2,485 research outputs found

    Models and Strategies for Variants of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem

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    Recently, a variety of constraint programming and Boolean satisfiability approaches to scheduling problems have been introduced. They have in common the use of relatively simple propagation mechanisms and an adaptive way to focus on the most constrained part of the problem. In some cases, these methods compare favorably to more classical constraint programming methods relying on propagation algorithms for global unary or cumulative resource constraints and dedicated search heuristics. In particular, we described an approach that combines restarting, with a generic adaptive heuristic and solution guided branching on a simple model based on a decomposition of disjunctive constraints. In this paper, we introduce an adaptation of this technique for an important subclass of job shop scheduling problems (JSPs), where the objective function involves minimization of earliness/tardiness costs. We further show that our technique can be improved by adding domain specific information for one variant of the JSP (involving time lag constraints). In particular we introduce a dedicated greedy heuristic, and an improved model for the case where the maximal time lag is 0 (also referred to as no-wait JSPs).Comment: Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2011, Perugia : Italy (2011

    Resource-constrained project scheduling.

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    Abstract: Resource-constrained project scheduling involves the scheduling of project activities subject to precedence and resource constraints in order to meet the objective(s) in the best possible way. The area covers a wide variety of problem types. The objective of this paper is to provide a survey of what we believe are important recent in the area . Our main focus will be on the recent progress made in and the encouraging computational experience gained with the use of optimal solution procedures for the basic resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) and important extensions. The RCPSP involves the scheduling of a project its duration subject to zero-lag finish-start precedence constraints of the PERT/CPM type and constant availability constraints on the required set of renewable resources. We discuss recent striking advances in dealing with this problem using a new depth-first branch-and-bound procedure, elaborating on the effective and efficient branching scheme, bounding calculations and dominance rules, and discuss the potential of using truncated branch-and-bound. We derive a set of conclusions from the research on optimal solution procedures for the basis RCPSP and subsequently illustrate how effective and efficient branching rules and several of the strong dominance and bounding arguments can be extended to a rich and realistic variety of related problems. The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem (PRCPSP) relaxes the nonpreemption condition of the RCPSP, thus allowing activities to be interrupted at integer points in time and resumed later without additional penalty cost. The generalized resource-constrained project scheduling (GRCPSP) extends the RCPSP to the case of precedence diagramming type of precedence constraints (minimal finish-start, start-start, start-finish, finish-finish precedence relations), activity ready times, deadlines and variable resource availability's. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations (RCPSP-GPR) allows for start-start, finish-start and finish-finish constraints with minimal and maximal time lags. The MAX-NPV problem aims at scheduling project activities in order to maximize the net present value of the project in the absence of resource constraints. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows (RCPSP-DC) aims at the same non-regular objective in the presence of resource constraints. The resource availability cost problem (RACP) aims at determining the cheapest resource availability amounts for which a feasible solution exists that does not violate the project deadline. In the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (DTCTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single nonrenewable resource committed to it. In the discrete time/resource trade-off problem (DTRTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single renewable resource. Each activity must then be scheduled in one of its possible execution modes. In addition to time/resource trade-offs, the multi-mode project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) allows for resource/resource trade-offs and constraints on renewable, nonrenewable and doubly-constrained resources. We report on recent computational results and end with overall conclusions and suggestions for future research.Scheduling; Optimal;

    Local search algorithms for a single-machine scheduling problem with positive and negative time-lags

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    Positive and negative time-lags are general timing restrictions between the starting times of jobs which have been introduced by Roy (C.R. Acad. Sci., 1959, T.248) in connection with the Metra Potential Method. Although very powerful, these relations have been considered only seldom in the literature since already for a single-machine problem with positive and negative time-lags the problem of finding a feasible solution is NP-complete. In this paper a local search approach for a single-machine scheduling problem with positive and negative time-lags and the objective to minimize the makespan is presented. Since the existence of a feasible initial solution for starting the search can not be guaranteed, infeasible solutions are incorporated into the search process. Computational results based on instances resulting from shop problems are reported

    A survey of variants and extensions of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

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    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of activities that must be scheduled subject to precedence and resource constraints such that the makespan is minimized. It has become a well-known standard problem in the context of project scheduling which has attracted numerous researchers who developed both exact and heuristic scheduling procedures. However, it is a rather basic model with assumptions that are too restrictive for many practical applications. Consequently, various extensions of the basic RCPSP have been developed. This paper gives an overview over these extensions. The extensions are classified according to the structure of the RCPSP. We summarize generalizations of the activity concept, of the precedence relations and of the resource constraints. Alternative objectives and approaches for scheduling multiple projects are discussed as well. In addition to popular variants and extensions such as multiple modes, minimal and maximal time lags, and net present value-based objectives, the paper also provides a survey of many less known concepts. --project scheduling,modeling,resource constraints,temporal constraints,networks

    A branch-and-bound procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations.

