207 research outputs found

    A Blockchain-Based Reward Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a novel sensing scenario of cyber-physical-social systems. MCS has been widely adopted in smart cities, personal health care, and environment monitor areas. MCS applications recruit participants to obtain sensory data from the target area by allocating reward to them. Reward mechanisms are crucial in stimulating participants to join and provide sensory data. However, while the MCS applications execute the reward mechanisms, sensory data and personal private information can be in great danger because of malicious task initiators/participants and hackers. This article proposes a novel blockchain-based MCS framework that preserves privacy and secures both the sensing process and the incentive mechanism by leveraging the emergent blockchain technology. Moreover, to provide a fair incentive mechanism, this article has considered an MCS scenario as a sensory data market, where the market separates the participants into two categories: monthly-pay participants and instant-pay participants. By analyzing two different kinds of participants and the task initiator, this article proposes an incentive mechanism aided by a three-stage Stackelberg game. Through theoretical analysis and simulation, the evaluation addresses two aspects: the reward mechanism and the performance of the blockchain-based MCS. The proposed reward mechanism achieves up to a 10% improvement of the task initiator's utility compared with a traditional Stackelberg game. It can also maintain the required market share for monthly-pay participants while achieving sustainable sensory data provision. The evaluation of the blockchain-based MCS shows that the latency increases in a tolerable manner as the number of participants grows. Finally, this article discusses the future challenges of blockchain-based MCS

    Empirical Analysis of Privacy Preservation Models for Cyber Physical Deployments from a Pragmatic Perspective

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    The difficulty of privacy protection in cyber-physical installations encompasses several sectors and calls for methods like encryption, hashing, secure routing, obfuscation, and data exchange, among others. To create a privacy preservation model for cyber physical deployments, it is advised that data privacy, location privacy, temporal privacy, node privacy, route privacy, and other types of privacy be taken into account. Consideration must also be given to other types of privacy, such as temporal privacy. The computationally challenging process of incorporating these models into any wireless network also affects quality of service (QoS) variables including end-to-end latency, throughput, energy use, and packet delivery ratio. The best privacy models must be used by network designers and should have the least negative influence on these quality-of-service characteristics. The designers used common privacy models for the goal of protecting cyber-physical infrastructure in order to achieve this. The limitations of these installations' interconnection and interface-ability are not taken into account in this. As a result, even while network security has increased, the network's overall quality of service has dropped. The many state-of-the-art methods for preserving privacy in cyber-physical deployments without compromising their performance in terms of quality of service are examined and analyzed in this research. Lowering the likelihood that such circumstances might arise is the aim of this investigation and review. These models are rated according to how much privacy they provide, how long it takes from start to finish to transfer data, how much energy they use, and how fast their networks are. In order to maximize privacy while maintaining a high degree of service performance, the comparison will assist network designers and researchers in selecting the optimal models for their particular deployments. Additionally, the author of this book offers a variety of tactics that, when used together, might improve each reader's performance. This study also provides a range of tried-and-true machine learning approaches that networks may take into account and examine in order to enhance their privacy performance

    Integration of Blockchain and Auction Models: A Survey, Some Applications, and Challenges

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    In recent years, blockchain has gained widespread attention as an emerging technology for decentralization, transparency, and immutability in advancing online activities over public networks. As an essential market process, auctions have been well studied and applied in many business fields due to their efficiency and contributions to fair trade. Complementary features between blockchain and auction models trigger a great potential for research and innovation. On the one hand, the decentralized nature of blockchain can provide a trustworthy, secure, and cost-effective mechanism to manage the auction process; on the other hand, auction models can be utilized to design incentive and consensus protocols in blockchain architectures. These opportunities have attracted enormous research and innovation activities in both academia and industry; however, there is a lack of an in-depth review of existing solutions and achievements. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive state-of-the-art survey of these two research topics. We review the existing solutions for integrating blockchain and auction models, with some application-oriented taxonomies generated. Additionally, we highlight some open research challenges and future directions towards integrated blockchain-auction models

    A Survey on Off-chain Networks: Frameworks, Technologies, Solutions and Challenges

