "Medical + internet" concept stock investment analysis

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    The rapid development of China's medical industry and information technology promote the development of internet medical industry. The concept of "Healthy China" emphasizes "prevention first" and gradually transforms the traditional medical industry. It is easy to find BAT’s (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) investment and relevant emerging concept stocks in Ashare market. The internet medical industry is evaluated according to five category profiting models including wearable devices, medical e-commerce, medical information, Hospital and medical insurance. Around 32 selected stocks representing these industries are analysed by gathering extensive qualitative and quantitative data. By applying the forecasting analysis, the study provides the main financial strategy for the selected stocks in order to wisely select the real strategically planning internet medical companies for better investment.O rápido desenvolvimento da indústria de saúde médica da China e a tecnologia da informação têm promovido o desenvolvimento da indústria médica através da Internet. O conceito de "China Saudável" enfatiza a "prevenção em primeiro lugar" e gradualmente reverte a transformação da indústria médica tradicional. É fácil encontrar o maior investimento dos BAT (Baidu, Alibaba e Tencent) nesta área e de títulos emergentes relevantes no mercado de ações. A indústria médica interna é avaliada de acordo com cinco categorias de modelos de lucro, incluindo dispositivos vestíveis, comércio eletrónico médico, informações médicas, seguro hospitalar e médico. Cerca de 32 ações selecionadas representando essas indústrias são analisadas pela recolha de dados quantitativos e qualitativos extensivos. Ao aplicar a análise de previsão, o estudo fornece a principal estratégia financeira para as ações selecionadas, a fim de selecionar os melhores investimento nas empresas médicas assentes na Internet

    Smart Healthcare solutions in China and Europe, an international business perspective

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    The thesis is part of the Marie Curie Fellowship project addressing health related challenges with IoT solutions. The author tries to address the challenge for the implementation of telehealth solutions by finding out the demand of the telehealth solution in selected European economies and in China (chapter 1), analyzing the emerging business models for telehealth solution ecosystems in China (chapter 2), how to integrate telehealth solutions with institutional stakeholders (chapter 3) and why are elderly users willing to use telehealth solutions in China. Chapter 1 and chapter 2 form the theoretical background for empirical work in chapter 3 and chapter 4. The thesis addressed four research questions, namely “Which societal and social-economics unmet needs that Internet of Healthcare Things can help to resolve?”, “What are the business model innovation for tech companies in China for the smart health industry?”, “What are the facilitators and hurdles for implementing telehealth solutions”, “Are elderly users willing to use telehealth solutions in China?”. Both qualitative study and quantitative analysis has been made based on data collected by in depth interviews with stakeholders, focus group study work with urban and rural residents in China. The digital platform framework was used in chapter 2 as the theoretical framework where as the stakeholder power mapping framework was used in chapter 3. The discretion choice experiment was used in chapter 4 to design questionnaire study while ordered logit regression was used to analyze the data. Telehealth solutions have great potential to fill in the gap for lack of community healthcare and ensuring health continuity between home care setting, community healthcare and hospitals. There is strong demand for such solutions if they can prove the medical value in managing chronic disease by raising health awareness and lowering health risks by changing the patients’ lifestyle. Analyzing how to realize the value for preventive healthcare by proving the health-economic value of digital health solutions (telehealth solutions) is the focus of research. There remain hurdles to build trust for telehealth solutions and the use of AI in healthcare. Next step of research can also be extended to addressing such challenges by analyzing how to improve the transparency of algorithms by disclosing the data source, and how the algorithms were built. Further research can be done on data interoperability between the EHR systems and telehealth solutions. The medical value of telehealth solutions can improve if doctors could interpret data collected from telehealth solutions; furthermore, if doctors could make diagnosis and provide treatment, adjust healthcare management plans based on such data, telehealth solutions then can be included in insurance packages, making them more accessible

