21,762 research outputs found


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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a machine learning technique where an agent learns to perform a complex action by going through a repeated process of trial and error to maximize a well-defined reward function. This form of learning has found applications in robot locomotion where it has been used to teach robots to traverse complex terrain. While RL algorithms may work well in training robot locomotion, they tend to not generalize well when the agent is brought into an environment that it has never encountered before. Possible solutions from the literature include training a destabilizing adversary alongside the locomotive learning agent. The destabilizing adversary aims to destabilize the agent by applying external forces to it, which may help the locomotive agent learn to deal with unexpected scenarios. For this project, we will train a robust, simulated quadruped robot to traverse a variable terrain. We compare and analyze Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with and without the use of an adversarial agent, and determine which use of PPO produces the best results

    Is there an integrative center in the vertebrate brain-stem? A robotic evaluation of a model of the reticular formation viewed as an action selection device

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    Neurobehavioral data from intact, decerebrate, and neonatal rats, suggests that the reticular formation provides a brainstem substrate for action selection in the vertebrate central nervous system. In this article, Kilmer, McCulloch and Blum’s (1969, 1997) landmark reticular formation model is described and re-evaluated, both in simulation and, for the first time, as a mobile robot controller. Particular model configurations are found to provide effective action selection mechanisms in a robot survival task using either simulated or physical robots. The model’s competence is dependent on the organization of afferents from model sensory systems, and a genetic algorithm search identified a class of afferent configurations which have long survival times. The results support our proposal that the reticular formation evolved to provide effective arbitration between innate behaviors and, with the forebrain basal ganglia, may constitute the integrative, ’centrencephalic’ core of vertebrate brain architecture. Additionally, the results demonstrate that the Kilmer et al. model provides an alternative form of robot controller to those usually considered in the adaptive behavior literature

    Introduction: The Third International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics

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    This paper summarizes the paper and poster contributions to the Third International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. The focus of this workshop is on the cross-disciplinary interaction of developmental psychology and robotics. Namely, the general goal in this area is to create robotic models of the psychological development of various behaviors. The term "epigenetic" is used in much the same sense as the term "developmental" and while we could call our topic "developmental robotics", developmental robotics can be seen as having a broader interdisciplinary emphasis. Our focus in this workshop is on the interaction of developmental psychology and robotics and we use the phrase "epigenetic robotics" to capture this focus

    A Framework of Hybrid Force/Motion Skills Learning for Robots

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    Human factors and human-centred design philosophy are highly desired in today’s robotics applications such as human-robot interaction (HRI). Several studies showed that endowing robots of human-like interaction skills can not only make them more likeable but also improve their performance. In particular, skill transfer by imitation learning can increase usability and acceptability of robots by the users without computer programming skills. In fact, besides positional information, muscle stiffness of the human arm, contact force with the environment also play important roles in understanding and generating human-like manipulation behaviours for robots, e.g., in physical HRI and tele-operation. To this end, we present a novel robot learning framework based on Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), taking into consideration both the positional and the contact force profiles for human-robot skills transferring. Distinguished from the conventional method involving only the motion information, the proposed framework combines two sets of DMPs, which are built to model the motion trajectory and the force variation of the robot manipulator, respectively. Thus, a hybrid force/motion control approach is taken to ensure the accurate tracking and reproduction of the desired positional and force motor skills. Meanwhile, in order to simplify the control system, a momentum-based force observer is applied to estimate the contact force instead of employing force sensors. To deploy the learned motion-force robot manipulation skills to a broader variety of tasks, the generalization of these DMP models in actual situations is also considered. Comparative experiments have been conducted using a Baxter Robot to verify the effectiveness of the proposed learning framework on real-world scenarios like cleaning a table
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