3,300 research outputs found

    Detecting and Refactoring Operational Smells within the Domain Name System

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most important components of the Internet infrastructure. DNS relies on a delegation-based architecture, where resolution of names to their IP addresses requires resolving the names of the servers responsible for those names. The recursive structures of the inter dependencies that exist between name servers associated with each zone are called dependency graphs. System administrators' operational decisions have far reaching effects on the DNSs qualities. They need to be soundly made to create a balance between the availability, security and resilience of the system. We utilize dependency graphs to identify, detect and catalogue operational bad smells. Our method deals with smells on a high-level of abstraction using a consistent taxonomy and reusable vocabulary, defined by a DNS Operational Model. The method will be used to build a diagnostic advisory tool that will detect configuration changes that might decrease the robustness or security posture of domain names before they become into production.Comment: In Proceedings GaM 2015, arXiv:1504.0244

    Improving Prolog programs: Refactoring for Prolog

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    Refactoring is an established technique from the object-oriented (OO) programming community to restructure code: it aims at improving software readability, maintainability and extensibility. Although refactoring is not tied to the OO-paradigm in particular, its ideas have not been applied to Logic Programming until now. This paper applies the ideas of refactoring to Prolog programs. A catalogue is presented listing refactorings classified according to scope. Some of the refactorings have been adapted from the OO-paradigm, while others have been specifically designed for Prolog. The discrepancy between intended and operational semantics in Prolog is also addressed by some of the refactorings. In addition, ViPReSS, a semi-automatic refactoring browser, is discussed and the experience with applying ViPReSS to a large Prolog legacy system is reported. The main conclusion is that refactoring is both a viable technique in Prolog and a rather desirable one.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Detection of microservice smells through static analysis

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    A arquitetura de microsserviços é um modelo arquitetural promissor na área de software, atraindo desenvolvedores e empresas para os seus princípios convincentes. As suas vantagens residem no potencial para melhorar a escalabilidade, a flexibilidade e a agilidade, alinhando se com as exigências em constante evolução da era digital. No entanto, navegar entre as complexidades dos microsserviços pode ser uma tarefa desafiante, especialmente à medida que este campo continua a evoluir. Um dos principais desafios advém da complexidade inerente aos microsserviços, em que o seu grande número e interdependências podem introduzir novas camadas de complexidade. Além disso, a rápida expansão dos microsserviços, juntamente com a necessidade de aproveitar as suas vantagens de forma eficaz, exige uma compreensão mais profunda das potenciais ameaças e problemas que podem surgir. Para tirar verdadeiramente partido das vantagens dos microsserviços, é essencial enfrentar estes desafios e garantir que o desenvolvimento e a adoção de microsserviços sejam bem-sucedidos. O presente documento pretende explorar a área dos smells da arquitetura de microsserviços que desempenham um papel tão importante na dívida técnica dirigida à área dos microsserviços. Embarca numa exploração de investigação abrangente, explorando o domínio dos smells de microsserviços. Esta investigação serve como base para melhorar um catálogo de smells de microsserviços. Esta investigação abrangente obtém dados de duas fontes primárias: systematic mapping study e um questionário a profissionais da área. Este último envolveu 31 profissionais experientes com uma experiência substancial no domínio dos microsserviços. Além disso, são descritos o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de uma ferramenta especificamente concebida para identificar e resolver problemas relacionados com os microsserviços. Esta ferramenta destina-se a melhorar o desempenho dos programadores durante o desenvolvimento e a implementação da arquitetura de microsserviços. Por último, o documento inclui uma avaliação do desempenho da ferramenta. Trata-se de uma análise comparativa efetuada antes e depois das melhorias introduzidas na ferramenta. A eficácia da ferramenta será avaliada utilizando o mesmo benchmarking de microsserviços utilizado anteriormente, para além de outro benchmarking para garantir uma avaliação abrangente.The microservices architecture stands as a beacon of promise in the software landscape, drawing developers and companies towards its compelling principles. Its appeal lies in the potential for improved scalability, flexibility, and agility, aligning with the ever-evolving demands of the digital age. However, navigating the intricacies of microservices can be a challenging task, especially as this field continues to evolve. A key challenge arises from the inherent complexity of microservices, where their sheer number and interdependencies can introduce new layers of intricacy. Furthermore, the rapid expansion of microservices, coupled with the need to harness their advantages effectively, demands a deeper understanding of the potential pitfalls and issues that may emerge. To truly unlock the benefits of microservices, it is essential to address these challenges head-on and ensure a successful journey in the world of microservices development and adoption. The present document intends to explore the area of microservice architecture smells that play such an important role in the technical debt directed to the area of microservices. It embarks on a comprehensive research exploration, delving into the realm of microservice smells. This research serves as the cornerstone for enhancing a microservice smell catalogue. This comprehensive research draws data from two primary sources: a systematic mapping research and an industry survey. The latter involves 31 seasoned professionals with substantial experience in the field of microservices. Moreover, the development and enhancement of a tool specifically designed to identify and address issues related to microservices is described. This tool is aimed at improving developers' performance throughout the development and implementation of microservices architecture. Finally, the document includes an evaluation of the tool's performance. This involves a comparative analysis conducted before and after the tool's enhancements. The tool's effectiveness will be assessed using the same microservice benchmarking as previously employed, in addition to another benchmark to ensure a comprehensive evaluation

    Olfoto: designing a smell-based interaction

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    We present a study into the use of smell for searching digi-tal photo collections. Many people now have large photo libraries on their computers and effective search tools are needed. Smell has a strong link to memory and emotion so may be a good way to cue recall when searching. Our study compared text and smell based tagging. For the first stage we generated a set of smell and tag names from user de-scriptions of photos, participants then used these to tag pho-tos, returning two weeks later to answer questions on their photos. Results showed that participants could tag effec-tively with text labels, as this is a common and familiar task. Performance with smells was lower but participants performed significantly above chance, with some partici-pants using smells well. This suggests that smell has poten-tial. Results also showed that some smells were consistently identified and useful, but some were not and highlighted issues with smell delivery devices. We also discuss some practical issues of using smell for interaction

    A semi-automatic approach to code smells detection

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    Eradication of code smells is often pointed out as a way to improve readability, extensibility and design in existing software. However, code smell detection remains time consuming and error-prone, partly due to the inherent subjectivity of the detection processes presently available. In view of mitigating the subjectivity problem, this dissertation presents a tool that automates a technique for the detection and assessment of code smells in Java source code, developed as an Eclipse plugin. The technique is based upon a Binary Logistic Regression model that uses complexity metrics as independent variables and is calibrated by expert‟s knowledge. An overview of the technique is provided, the tool is described and validated by an example case study

    Detecting modularity "smells" in dependencies injected with Java annotations

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    Dependency injection is a recent programming mechanism reducing dependencies among components by delegating them to an external entity, called a dependency injection framework. An increasingly popular approach to dependency injection implementation relies upon using Java annotations, a special form of syntactic metadata provided by the dependency injection frameworks. However, uncontrolled use of annotations may lead to potential violations of well-known modularity principles. In this paper we catalogue "bad smells", i.e., modularity-violating annotations defined by the developer or originating from the popular dependency injection frameworks. For each violation we discuss potential implications and propose means of resolving it. By detecting modularity bad smells in Java annotations our approach closes the gap between the state-of-the-art programming practice and currently available analysis techniques

    STARS:software technology for adaptable and reusable systems

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