    The development of mobile health-care in China

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    The background for this dissertation is a preliminary discussion on the brief history and current status of China mobile health development, in order to provide reference for China future mobile healthcare. The main research object is the development of China Mobile health. The main results of this study are mainly reflected in four aspects. 1. Through the research and analysis of a large amount of literature, we see that mobile health is in a period of rapid development, new production and service models are emerging, support policies are obvious, and market demand is huge. 2. It is concluded that mobile medicine represents a high proportion in the overall mobile medical products, it shows broad development prospects and prominent potential legal risks, so inquiry mobile medicine has a distinct representative position in the research of mobile medical legal issues. 3. The public is still used to choose the general hospital registration mode, and they do not fully understand the online consultation mode and also remain skeptical of its safety. Operators should vigorously promote the characteristics of their products, not only focusing on common projects, otherwise it will be difficult to win in the medical app industry which has a large base and strong competitiveness. 4. “Ping An good doctor" and the problems existing in the mobile medical market medical app homogenization are relatively serious, user personal information security problems need to be solved, user trust is unsatisfactory and there is a lack of standard foundation, capital management and business model are not mature, all of which make profit more difficult.O quadro contextual desta dissertação é uma discussão preliminar relativa à breve história e o estado atual do desenvolvimento da oferta de serviços de saúde por telemóvel na China, na perspetiva da sua evolução futura. O objeto de investigação é o desenvolvimento a oferta de serviços de saúde por telemóvel na China. Os principais resultados estão refletidos nos seguintes quatro pontos: 1.Percebeu-se que a indústria de oferta de serviços de saúde por telemóvel encontra-se num rápido desenvolvimento onde novas ofertas de produtos e serviços emergem, a sustentação de políticas públicas é óbvia e a procura é elevada; 2.O serviço de consulta médica por telemóvel representa uma elevada proporção no cômputo global de oferta de produtos médicos via telemóvel e há clara evidência na sua evolução como também em possíveis incumprimentos legais de modo que as questões de consultas médicas por telemóvel têm uma representatividade clara nos trabalhos de investigação nesta área. 3.O público continua a preferir o registo para consultas hospitalares via telemóvel e compreendem mal o modo de consulta online e têm dúvidas quanto à sua segurança. Os operadores devem promover vigorosamente as características dos seus novos produtos e não focar nos lugares comuns, caso contrário será difícil ter sucesso na indústria de serviços médicos por telemóveis. 4.O estudo de caso da empresa “Ping Na good doctor” revela os problemas existentes na indústria de serviços médicos por telemóvel, nomeadamente, na segurança de informação dos doentes, na confiança e na gestão de orçamentos de modo que torna difícil a criação de valor

    Cloud Computing in the Global South: Drivers, Effects and Policy Measures

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    Cloud computing has started to transform economic activities in the global South. Many businesses are taking advantage of the pay-as-you-go model of the technology, and its scalability and flexibility features, and government agencies in the South have been investing in cloud-related mega-projects. Cloud-based mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular and the pervasiveness of cellphones means that the cloud may transform the way these devices are used. However, findings and conclusions drawn from surveys, studies and experiences of companies on the potential and impact of cloud computing in the developing world are inconsistent. This article reviews cloud diffusion in developing economies and examines some firms in the cloud's supply side in these economies to present a framework for evaluating the attractiveness of this technology in the context of evolving needs, capabilities and competitive positions. It examines how various determinants related to the development and structure of related industries, externality mechanisms and institutional legitimacy affect cloud-related performances and impacts

    Emerging Insights of Health Informatics Research: A Literature Analysis for Outlining New Themes

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    This paper presents a contemporary literature review to provide insights into the current health informatics literature. The objective of this study is to identify emerging directions of current health informatics research from the latest and existing studies in the health informatics domain. We analyse existing health informatics studies using a thematic analysis, so that justified sets of research agenda can be outlined on the basis of these findings. We selected articles that are published in the Science Direct online database. The selected 73 sample articles (published from 2014 to 2018 in premier health informatics journals) are considered as representative samples of health informatics studies. The analysis revealed ten topic areas and themes that would be of paramount importance for researchers and practitioners to follow. The findings provide an important foundational understanding for new health informatics studies