11 research outputs found

    A Masked Pure-Hardware Implementation of Kyber Cryptographic Algorithm

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    Security against side-channel assisted attacks remains a focus and concern in the ongoing standardization process of quantum-computer-resistant cryptography algorithms. Hiding and masking techniques are currently under investigation to protect the Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithms in the NIST PQC standardization process against sophisticated side-channel attacks. Between hiding and masking, masking is emerging as a popular option due to its simplicity and minimized cost of implementation compared with hiding, which often requires duplication of hardware resources and advanced analysis and design techniques to implement correctly. This work presents a pure hardware implementation of masked CCA2-secure Kyber-512, a candidate chosen by NIST to be standardized. A novel hiding technique that leverages the advantages of FPGAs over micro-controllers and is demonstrably secure against Simple Power Analysis (SPA) and Differential Power Analysis (DPA) side-channel attacks is presented. Finally, a novel hybrid hiding-masking approach is presented that achieves a reduced hardware resource and clock-cycle penalty compared with previously reported figures for similar PQC candidates. The Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) is adopted to demonstrate the absence of side-channel leakage

    HPKA: A High-Performance CRYSTALS-Kyber Accelerator Exploring Efficient Pipelining

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    CRYSTALS-Kyber (Kyber) was recently chosen as the first quantum resistant Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) scheme for standardisation, after three rounds of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated PQC competition which begin in 2016 and search of the best quantum resistant KEMs and digital signatures. Kyber is based on the Module-Learning with Errors (M-LWE) class of Lattice-based Cryptography, that is known to manifest efficiently on FPGAs. This work explores several architectural optimizations and proposes a high-performance and area-time (AT) product efficient hardware accelerator for Kyber. The proposed architectural optimizations include inter-module and intra-module pipelining, that are designed and balanced via FIFO based buffering to ensure maximum parallelisation. The implementation results show that compared to state-of-the-art designs, the proposed architecture delivers 25-51% speedups for Kyber\u27s three different security levels on Artix-7 and Zynq UltraScale+ devices, and a 50-75\% reduction in DSPs at comparable security level. Consequently, the proposed design achieve higher AT product efficiencies of 19-33%

    HI-Kyber: A novel high-performance implementation scheme of Kyber based on GPU

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    CRYSTALS-Kyber, as the only public key encryption (PKE) algorithm selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the third round, is considered one of the most promising post-quantum cryptography (PQC) schemes. Lattice-based cryptography uses complex discrete alogarithm problems on lattices to build secure encryption and decryption systems to resist attacks from quantum computing. Performance is an important bottleneck affecting the promotion of post quantum cryptography. In this paper, we present a High-performance Implementation of Kyber (named HI-Kyber) on the NVIDIA GPUs, which can increase the key-exchange performance of Kyber to the million-level. Firstly, we propose a lattice-based PQC implementation architecture based on kernel fusion, which can avoid redundant global-memory access operations. Secondly, We optimize and implement the core operations of CRYSTALS-Kyber, including Number Theoretic Transform (NTT), inverse NTT (INTT), pointwise multiplication, etc. Especially for the calculation bottleneck NTT operation, three novel methods are proposed to explore extreme performance: the sliced layer merging (SLM), the sliced depth-first search (SDFS-NTT) and the entire depth-first search (EDFS-NTT), which achieve a speedup of 7.5%, 28.5%, and 41.6% compared to the native implementation. Thirdly, we conduct comprehensive performance experiments with different parallel dimensions based on the above optimization. Finally, our key exchange performance reaches 1,664 kops/s. Specifically, based on the same platform, our HI-Kyber is 3.52×\times that of the GPU implementation based on the same instruction set and 1.78×\times that of the state-of-the-art one based on AI-accelerated tensor core