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    Blockchain has received increasing attention in academia and industry. However, the increasing transaction volumes and limited on-chain storage underscore scalability as a key challenge hindering the widespread adoption of blockchain. Fortunately, off-chain networks that enable transactions outside the blockchain show promising potential to mitigate the scalability challenge. Off-chain solutions that address blockchain scalability hurdles, such as payment channel networks, facilitate secure and fast off-chain transactions, thus relieving the main chain's strain. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of key technologies, solutions, and challenges of off-chain networks. First, we introduce the background of off-chain networks encompassing design motivation, framework, overview, and application scenarios. We then review the key issues and technologies associated with off-chain networks. Subsequently, we summarize the mainstream solutions for the corresponding key issues. Finally, we discuss some research challenges and open issues in this area.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Blockchain and Federated Edge Learning for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) counting on the mobility of massive workers helps the requestor accomplish various sensing tasks with more flexibility and lower cost. However, for the conventional MCS, the large consumption of communication resources for raw data transmission and high requirements on data storage and computing capability hinder potential requestors with limited resources from using MCS. To facilitate the widespread application of MCS, we propose a novel MCS learning framework leveraging on blockchain technology and the new concept of edge intelligence based on federated learning (FL), which involves four major entities, including requestors, blockchain, edge servers and mobile devices as workers. Even though there exist several studies on blockchain-based MCS and blockchain-based FL, they cannot solve the essential challenges of MCS with respect to accommodating resource-constrained requestors or deal with the privacy concerns brought by the involvement of requestors and workers in the learning process. To fill the gaps, four main procedures, i.e., task publication, data sensing and submission, learning to return final results, and payment settlement and allocation, are designed to address major challenges brought by both internal and external threats, such as malicious edge servers and dishonest requestors. Specifically, a mechanism design based data submission rule is proposed to guarantee the data privacy of mobile devices being truthfully preserved at edge servers; consortium blockchain based FL is elaborated to secure the distributed learning process; and a cooperation-enforcing control strategy is devised to elicit full payment from the requestor. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of our designed schemes

    Cloud/fog computing resource management and pricing for blockchain networks

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    The mining process in blockchain requires solving a proof-of-work puzzle, which is resource expensive to implement in mobile devices due to the high computing power and energy needed. In this paper, we, for the first time, consider edge computing as an enabler for mobile blockchain. In particular, we study edge computing resource management and pricing to support mobile blockchain applications in which the mining process of miners can be offloaded to an edge computing service provider. We formulate a two-stage Stackelberg game to jointly maximize the profit of the edge computing service provider and the individual utilities of the miners. In the first stage, the service provider sets the price of edge computing nodes. In the second stage, the miners decide on the service demand to purchase based on the observed prices. We apply the backward induction to analyze the sub-game perfect equilibrium in each stage for both uniform and discriminatory pricing schemes. For the uniform pricing where the same price is applied to all miners, the existence and uniqueness of Stackelberg equilibrium are validated by identifying the best response strategies of the miners. For the discriminatory pricing where the different prices are applied to different miners, the Stackelberg equilibrium is proved to exist and be unique by capitalizing on the Variational Inequality theory. Further, the real experimental results are employed to justify our proposed model.Comment: 16 pages, double-column version, accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    Blockchain and Federated Edge Learning for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) counting on the mobility of massive workers helps the requestor accomplish various sensing tasks with more flexibility and lower cost. However, for the conventional MCS, the large consumption of communication resources for raw data transmission and high requirements on data storage and computing capability hinder potential requestors with limited resources from using MCS. To facilitate the widespread application of MCS, we propose a novel MCS learning framework leveraging on blockchain technology and the new concept of edge intelligence based on federated learning (FL), which involves four major entities, including requestors, blockchain, edge servers and mobile devices as workers. Even though there exist several studies on blockchain-based MCS and blockchain-based FL, they cannot solve the essential challenges of MCS with respect to accommodating resource-constrained requestors or deal with the privacy concerns brought by the involvement of requestors and workers in the learning process. To fill the gaps, four main procedures, i.e., task publication, data sensing and submission, learning to return final results, and payment settlement and allocation, are designed to address major challenges brought by both internal and external threats, such as malicious edge servers and dishonest requestors. Specifically, a mechanism design based data submission rule is proposed to guarantee the data privacy of mobile devices being truthfully preserved at edge servers; consortium blockchain based FL is elaborated to secure the distributed learning process; and a cooperation-enforcing control strategy is devised to elicit full payment from the requestor. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of our designed schemes

