1,880 research outputs found

    Neural network based architectures for aerospace applications

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    A brief history of the field of neural networks research is given and some simple concepts are described. In addition, some neural network based avionics research and development programs are reviewed. The need for the United States Air Force and NASA to assume a leadership role in supporting this technology is stressed

    Neural Representations for Sensory-Motor Control, II: Learning a Head-Centered Visuomotor Representation of 3-D Target Position

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    A neural network model is described for how an invariant head-centered representation of 3-D target position can be autonomously learned by the brain in real time. Once learned, such a target representation may be used to control both eye and limb movements. The target representation is derived from the positions of both eyes in the head, and the locations which the target activates on the retinas of both eyes. A Vector Associative Map, or YAM, learns the many-to-one transformation from multiple combinations of eye-and-retinal position to invariant 3-D target position. Eye position is derived from outflow movement signals to the eye muscles. Two successive stages of opponent processing convert these corollary discharges into a. head-centered representation that closely approximates the azimuth, elevation, and vergence of the eyes' gaze position with respect to a cyclopean origin located between the eyes. YAM learning combines this cyclopean representation of present gaze position with binocular retinal information about target position into an invariant representation of 3-D target position with respect to the head. YAM learning can use a teaching vector that is externally derived from the positions of the eyes when they foveate the target. A YAM can also autonomously discover and learn the invariant representation, without an explicit teacher, by generating internal error signals from environmental fluctuations in which these invariant properties are implicit. YAM error signals are computed by Difference Vectors, or DVs, that are zeroed by the YAM learning process. YAMs may be organized into YAM Cascades for learning and performing both sensory-to-spatial maps and spatial-to-motor maps. These multiple uses clarify why DV-type properties are computed by cells in the parietal, frontal, and motor cortices of many mammals. YAMs are modulated by gating signals that express different aspects of the will-to-act. These signals transform a single invariant representation into movements of different speed (GO signal) and size (GRO signal), and thereby enable YAM controllers to match a planned action sequence to variable environmental conditions.National Science Foundation (IRI-87-16960, IRI-90-24877); Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309

    From neural-based object recognition toward microelectronic eyes

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    Engineering neural network systems are best known for their abilities to adapt to the changing characteristics of the surrounding environment by adjusting system parameter values during the learning process. Rapid advances in analog current-mode design techniques have made possible the implementation of major neural network functions in custom VLSI chips. An electrically programmable analog synapse cell with large dynamic range can be realized in a compact silicon area. New designs of the synapse cells, neurons, and analog processor are presented. A synapse cell based on Gilbert multiplier structure can perform the linear multiplication for back-propagation networks. A double differential-pair synapse cell can perform the Gaussian function for radial-basis network. The synapse cells can be biased in the strong inversion region for high-speed operation or biased in the subthreshold region for low-power operation. The voltage gain of the sigmoid-function neurons is externally adjustable which greatly facilitates the search of optimal solutions in certain networks. Various building blocks can be intelligently connected to form useful industrial applications. Efficient data communication is a key system-level design issue for large-scale networks. We also present analog neural processors based on perceptron architecture and Hopfield network for communication applications. Biologically inspired neural networks have played an important role towards the creation of powerful intelligent machines. Accuracy, limitations, and prospects of analog current-mode design of the biologically inspired vision processing chips and cellular neural network chips are key design issues

    From biological neural networks to thinking machines: Transitioning biological organizational principles to computer technology

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    The three-dimensional organization of the vestibular macula is under study by computer assisted reconstruction and simulation methods as a model for more complex neural systems. One goal of this research is to transition knowledge of biological neural network architecture and functioning to computer technology, to contribute to the development of thinking computers. Maculas are organized as weighted neural networks for parallel distributed processing of information. The network is characterized by non-linearity of its terminal/receptive fields. Wiring appears to develop through constrained randomness. A further property is the presence of two main circuits, highly channeled and distributed modifying, that are connected through feedforward-feedback collaterals and biasing subcircuit. Computer simulations demonstrate that differences in geometry of the feedback (afferent) collaterals affects the timing and the magnitude of voltage changes delivered to the spike initiation zone. Feedforward (efferent) collaterals act as voltage followers and likely inhibit neurons of the distributed modifying circuit. These results illustrate the importance of feedforward-feedback loops, of timing, and of inhibition in refining neural network output. They also suggest that it is the distributed modifying network that is most involved in adaptation, memory, and learning. Tests of macular adaptation, through hyper- and microgravitational studies, support this hypothesis since synapses in the distributed modifying circuit, but not the channeled circuit, are altered. Transitioning knowledge of biological systems to computer technology, however, remains problematical

    Incorporating scale invariance into the cellular associative neural network

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    This paper describes an improvement to the Cellular Associative Neural Network, an architecture based on the distributed model of a cellular automaton, allowing it to perform scale invariant pattern matching. The use of tensor products and superposition of patterns allows the system to recall patterns at multiple resolutions simultaneously. Our experimental results show that the architecture is capable of scale invariant pattern matching, but that further investigation is needed to reduce the distortion introduced by image scaling

    Connectionist-Symbolic Machine Intelligence using Cellular Automata based Reservoir-Hyperdimensional Computing

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    We introduce a novel framework of reservoir computing, that is capable of both connectionist machine intelligence and symbolic computation. Cellular automaton is used as the reservoir of dynamical systems. Input is randomly projected onto the initial conditions of automaton cells and nonlinear computation is performed on the input via application of a rule in the automaton for a period of time. The evolution of the automaton creates a space-time volume of the automaton state space, and it is used as the reservoir. The proposed framework is capable of long short-term memory and it requires orders of magnitude less computation compared to Echo State Networks. We prove that cellular automaton reservoir holds a distributed representation of attribute statistics, which provides a more effective computation than local representation. It is possible to estimate the kernel for linear cellular automata via metric learning, that enables a much more efficient distance computation in support vector machine framework. Also, binary reservoir feature vectors can be combined using Boolean operations as in hyperdimensional computing, paving a direct way for concept building and symbolic processing.Comment: Corrected Typos. Responded some comments on section 8. Added appendix for details. Recurrent architecture emphasize