    Decryption Failure Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    This dissertation discusses mainly new cryptanalytical results related to issues of securely implementing the next generation of asymmetric cryptography, or Public-Key Cryptography (PKC).PKC, as it has been deployed until today, depends heavily on the integer factorization and the discrete logarithm problems.Unfortunately, it has been well-known since the mid-90s, that these mathematical problems can be solved due to Peter Shor's algorithm for quantum computers, which achieves the answers in polynomial time.The recently accelerated pace of R&D towards quantum computers, eventually of sufficient size and power to threaten cryptography, has led the crypto research community towards a major shift of focus.A project towards standardization of Post-quantum Cryptography (PQC) was launched by the US-based standardization organization, NIST. PQC is the name given to algorithms designed for running on classical hardware/software whilst being resistant to attacks from quantum computers.PQC is well suited for replacing the current asymmetric schemes.A primary motivation for the project is to guide publicly available research toward the singular goal of finding weaknesses in the proposed next generation of PKC.For public key encryption (PKE) or digital signature (DS) schemes to be considered secure they must be shown to rely heavily on well-known mathematical problems with theoretical proofs of security under established models, such as indistinguishability under chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA).Also, they must withstand serious attack attempts by well-renowned cryptographers both concerning theoretical security and the actual software/hardware instantiations.It is well-known that security models, such as IND-CCA, are not designed to capture the intricacies of inner-state leakages.Such leakages are named side-channels, which is currently a major topic of interest in the NIST PQC project.This dissertation focuses on two things, in general:1) how does the low but non-zero probability of decryption failures affect the cryptanalysis of these new PQC candidates?And 2) how might side-channel vulnerabilities inadvertently be introduced when going from theory to the practice of software/hardware implementations?Of main concern are PQC algorithms based on lattice theory and coding theory.The primary contributions are the discovery of novel decryption failure side-channel attacks, improvements on existing attacks, an alternative implementation to a part of a PQC scheme, and some more theoretical cryptanalytical results

    Sapphire: A Configurable Crypto-Processor for Post-Quantum Lattice-based Protocols (Extended Version)

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    Public key cryptography protocols, such as RSA and elliptic curve cryptography, will be rendered insecure by Shor’s algorithm when large-scale quantum computers are built. Cryptographers are working on quantum-resistant algorithms, and lattice-based cryptography has emerged as a prime candidate. However, high computational complexity of these algorithms makes it challenging to implement lattice-based protocols on low-power embedded devices. To address this challenge, we present Sapphire – a lattice cryptography processor with configurable parameters. Efficient sampling, with a SHA-3-based PRNG, provides two orders of magnitude energy savings; a single-port RAM-based number theoretic transform memory architecture is proposed, which provides 124k-gate area savings; while a low-power modular arithmetic unit accelerates polynomial computations. Our test chip was fabricated in TSMC 40nm low-power CMOS process, with the Sapphire cryptographic core occupying 0.28 mm2 area consisting of 106k logic gates and 40.25 KB SRAM. Sapphire can be programmed with custom instructions for polynomial arithmetic and sampling, and it is coupled with a low-power RISC-V micro-processor to demonstrate NIST Round 2 lattice-based CCA-secure key encapsulation and signature protocols Frodo, NewHope, qTESLA, CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium, achieving up to an order of magnitude improvement in performance and energy-efficiency compared to state-of-the-art hardware implementations. All key building blocks of Sapphire are constant-time and secure against timing and simple power analysis side-channel attacks. We also discuss how masking-based DPA countermeasures can be implemented on the Sapphire core without any changes to the hardware

    Information Leakage Attacks and Countermeasures

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    The scientific community has been consistently working on the pervasive problem of information leakage, uncovering numerous attack vectors, and proposing various countermeasures. Despite these efforts, leakage incidents remain prevalent, as the complexity of systems and protocols increases, and sophisticated modeling methods become more accessible to adversaries. This work studies how information leakages manifest in and impact interconnected systems and their users. We first focus on online communications and investigate leakages in the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS). Using modern machine learning models, we show that an eavesdropping adversary can efficiently exploit meta-information (e.g., packet size) not protected by the TLS’ encryption to launch fingerprinting attacks at an unprecedented scale even under non-optimal conditions. We then turn our attention to ultrasonic communications, and discuss their security shortcomings and how adversaries could exploit them to compromise anonymity network users (even though they aim to offer a greater level of privacy compared to TLS). Following up on these, we delve into physical layer leakages that concern a wide array of (networked) systems such as servers, embedded nodes, Tor relays, and hardware cryptocurrency wallets. We revisit location-based side-channel attacks and develop an exploitation neural network. Our model demonstrates the capabilities of a modern adversary but also presents an inexpensive tool to be used by auditors for detecting such leakages early on during the development cycle. Subsequently, we investigate techniques that further minimize the impact of leakages found in production components. Our proposed system design distributes both the custody of secrets and the cryptographic operation execution across several components, thus making the exploitation of leaks difficult