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    We present an optimal procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) with generalized precedence relations (further denoted as RCPSP-GPR) with the objective of minimizing the project makespan. The RCPSP-GPR extends the RCPSP to arbitrary minimal and maximal time lags between the starting and completion times of activities. The procedure is a depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm in which the nodes in the search tree represent the original project network extended with extra precedence relations which resolve a resource conflict present in the parent node. Resource conflicts are resolved using the concept of minimal delaying alternatives, i.e. minimal sets of activities which, when delayed, release enough resources to resolve the conflict. Precedence and resource-based lower bounds as well as dominance rules are used to fathom large portions of the search tree. The procedure can be extended to other regular measures of performance by some minor modifications. Even non-regular measures of performance, such as the maximinization of the net present value of the project or resource levelling objectives, can be handled. The procedure has been programmed in Microsoft* Visual C++ for use on a personal computer. Extensive computational experience is obtained.Scheduling;

    A polynomial algorithm for special case of the one-machine scheduling problem with time-lags

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    The standard one-machine scheduling problem consists in scheduling a set of jobs in one machine which can handle only one job at a time, minimizing the maximum lateness. Each job is available for processing at its release date, requires a known processing time and after finishing the processing, it is delivery after a certain time. There also can exists precedence constraints between pairs of jobs, requiring that the first jobs must be completed before the second job can start. An extension of this problem consists in assigning a time interval between the processing of the jobs associated with the precedence constrains, known by finish-start time-lags. In presence of this constraints, the problem is NP-hard even if preemption is allowed. In this work, we consider a special case of the one-machine preemption scheduling problem with time- lags, where the time-lags have a chain form, and propose a polynomial algorithm to solve it. The algorithm consist in a polynomial number of calls of the preemption version of the Longest Tail Heuristic. One of the applicability of the method is to obtain lower bounds for NP-hard one-machine and job-shop scheduling problems. We present some computational results of this application, followed by some conclusions.One-machine scheduling, polynomial algorithms, lower bounds

    Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedences by Lazy Clause Generation

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    The technical report presents a generic exact solution approach for minimizing the project duration of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedences (Rcpsp/max). The approach uses lazy clause generation, i.e., a hybrid of finite domain and Boolean satisfiability solving, in order to apply nogood learning and conflict-driven search on the solution generation. Our experiments show the benefit of lazy clause generation for finding an optimal solutions and proving its optimality in comparison to other state-of-the-art exact and non-exact methods. The method is highly robust: it matched or bettered the best known results on all of the 2340 instances we examined except 3, according to the currently available data on the PSPLib. Of the 631 open instances in this set it closed 573 and improved the bounds of 51 of the remaining 58 instances.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, 16 table

    Project scheduling under undertainty – survey and research potentials.

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    The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling assume complete information about the scheduling problem to be solved and a static deterministic environment within which the pre-computed baseline schedule will be executed. However, in the real world, project activities are subject to considerable uncertainty, that is gradually resolved during project execution. In this survey we review the fundamental approaches for scheduling under uncertainty: reactive scheduling, stochastic project scheduling, stochastic GERT network scheduling, fuzzy project scheduling, robust (proactive) scheduling and sensitivity analysis. We discuss the potentials of these approaches for scheduling projects under uncertainty.Management; Project management; Robustness; Scheduling; Stability;

    A permutation flowshop model with time-lags and waiting time preferences of the patients

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    The permutation flowshop is a widely applied scheduling model. In many real-world applications of this model, a minimum and maximum time-lag must be considered between consecutive operations. We can apply this model to healthcare systems in which the minimum time-lag could be the transfer times, while the maximum time-lag could refer to the number of hours patients must wait. We have modeled a MILP and a constraint programming model and solved them using CPLEX to find exact solutions. Solution times for both methods are presented. We proposed two metaheuristic algorithms based on genetic algorithm and solved and compared them with each other. A sensitivity of analysis of how a change in minimum and maximum time-lags can impact waiting time and Cmax of the patients is performed. Results suggest that constraint programming is a more efficient method to find exact solutions and changes in the values of minimum and maximum time-lags can impact waiting times of the patients and Cmax significantly