10 research outputs found

    A Scenario-Based Functional Testing Approach to Improving DNN Performance

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    This paper proposes a scenario-based functional testing approach for enhancing the performance of machine learning (ML) applications. The proposed method is an iterative process that starts with testing the ML model on various scenarios to identify areas of weakness. It follows by a further testing on the suspected weak scenarios and statistically evaluate the model's performance on the scenarios to confirm the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis of weak scenarios is confirmed by test results, the treatment of the model is performed by retraining the model using a transfer learning technique with the original model as the base and applying a set of training data specifically targeting the treated scenarios plus a subset of training data selected at random from the original train dataset to prevent the so-call catastrophic forgetting effect. Finally, after the treatment, the model is assessed and evaluated again by testing on the treated scenarios as well as other scenarios to check if the treatment is effective and no side effect caused. The paper reports a case study with a real ML deep neural network (DNN) model, which is the perception system of an autonomous racing car. It is demonstrated that the method is effective in the sense that DNN model's performance can be improved. It provides an efficient method of enhancing ML model's performance with much less human and compute resource than retrain from scratch.Comment: The paper is accepted to appear in the proceedings of IEEE 17th International Conference on Service-oriented Systems Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2023) as an invited paper of 2023 IEEE CISOSE Congres

    Peer-to-peer network architecture for massive online gaming

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2014.Virtual worlds and massive multiplayer online games are amongst the most popular applications on the Internet. In order to host these applications a reliable architecture is required. It is essential for the architecture to handle high user loads, maintain a complex game state, promptly respond to game interactions, and prevent cheating, amongst other properties. Many of today’s Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) use client-server architectures to provide multiplayer service. Clients (players) send their actions to a server. The latter calculates the game state and publishes the information to the clients. Although the client-server architecture has been widely adopted in the past for MMOG, it suffers from many limitations. First, applications based on a client-server architecture are difficult to support and maintain given the dynamic user base of online games. Such architectures do not easily scale (or handle heavy loads). Also, the server constitutes a single point of failure. We argue that peer-to-peer architectures can provide better support for MMOG. Peer-to-peer architectures can enable the user base to scale to a large number. They also limit disruptions experienced by players due to other nodes failing. This research designs and implements a peer-to-peer architecture for MMOG. The peer-to-peer architecture aims at reducing message latency over the network and on the application layer. We refine the communication between nodes in the architecture to reduce network latency by using SPDY, a protocol designed to reduce web page load time. For the application layer, an event-driven paradigm was used to process messages. Through user load simulation, we show that our peer-to-peer design is able to process and reliably deliver messages in a timely manner. Furthermore, by distributing the work conducted by a game server, our research shows that a peer-to-peer architecture responds quicker to requests compared to client-server models

    OpenISA, um conjunto de instruções híbrido

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    Orientador: Edson BorinTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: OpenISA é concebido como a interface de processadores que pretendem ser altamente flexíveis. Isto é conseguido por meio de três estratégias: em primeiro lugar, o ISA é empiricamente escolhido para ser facilmente traduzido para outros, possibilitando flexibilidade do software no caso de um processador OpenISA físico não estar disponível. Neste caso, não há nenhuma necessidade de aplicar um processador virtual OpenISA em software. O ISA está preparado para ser estaticamente traduzido para outros ISAs. Segundo, o ISA não é um ISA concreto nem um ISA virtual, mas um híbrido com a capacidade de admitir modificações nos opcodes sem afetar a compatibilidade retroativa. Este mecanismo permite que as futuras versões do ISA possam sofrer modificações em vez de extensões simples das versões anteriores, um problema comum com ISA concretos, como o x86. Em terceiro lugar, a utilização de uma licença permissiva permite o ISA ser usado livremente por qualquer parte interessada no projeto. Nesta tese de doutorado, concentramo-nos nas instruções de nível de usuário do OpenISA. A tese discute (1) alternativas para ISAs, alternativas para distribuição de programas e o impacto de cada opção, (2) características importantes de OpenISA para atingir seus objetivos e (3) fornece uma completa avaliação do ISA escolhido com respeito a emulação de desempenho em duas CPUs populares, uma projetada pela Intel e outra pela ARM. Concluímos que a versão do OpenISA apresentada aqui pode preservar desempenho próximo do nativo quando traduzida para outros hospedeiros, funcionando como um modelo promissor para ISAs flexíveis da próxima geração que podem ser facilmente estendidos preservando a compatibilidade. Ainda, também mostramos como isso pode ser usado como um formato de distribuição de programas no nível de usuárioAbstract: OpenISA is designed as the interface of processors that aim to be highly flexible. This is achieved by means of three strategies: first, the ISA is empirically chosen to be easily translated to others, providing software flexibility in case a physical OpenISA processor is not available. Second, the ISA is not a concrete ISA nor a virtual ISA, but a hybrid one with the capability of admitting modifications to opcodes without impacting backwards compatibility. This mechanism allows future versions of the ISA to have real changes instead of simple extensions of previous versions, a common problem with concrete ISAs such as the x86. Third, the use of a permissive license allows the ISA to be freely used by any party interested in the project. In this PhD. thesis, we focus on the user-level instructions of OpenISA. The thesis discusses (1) ISA alternatives, program distribution alternatives and the impact of each choice, (2) important features of OpenISA to achieve its goals and (3) provides a thorough evaluation of the chosen ISA with respect to emulation performance on two popular host CPUs, one from Intel and another from ARM. We conclude that the version of OpenISA presented here can preserve close-to-native performance when translated to other hosts, working as a promising model for next-generation, flexible ISAs that can be easily extended while preserving backwards compatibility. Furthermore, we show how this can also be a program distribution format at user-levelDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2011/09630-1FAPES