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Mobile Crowdsensing

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a compelling paradigm that enables a crowd of individuals to cooperatively collect and share data to measure phenomena or record events of common interest using their mobile devices. Pairing with inherent mobility and intelligence, mobile users can collect, produce and upload large amounts of data to service providers based on crowdsensing tasks released by customers, ranging from general information, such as temperature, air quality and traffic condition, to more specialized data, such as recommended places, health condition and voting intentions. Compared with traditional sensor networks, MCS can support large-scale sensing applications, improve sensing data trustworthiness and reduce the cost on deploying expensive hardware or software to acquire high-quality data. Despite the appealing benefits, however, MCS is also confronted with a variety of security and privacy threats, which would impede its rapid development. Due to their own incentives and vulnerabilities of service providers, data security and user privacy are being put at risk. The corruption of sensing reports may directly affect crowdsensing results, and thereby mislead customers to make irrational decisions. Moreover, the content of crowdsensing tasks may expose the intention of customers, and the sensing reports might inadvertently reveal sensitive information about mobile users. Data encryption and anonymization techniques can provide straightforward solutions for data security and user privacy, but there are several issues, which are of significantly importance to make MCS practical. First of all, to enhance data trustworthiness, service providers need to recruit mobile users based on their personal information, such as preferences, mobility pattern and reputation, resulting in the privacy exposure to service providers. Secondly, it is inevitable to have replicate data in crowdsensing reports, which may possess large communication bandwidth, but traditional data encryption makes replicate data detection and deletion challenging. Thirdly, crowdsensed data analysis is essential to generate crowdsensing reports in MCS, but the correctness of crowdsensing results in the absence of malicious mobile users and service providers become a huge concern for customers. Finally yet importantly, even if user privacy is preserved during task allocation and data collection, it may still be exposed during reward distribution. It further discourage mobile users from task participation. In this thesis, we explore the approaches to resolve these challenges in MCS. Based on the architecture of MCS, we conduct our research with the focus on security and privacy protection without sacrificing data quality and users' enthusiasm. Specifically, the main contributions are, i) to enable privacy preservation and task allocation, we propose SPOON, a strong privacy-preserving mobile crowdsensing scheme supporting accurate task allocation. In SPOON, the service provider recruits mobile users based on their locations, and selects proper sensing reports according to their trust levels without invading user privacy. By utilizing the blind signature, sensing tasks are protected and reports are anonymized. In addition, a privacy-preserving credit management mechanism is introduced to achieve decentralized trust management and secure credit proof for mobile users; ii) to improve communication efficiency while guaranteeing data confidentiality, we propose a fog-assisted secure data deduplication scheme, in which a BLS-oblivious pseudo-random function is developed to enable fog nodes to detect and delete replicate data in sensing reports without exposing the content of reports. Considering the privacy leakages of mobile users who report the same data, the blind signature is utilized to hide users' identities, and chameleon hash function is leveraged to achieve contribution claim and reward retrieval for anonymous greedy mobile users; iii) to achieve data statistics with privacy preservation, we propose a privacy-preserving data statistics scheme to achieve end-to-end security and integrity protection, while enabling the aggregation of the collected data from multiple sources. The correctness verification is supported to prevent the corruption of the aggregate results during data transmission based on the homomorphic authenticator and the proxy re-signature. A privacy-preserving verifiable linear statistics mechanism is developed to realize the linear aggregation of multiple crowdsensed data from a same device and the verification on the correctness of aggregate results; and iv) to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, we propose a dual-anonymous reward distribution scheme to offer the incentive for mobile users and privacy protection for both customers and mobile users in MCS. Based on the dividable cash, a new reward sharing incentive mechanism is developed to encourage mobile users to participating in sensing tasks, and the randomization technique is leveraged to protect the identities of customers and mobile users during reward claim, distribution and deposit
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