12 research outputs found

    Toward a Maturity Model for DSS Development Processes

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    Despite recent progress with Decision support systems (DSS) development methodologies, a gap still exist in terms of theability to assess the maturity of an organization with respect to its DSS development process. A need exist to be able todescribe DSS development processes at a meta-level. Equally important is the ability to provide organization withprescriptions to increase the maturity of their DSS development processes.In this paper, we propose a Decision Support System Maturity Model (DSS-MM). The model draws on extant literaturerelated to DSS development methodologies, practices and processes to identify pertinent DSS development practices anddefine maturity models for these practices. From a theoretical perspective, this research presents the first maturity modelspecifically targeting DSS development. From a practical perspective, the model provides a framework for organizations toassess their DSS development maturity level and devise process improvement initiatives to address any limitations withexisting practices

    Business Process Management, Social Network Analysis and Knowledge Management: A Triangulation of Sorts?

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    As its name suggests, Business Process Management seeks to manage the processes companies typically undertake on a day to day basis. In line with many management techniques, improvements can made through analysing at varying granularity how processes are actually undertaken compared to how management may consider they are being accomplished and vice versa. One innovative way Business Process Management may be improved is through the use of Social Network Analysis to observe actual working relationships among employees. This latter technique permits the workflow manager specifically to consider how well matched employees are to their workflow and as a result of this, we have a means of either reconstructing workflows or alternatively employee practices. A small research-in-progress case study is presented illustrating how these principles may be applied in practice. Overall one may consider such improvements as aiding in the knowledge management of the organization as a whole

    Towards a Conceptualisation of a Service Innovation Maturity Model

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    Following best practice detailed by Jochem et al. (2011), this paper evaluates existing research concerned with the assessment and development of capabilities for effective service innovation in Irish SMEs and proposes a maturity model framework comprising of stages presented in an evolutionary framework that sequentially and incrementally describes the development of capabilities in a logical order. Our service innovation maturity levels range from low to high illustrating the increasing sophistication of the outlined attributes as firms grow and mature capabilities to achieve their service innovation goals. Due to the research deficit, it is anticipated that the on-going study will make a substantial contribution to both academic knowledge and practice by expanding the service innovation literature and identifying and detailing the specific innovation maturity levels that can be used to enhance service innovativeness. The paper also highlights essential aspects of the discipline which warrant further investigation in the future


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    Following best practice detailed by Jochem et al. (2011), this paper evaluates existing research concerned with the assessment and development of capabilities for effective service innovation in Irish SMEs and proposes a maturity model framework comprising of stages presented in an evolutionary framework that sequentially and incrementally describes the development of capabilities in a logical order. Our service innovation maturity levels range from low to high illustrating the increasing sophistication of the outlined attributes as firms grow and mature capabilities to achieve their service innovation goals. Due to the research deficit, it is anticipated that the on-going study will make a substantial contribution to both academic knowledge and practice by expanding the service innovation literature and identifying and detailing the specific innovation maturity levels that can be used to enhance service innovativeness. The paper also highlights essential aspects of the discipline which warrant further investigation in the future

    Measuring the impact of knowledge sharing on quality improvement initiatives

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    The contributions of knowledge-based processes in quality initiatives, though unfamiliar, may have been realized by the improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge workers (Malhotra 2000). Effective knowledge management (KM) can provide an organization with a competitive edge through effective management of product and process quality. It is possible that quality initiatives can be directed using knowledge sharing practices by focusing on common themes throughout the organization. Hence, it stands to reason that knowledge sharing can be facilitated by understanding those factors that are critical to the success of quality improvement initiatives and, conversely, that the impact of quality initiatives can be enhanced through effective knowledge sharing. The purpose of this study is to identify the critical organizational factors that contribute to the impact of knowledge sharing on quality improvement initiatives. It will focus on quality and on production managers\u27 perception of the way knowledge is being shared to improve results. It will examine the key independent variables that influence public and private organizations\u27 and overall manufacturing industries\u27 performances. These variables include customer focus, involvement of leaders and employees, and horizontal and vertical communication. A 30-item survey instrument provided the data on which the statistical analysis was based, validating the conclusions presented in this thesis

    Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment of Health-Related Academic Units