    Design and implementation of an optimizing type-centric compiler for a high-level language

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    Production compilers for programming languages face multiple requirements. They should be correct, as we rely on them to produce code. They should be fast, in order to provide a good developer experience. They should also be easy to maintain and evolve. This thesis shows how an expressive high level type system can be used to simplify the development of a compiler and demonstrates this on a compiler for Scala. First, it shows how expressive types of high level languages can be used to build internal data structures that provide a statically checked API, ensuring that important properties hold at compile time. Second, we also show how high level language features can be used to abstract the components of a compiler. We demonstrate this by introducing a type-safe layer on top of the bytecode emission phase. This makes it possible to abstract away the implementation details of the compiler frontend and run the same bytecode emission phase in two different Scala compilers. Third, it presents MiniPhases, a novel way to organize transformation passes in a compiler. MiniPhases impose constraints on the organization of passes that are beneficial for maintainability, performance, and testability. We include a detailed performance evaluation of MiniPhases which indicates that their speedup is due to improved cache friendliness and to a lower rate of promotions of objects into the old generations of garbage collectors. Finally, we demonstrate how the expressive type system of the language being compiled can be used for static analysis. We present a novel call graph construction algorithm which uses the typing context for context sensitivity. The resulting algorithm is both substantially faster and more precise than existing alternatives. We demonstrate the applicability of this analysis by extending common subexpression elimination to idempotent expression elimination

    A Case Study of Selected SPLASH-2 Applications and the SBT Debugging Tool

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    SBT is portable library and tool for on-line debugging and performance monitoring of shared-memory parallel programs using the single-program-multiple-data (SPMD) model of parallelism. SPMD programs often use barriers to synchronize threads of execution and to delimit the start and end of different phases of computation. Through its useful barrier constructs, dynamic performance warnings, and integration with hardware event counter libraries, SBT helps programmers localize deadlocks and performance bottlenecks in their parallel programs. To demonstrate SBT’s applicability and usefulness, we present a simple, case study performance analysis using three programs from the SPLASH-2 suite. In addition, we quantify the overhead incurred by the programs when they are monitored with SBT, and conclude that the cost of the instrumentation is negligible

    Cross-Platform Language Design

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    Programming languages are increasingly compiled to multiple runtimes, each featuring their own rich structures such as their object model. Furthermore, they need to interact with other languages targeting said runtimes. A language targeting only one runtime can be designed to tailor its semantics to those of that runtime, for easy interoperability with other languages. However, in a language targeting multiple runtimes with differing semantics, it is difficult to cater to each of them while retaining a common behavior across runtimes. We call \emph{cross-platform language} a language that aims at being both \emph{portable} across platforms and \emph{interoperable} with each target platform. Portability is the ability for a program or a library to cross-compile for multiple platforms, and behave the same way on all of them. Interoperability is the ability to communicate with other languages on the same platform. While many cross-compiling languages focus on one of these two properties---only adding support for the other one as an afterthought---, languages that are designed from the ground up to support both are rare. In this thesis, we present the design of Scala.js, the dialect of Scala targeting the JavaScript platform, which turned Scala into a cross-platform language. On the one hand, Scala programs can be cross-compiled for the JVM and JavaScript with portable semantics. On the other hand, whereas Scala/JVM interoperates with Java, Scala.js interoperates with JavaScript, allowing to use any JavaScript library. Along the dissertation, we give insights that can be transferred to the design of other cross-platform languages, although with a bias towards those targeting the JVM and JavaScript. The first and most obvious challenge is to reconcile the static nature of Scala's object model with JavaScript's dynamic one. Besides the ability to mutate a class hierarchy at run-time in JavaScript, there are fundamental differences between the two models, in particular the difference between compile-time overloading and run-time overloading. We discuss how such semantic mismatches can live in harmony within the language. The second challenge is to obtain good performance from a language where interoperability with a dynamic and unknown part of the program is pervasive. To that end, we design and specify an intermediate representation (IR) with first-class support for dynamically typed interoperability features in addition to statically typed JVM-style operations. Despite its tight integration with the open world of JavaScript, most of the IR can be considered as a closed world where advanced whole-program optimizations can be performed. The performance of the overall system is evaluated and shown to be competitive with hand-written JavaScript, and even with Scala/JVM in some cases

    A review of commercialisation mechanisms for carbon dioxide removal

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    The deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) needs to be scaled up to achieve net zero emission pledges. In this paper we survey the policy mechanisms currently in place globally to incentivise CDR, together with an estimate of what different mechanisms are paying per tonne of CDR, and how those costs are currently distributed. Incentive structures are grouped into three structures, market-based, public procurement, and fiscal mechanisms. We find the majority of mechanisms currently in operation are underresourced and pay too little to enable a portfolio of CDR that could support achievement of net zero. The majority of mechanisms are concentrated in market-based and fiscal structures, specifically carbon markets and subsidies. While not primarily motivated by CDR, mechanisms tend to support established afforestation and soil carbon sequestration methods. Mechanisms for geological CDR remain largely underdeveloped relative to the requirements of modelled net zero scenarios. Commercialisation pathways for CDR require suitable policies and markets throughout the projects development cycle. Discussion and investment in CDR has tended to focus on technology development. Our findings suggest that an equal or greater emphasis on policy innovation may be required if future requirements for CDR are to be met. This study can further support research and policy on the identification of incentive gaps and realistic potential for CDR globally