2,752 research outputs found

    A portable device for time-resolved fluorescence based on an array of CMOS SPADs with integrated microfluidics

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    [eng] Traditionally, molecular analysis is performed in laboratories equipped with desktop instruments operated by specialized technicians. This paradigm has been changing in recent decades, as biosensor technology has become as accurate as desktop instruments, providing results in much shorter periods and miniaturizing the instrumentation, moving the diagnostic tests gradually out of the central laboratory. However, despite the inherent advantages of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy applied to molecular diagnosis, it is only in the last decade that POC (Point Of Care) devices have begun to be developed based on the detection of fluorescence, due to the challenge of developing high-performance, portable and low-cost spectroscopic sensors. This thesis presents the development of a compact, robust and low-cost system for molecular diagnosis based on time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, which serves as a general-purpose platform for the optical detection of a variety of biomarkers, bridging the gap between the laboratory and the POC of the fluorescence lifetime based bioassays. In particular, two systems with different levels of integration have been developed that combine a one-dimensional array of SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanch Diode) pixels capable of detecting a single photon, with an interchangeable microfluidic cartridge used to insert the sample and a laser diode Pulsed low-cost UV as a source of excitation. The contact-oriented design of the binomial formed by the sensor and the microfluidic, together with the timed operation of the sensors, makes it possible to dispense with the use of lenses and filters. In turn, custom packaging of the sensor chip allows the microfluidic cartridge to be positioned directly on the sensor array without any alignment procedure. Both systems have been validated, determining the decomposition time of quantum dots in 20 nl of solution for different concentrations, emulating a molecular test in a POC device.[cat] Tradicionalment, l'anàlisi molecular es realitza en laboratoris equipats amb instruments de sobretaula operats per tècnics especialitzats. Aquest paradigma ha anat canviant en les últimes dècades, a mesura que la tecnologia de biosensor s'ha tornat tan precisa com els instruments de sobretaula, proporcionant resultats en períodes molt més curts de temps i miniaturitzant la instrumentació, permetent així, traslladar gradualment les proves de diagnòstic fora de laboratori central. No obstant això i malgrat els avantatges inherents de l'espectroscòpia de fluorescència resolta en el temps aplicada a la diagnosi molecular, no ha estat fins a l'última dècada que s'han començat a desenvolupar dispositius POC (Point Of Care) basats en la detecció de la fluorescència, degut al desafiament que suposa el desenvolupament de sensors espectroscòpics d'alt rendiment, portàtils i de baix cost. Aquesta tesi presenta el desenvolupament d'un sistema compacte, robust i de baix cost per al diagnòstic molecular basat en l'espectroscòpia de fluorescència resolta en el temps, que serveixi com a plataforma d'ús general per a la detecció òptica d'una varietat de biomarcadors, tancant la bretxa entre el laboratori i el POC dels bioassaigs basats en l'anàlisi de la pèrdua de la fluorescència. En particular, s'han desenvolupat dos sistemes amb diferents nivells d'integració que combinen una matriu unidimensional de píxels SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanch Diode) capaços de detectar un sol fotó, amb un cartutx microfluídic intercanviable emprat per inserir la mostra, així com un díode làser UV premut de baix cost com a font d'excitació. El disseny orientat a la detecció per contacte de l'binomi format pel sensor i la microfluídica, juntament amb l'operació temporitzada dels sensors, permet prescindir de l'ús de lents i filtres. Al seu torn, l'empaquetat a mida de l'xip sensor permet posicionar el cartutx microfluídic directament sobre la matriu de sensors sense cap procediment d'alineament. Tots dos sistemes han estat validats determinant el temps de descomposició de "quantum dots" en 20 nl de solució per a diferents concentracions, emulant així un assaig molecular en un dispositiu POC

    Fast and simple spectral FLIM for biochemical and medical imaging.