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    The US is increasingly becoming more diverse; however, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to experience health disparities and poor health outcomes. To better respond to the needs of diverse populations, cultural competence training for future health professionals is needed. Important to the cultural competence of individuals is organizational cultural competence. Models and recommendations have been developed to apply cultural competence education and training formally in government agencies, health care organizations, and academia. An example of such a model in academia is the Dotson Organizational Cultural Competence Model for Health-Related Academic Units, which consists of 4 domains (organizational accountability, stakeholder diversity, access, and communication) with 63 criteria statements. Missing is assessment of organizational cultural competence in academia and the extent to which it is applied in these units. The purpose of this thesis research was to assess the organizational cultural competence performance of post-secondary health-related academic units using the theoretical framework of a capability maturity model. Using a web-based survey, administrators from health-related academic units reported the extent to which organizational cultural competence criteria statements were applied in their units using a Likert-like scale (1 = Strongly agree, 6 = Strongly disagree). The overall cultural competence of units was described using means and standard deviations of total score from criteria statements and domain scores. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no differences by academic homes in applying cultural competence. However, MANOVA revealed significant differences within domains by categorized academic home for overall cultural competence (p = 0.013). MANOVA of overall cultural competence and overall cultural competence experience was significant (p = 0.005). MANOVA revealed significance within domain scores by organizational cultural competence experience (p = 0.028). From Bonferroni post-hoc analysis significance was found within the organizational accountability (p = 0.003) and communication domains (p = 0.004). Units that engage in diversity planning, curriculum and student evaluations for cultural competence have higher levels of cultural competence. Cultural competence models suggest that cultural competency is an evolving process. Future research should evaluate units from more stakeholder perspectives and link the cultural competence continuum with the capability maturity model

    Arquitecturas de modelos de madurez organizacional : una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    La proliferación de modelos de madurez organizacional en el dominio de la ingeniería de software y su adaptación a otros dominios está generando confusión en la industria y la academia. Los cambios introducidos en las adaptaciones tienen origen en esquemas de categorización de organizaciones existentes en estos dominios distintos al de la ingeniería de software. Esta situación genera desconcierto y demoras en la adopción y evolución de los modelos de madurez organizacional. (OBJETIVOS) En este estudio se identifica los enfoques arquitecturales usados en el desarrollo de modelos de madurez organizacional para diferentes dominios y las características relevantes de estas arquitecturas. (MÉTODOS) Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos reconocidas sobre arquitecturas usadas en el desarrollo de modelos de madurez organizacional. (RESULTADOS) Se identificó 70 estudios que describen la arquitectura de modelos de madurez organizacional para diferentes dominios, predominando tecnologías de la información e ingeniería de software como ámbitos de aplicación; sin embargo también se encontró estudios relacionados a otros contextos como construcción, logística, educación y sistemas médicos. Los modelos de madurez encontrados en los estudios fueron agrupados en ocho tipos de arquitecturas. (CONCLUSIONES) Se encontró que la arquitectura del modelo CMMI y las arquitecturas basadas en modelo de progresión son las más usadas en los estudios. Se encontró además que las arquitecturas de los modelos de madurez del ámbito de la ingeniería de software y sistemas pueden emplearse como base para definir modelos de madurez organizacional para otros campos de aplicación de la industria con cambios menores.Tesi

    Establishing opportunities for using big data analysis at the Herald

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    A few years ago, merely mentioning the term ‘big data’ within industry circles, would more than likely have received a quirky and confused look; however, the term big data has gained huge popularity in recent years among IT professionals and academics. The big data phenomenon has exploded in popularity worldwide, and continues to grow exponentially with each passing day. It has been good news for many industries, as industries are going ablaze with the huge volume, variety and velocity of data. As technology advances it is lifting and removing so many boundaries, and answering questions that are not currently being asked. Therefore, it is that big data is taking the world by storm, and it is safe to say that big data has gone mainstream with countless benefits being developed within industries. The opportunity for employing big data strategies are many, according to McKinsey and Company, and the growth in big data will spark a new wave of ‘innovation, competition and productivity’ within businesses (McKinsey & Company, 2011). Taking advantage of these opportunities will be challenging for companies, creating the need for new skills, tools and ways of thinking. Implementing big data would help in creating new innovative business models, as executives are challenged to make their organisations resilient and agile in today’s challenging business environment. This research paper aimed to unpack the understanding of big data, the challenges, and the value to an organisation and provide a guideline or framework to implement a big data strategy. Furthermore, this research examines the opportunities and the potential value that organisations would obtain from implementing big data, as well as the challenges that could hinder implementation. Due to the rapid growth and size of data, decision-makers need to be able to gain valuable insights from such varied and rapidly changing data that will help organisations make far better, intelligent and data-driven decisions which may help in improving operations

