9 research outputs found

    A study of vehicle routing problem via trade-off ranking method

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    Vehicle routing defines selecting the minimum cost, distance, and/or time path from a depot to several alternatives for a goods or service to reach its destination. The objective of most routing problem is to minimize the total cost of providing the service. But other objectives also may come into play, particularly in the public sector. For emergency services, such as ambulance, police, and fire engine, minimizing the response time to an incident is of primary importance. A few routing algorithms do not use a deterministic algorithm to find the "best" route for a goods to get from its original source to its destination. Instead, to avoid congestion, a few algorithms use a randomized algorithm that routes a path to a randomly picked intermediate destination, and from there to its true destination. In this paper, the trade-off ranking method is used to solve for the vehicle routing treated as a conflicting multi-criteria problem. The integration of the trade-off ranking method into the vehicle routing problem gives another perspective on how to solve the problem, hence broadened the decision support system for the vehicle routing problem


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    Kebijakan Ganjil-Genap merupakan salah satu aturan yang diterapkan di Jakarta untuk mengurangi kemacetan. Kebijakan ini mengakibatkan kendaraan bermotor tidak bisa melalui ruas jalan tertentu, jika ganjil/genapnya nomor-polisi kendaraan tidak sesuai dengan ganjil/genapnya tanggal kendaraan tersebut ketika melintasi ruas jalan yang terkena kebijakan. Ada beberapa jenis kendaraan yang terkena dampak kebijakan ini, di antaranya ialah kendaraan distribusi perusahaan ekspedisi. Kebijakan ini membuat biaya distribusi perusahaan ekspedisi meningkat karena jarak perjalanan menuju konsumen menjadi lebih jauh untuk menghindari ruas jalan Ganjil-Genap ketika plat nomor polisi kendaraan yang digunakan untuk distribusi tidak sesuai dengan jenis tanggal distribusi. Proses distribusi yang meminimumkan biaya pengeluaran memerlukan penentuan rute yang optimal. Masalah penentuan rute optimal ini diformulasikan ke dalam Vehicle Routing Problem menggunakan Integer Linear Programming. Masalah ini diselesaikan menggunakan perangkat lunak LINGO 18.0 dan solusi optimal yang diperoleh berupa rute pendistribusian barang menggunakan kendaraan tertentu serta meminimumkan biaya distribusi

    A novel Dynamic programming approach for Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem in City Logistics with Environmental considerations

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    Abstract The paper proposes a Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Environmental consideration, intended for managing urban freight distribution in City Logistics. It presents a novel Dynamic programming approach that divides the main problem into several ones and uses an exact algorithm to obtain optimal route paths. The approach applies Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for assigning a group of customers to a satellite. The initial solution is improved with roulette selection, 2-opt, and Or-opt exchange heuristics. The approach was tested on benchmark instances, and obtained results are satisfactory. Moreover, the proposed method highlights the environmental improvement we can obtain in managing urban freight transportation

    A large neighbourhood based heuristic for two-echelon routing problems

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    In this paper, we address two optimisation problems arising in the context of city logistics and two-level transportation systems. The two-echelon vehicle routing problem and the two-echelon location routing problem seek to produce vehicle itineraries to deliver goods to customers, with transits through intermediate facilities. To efficiently solve these problems, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic which combines enumerative local searches with destroy-and-repair principles, as well as some tailored operators to optimise the selections of intermediate facilities. We conduct extensive computational experiments to investigate the contribution of these operators to the search performance, and measure the performance of the method on both problem classes. The proposed algorithm finds the current best known solutions, or better ones, for 95% of the two-echelon vehicle routing problem benchmark instances. Overall, for both problems, it achieves high-quality solutions within short computing times. Finally, for future reference, we resolve inconsistencies between different versions of benchmark instances, document their differences, and provide them all online in a unified format

    Two-Echelon Vehicle and UAV Routing for Post-Disaster Humanitarian Operations with Uncertain Demand

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    Humanitarian logistics service providers have two major responsibilities immediately after a disaster: locating trapped people and routing aid to them. These difficult operations are further hindered by failures in the transportation and telecommunications networks, which are often rendered unusable by the disaster at hand. In this work, we propose two-echelon vehicle routing frameworks for performing these operations using aerial uncrewed autonomous vehicles (UAVs or drones) to address the issues associated with these failures. In our proposed frameworks, we assume that ground vehicles cannot reach the trapped population directly, but they can only transport drones from a depot to some intermediate locations. The drones launched from these locations serve to both identify demands for medical and other aids (e.g., epi-pens, medical supplies, dry food, water) and make deliveries to satisfy them. Specifically, we present two decision frameworks, in which the resulting optimization problem is formulated as a two-echelon vehicle routing problem. The first framework addresses the problem in two stages: providing telecommunications capabilities in the first stage and satisfying the resulting demands in the second. To that end, two types of drones are considered. Hotspot drones have the capability of providing cell phone and internet reception, and hence are used to capture demands. Delivery drones are subsequently employed to satisfy the observed demand. The second framework, on the other hand, addresses the problem as a stochastic emergency aid delivery problem, which uses a two-stage robust optimization model to handle demand uncertainty. To solve the resulting models, we propose efficient and novel solution approaches

    A branch-cut-and-price approach for the single-trip and multi-trip two-echelon vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    International audienceThe paper studies the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows, in which delivery of freight from depots to customers is performed using intermediate facilities called satellites. We consider the variant of the problem with precedence constraints for unloading and loading freight at satellites. In this variant allows for storage and consolidation of freight at satellites. Thus, the total transportation cost may decrease in comparison with the alternative variant with exact freight synchronization at satellites. We suggest a mixed integer programming formulation for the problem with an exponential number of route variables and an exponential number of precedence constraints which link first-echelon and second-echelon routes. Routes at the second echelon connecting satellites and clients may consist of multiple trips and visit several satellites. A branch-cut-and-price algorithm is proposed to solve efficiently the problem. This is the first exact algorithm in the literature for the multi-trip variant of the problem. We also present a post-processing procedure to check whether the solution can be transformed to avoid freight consolidation and storage without increasing its transportation cost. It is shown that all single-trip literature instances solved to optimality admit optimal solutions of the same cost for both variants of the problem either with precedence constraints or with exact synchronization constraints. Experimental results reveal that our algorithm can be used to solve these instances significantly faster than another recent approach proposed in the literature

    A branch-cut-and-price approach for the single-trip and multi-trip two-echelon vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    The paper studies the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows, in which delivery of freight from depots to customers is performed using intermediate facilities called satellites. We consider the variant of the problem with precedence constraints for unloading and loading freight at satellites. This variant allows for storage and consolidation of freight at satellites. Thus, the total transportation cost may decrease in comparison with the alternative variant with exact freight synchronization at satellites. We suggest a mixed integer programming formulation for the problem with an exponential number of route variables and an exponential number of precedence constraints which link first-echelon and second-echelon routes. Routes at the second echelon connecting satellites and clients may consist of multiple trips and visit several satellites. A branch-cut-and-price algorithm is proposed to solve efficiently the problem. This is the first exact algorithm in the literature for the multi-trip variant of the problem. We also present a post-processing procedure to check whether the solution can be transformed to avoid freight consolidation and storage without increasing its transportation cost. Our algorithm significantly outperforms another recent one for the single-trip variant of the problem. We also show that all single-trip literature instances solved to optimality admit optimal solutions of the same cost for both variants of the problem either with precedence constraints or with exact synchronization constraints