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    Spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (λFLIM) has powerful potential for biochemical and medical imaging applications. However, long acquisition times, low spectral resolution and complexity of λFLIM often narrow its use to specialized laboratories. Therefore, we demonstrate here a simple spectral FLIM based on a solid-state detector array providing in-pixel histrogramming and delivering faster acquisition, larger dynamic range, and higher spectral elements than state-of-the-art λFLIM. We successfully apply this novel microscopy system to biochemical and medical imaging demonstrating that solid-state detectors are a key strategic technology to enable complex assays in biomedical laboratories and the clinic.A.E. thanks the EPSRC for the initial funding of the project (EP/F044011/1) from 2009 to 2011. M.P. and L.D.C. were supported by a Programme Grant to A.R.V. from the UK Medical Research Council (MRC). This project was also supported by the MRC’s grant-in-aid to the Cancer Unit, Cambridge (A.E., A.R.V.). C.F.K acknowledges funding from the MRC (grant MR/K015850/1), the Wellcome Trust (grant 089703/Z/09/Z) and the EPSRC (EP/L015889/1).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Optical Society of America via http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.23.02351

    Hardware implementation algorithm and error analysis of high-speed fluorescence lifetime sensing systems using center-of-mass method

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    A new, simple, high-speed, and hardware-only integrationbased fluorescence-lifetime-sensing algorithm using a center-of-mass method CMM is proposed to implement lifetime calculations, and its signal-to-noise-ratio based on statistics theory is also deduced. Compared to the commonly used iterative least-squares method or the maximum-likelihood-estimation–based, general purpose fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy FLIM analysis software, the proposed hardware lifetime calculation algorithm with CMM offers direct calculation of fluorescence lifetime based on the collected photon counts and timing information provided by in-pixel circuitry and therefore delivers faster analysis for real-time applications, such as clinical diagnosis. A real-time hardware implementation of this CMM FLIM algorithm suitable for a single-photon avalanche diode array in CMOS imaging technology is now proposed for implementation on field-programmable gate array. The performance of the proposed methods has been tested on Fluorescein, Coumarin 6, and 1,8- anilinonaphthalenesulfonate in water/methanol mixture

    Fast fluorescence dynamics in non-ratiometric calcium indicators

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    A fluorescence decay of high-affinity non-ratiometric Ca2+ indicator Oregon Green BAPTA-1 (OGB-1) is analyzed with unprecedented temporal resolution in the two-photon excitation regime. A triple exponential decay is shown to best fit the fluorescence dynamics of OGB-1. We provide a new model for accurate measurements of the free Ca2+ concentration and dissociation constants of non-ratiometric calcium indicators.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, figures revised, added chi-square goodness of fi

    A Point-of-Care Device for Molecular Diagnosis Based on CMOS SPAD Detectors with Integrated Microfluidics

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    We describe the integration of techniques and technologies to develop a Point-of-Care for molecular diagnosis PoC-MD, based on a fluorescence lifetime measurement. Our PoC-MD is a low-cost, simple, fast, and easy-to-use general-purpose platform, aimed at carrying out fast diagnostics test through label detection of a variety of biomarkers. It is based on a 1-D array of 10 ultra-sensitive Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) detectors made in a 0.18 μm High-Voltage Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (HV-CMOS) technology. A custom microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane cartridge to insert the sample is straightforwardly positioned on top of the SPAD array without any alignment procedure with the SPAD array. Moreover, the proximity between the sample and the gate-operated SPAD sensor makes unnecessary any lens or optical filters to detect the fluorescence for long lifetime fluorescent dyes, such as quantum dots. Additionally, the use of a low-cost laser diode as pulsed excitation source and a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to implement the control and processing electronics, makes the device flexible and easy to adapt to the target label molecule by only changing the laser diode. Using this device, reliable and sensitive real-time proof-of-concept fluorescence lifetime measurement of quantum dot QdotTM 605 streptavidin conjugate is demonstrated
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