    Avaliação do compartilhamento do conhecimento em entidades de saúde do executivo estadual de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2012Esta pesquisa teve como principal produto um diagnóstico baseado no Método OKA que identificou o nível de preparação das Gerências Regionais de Saúde (GERSA) em compartilhar o conhecimento e permitiu que fossem feitas analises da situação diagnosticada sobre os recursos de conhecimento dessas Gerências. Haja vista, que os trabalhadores das GERSAS compartilham o conhecimento durante a elaboração dos Instrumentos de Gestão pelos seus municípios. No entanto este processo não é gerenciado e nem tampouco avaliado. Para os fins deste estudo, selecionou-se um conjunto de vinte e oito das duzentas e três questões que compõem o método OKA. Estas questões foram selecionadas pelo pesquisador, pois estão diretamente relacionadas com o compartilhamento de conhecimento, elas totalizaram dezoito métricas das setenta estipuladas pelo método. As questões selecionadas abrangem as três categorias e sete subcategorias de análise todas retiradas do método OKA. Apesar de ser incipiente, o compartilhamento do conhecimento ocorre nas GERSAS apoiado na Categoria Pessoas, mas os servidores e gerentes ainda compartilham o conhecimento com muita precaução e certo receio. Dentro dos incentivos para o compartilhamento do conhecimento não há benefícios financeiros aos servidores, haja vista não ser permitido legalmente. No entanto, o reconhecimento é dado para os que possuem o conhecimento e não para os que mais compartilham o conhecimento. Na Categoria de Análise Processos, pouco menos crítica, destaca-se que a Liderança e as Estratégias utilizadas nas GERSAS surtem efeito e são relevantes para o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Foi possível perceber deficiências no Fluxo do Conhecimento, desde a captura e criação até o seu uso final pelos servidores e gerentes. Existem falhas que podem ser corrigidas por meio de um plano de ações para o compartilhamento. Por fim a Categoria Sistemas, ganha destaque pela sua alta contribuição para o compartilhamento do conhecimento nas GERSAS. Considerando todo este cenário, este estudo do compartilhamento do conhecimento auxiliou no entendimento de como os servidores trocam entre si o que sabem e o que sabem fazer, no que diz respeito aos procedimentos que empregam para executarem o trabalho.Abstract : This research had as main product a diagnosis method based on the OKA which identified the level of preparation of the Regional Health Managers (GERSA) to share knowledge and allowed them to be done analysis of the situation diagnosed on the managements of these knowledge resources. Considering that the employees of GERSAS share knowledge during the development of management instruments for their municipalities. However this process is not managed, nor evaluated. For purposes of this study, we selected a set of twenty-eight of the two hundred and three issues the method comprising OKA. These issues were selected by the researcher, since they are directly related to the sharing of knowledge, they totaled eighteen of the seventy metrics stipulated by the method. The selected questions cover the three categories and seven subcategories of analysis method removed all OKA. Despite being in its infancy, knowledge sharing occurs in the category People GERSAS supported, but the servers and managers still share the knowledge with great caution and trepidation. Among the incentives for knowledge sharing, there is no financial benefit to the servers, due to not being legally allowed. However, recognition is given to those who have the knowledge and not for those who share more knowledge. In Category Analysis Processes, less critical, it is emphasized that the leadership and the strategies used in GERSAS take effect and are relevant to knowledge sharing. It was possible to detect deficiencies in the Flow of Knowledge, from capture and creation to its final use by servers and managers. There are gaps that can be remedied through an action plan for sharing. Finally, the Systems category, is highlighted by its high contribution to knowledge sharing in GERSAS. Given all this background, this study of knowledge sharing supported the understanding of how servers communicate to each other what they know and what they do, with regard to the procedures they employ to perform the work