5,606 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Spiking Neuromorphic System for Real-World Pattern Recognition

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    A neuromorphic chip that combines CMOS analog spiking neurons and memristive synapses offers a promising solution to brain-inspired computing, as it can provide massive neural network parallelism and density. Previous hybrid analog CMOS-memristor approaches required extensive CMOS circuitry for training, and thus eliminated most of the density advantages gained by the adoption of memristor synapses. Further, they used different waveforms for pre and post-synaptic spikes that added undesirable circuit overhead. Here we describe a hardware architecture that can feature a large number of memristor synapses to learn real-world patterns. We present a versatile CMOS neuron that combines integrate-and-fire behavior, drives passive memristors and implements competitive learning in a compact circuit module, and enables in-situ plasticity in the memristor synapses. We demonstrate handwritten-digits recognition using the proposed architecture using transistor-level circuit simulations. As the described neuromorphic architecture is homogeneous, it realizes a fundamental building block for large-scale energy-efficient brain-inspired silicon chips that could lead to next-generation cognitive computing.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol 5, no. 2, June 201

    Neural-network dedicated processor for solving competitive assignment problems

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    A neural-network processor for solving first-order competitive assignment problems consists of a matrix of N x M processing units, each of which corresponds to the pairing of a first number of elements of (R sub i) with a second number of elements (C sub j), wherein limits of the first number are programmed in row control superneurons, and limits of the second number are programmed in column superneurons as MIN and MAX values. The cost (weight) W sub ij of the pairings is programmed separately into each PU. For each row and column of PU's, a dedicated constraint superneuron insures that the number of active neurons within the associated row or column fall within a specified range. Annealing is provided by gradually increasing the PU gain for each row and column or increasing positive feedback to each PU, the latter being effective to increase hysteresis of each PU or by combining both of these techniques

    A modular T-mode design approach for analog neural network hardware implementations

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    A modular transconductance-mode (T-mode) design approach is presented for analog hardware implementations of neural networks. This design approach is used to build a modular bidirectional associative memory network. The authors show that the size of the whole system can be increased by interconnecting more modular chips. It is also shown that by changing the interconnection strategy different neural network systems can be implemented, such as a Hopfield network, a winner-take-all network, a simplified ART1 network, or a constrained optimization network. Experimentally measured results from CMOS 2-μm double-metal, double-polysilicon prototypes (MOSIS) are presented

    A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Brain-Inspired Neural Networks with Resistive Synapses and In-Situ Learning

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    Nanoscale resistive memories are expected to fuel dense integration of electronic synapses for large-scale neuromorphic system. To realize such a brain-inspired computing chip, a compact CMOS spiking neuron that performs in-situ learning and computing while driving a large number of resistive synapses is desired. This work presents a novel leaky integrate-and-fire neuron design which implements the dual-mode operation of current integration and synaptic drive, with a single opamp and enables in-situ learning with crossbar resistive synapses. The proposed design was implemented in a 0.18 μ\mum CMOS technology. Measurements show neuron's ability to drive a thousand resistive synapses, and demonstrate an in-situ associative learning. The neuron circuit occupies a small area of 0.01 mm2^2 and has an energy-efficiency of 9.3 pJ//spike//synapse

    Electronic neuroprocessors

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    The JPL Center for Space Microelectronics Technology (CSMT) is actively pursuing research in the neural network theory, algorithms, and electronics as well as optoelectronic neural net hardware implementations, to explore the strengths and application potential for a variety of NASA, DoD, as well as commercial application problems, where conventional computing techniques are extremely time-consuming, cumbersome, or simply non-existent. An overview of the JPL electronic neural network hardware development activities and some of the striking applications of the JPL electronic neuroprocessors are presented

    Pavlov's dog associative learning demonstrated on synaptic-like organic transistors

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    In this letter, we present an original demonstration of an associative learning neural network inspired by the famous Pavlov's dogs experiment. A single nanoparticle organic memory field effect transistor (NOMFET) is used to implement each synapse. We show how the physical properties of this dynamic memristive device can be used to perform low power write operations for the learning and implement short-term association using temporal coding and spike timing dependent plasticity based learning. An electronic circuit was built to validate the proposed learning scheme with packaged devices, with good reproducibility despite the complex synaptic-like dynamic of the NOMFET in pulse regime