5,861 research outputs found

    A Bi-level Decision Framework for Incentive-Based Demand Response in Distribution Systems

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    In a growing retail electricity market, demand response (DR) is becoming an integral part of the system to enhance economic and operational performances. This is rendered as incentive-based DR (IBDR) in the proposed study. It presents a bi-level decision framework under the ambit of multiple demand response providers (DRPs) in the retail competition. It is formulated as a multi-leader-multi-follower game, where multiple DRPs, as the DR stakeholders, are strategically interacting to optimize load serving entity cost at the upper level, and individual DRP as the aggregated customers is optimizing its cost at the lower level. The strategic behavior of DRPs is modeled in a game-theoretic framework using a generalized Stackelberg game. Further, the existence and uniqueness of the game are validated using variational inequalities. It is presented as a nonlinear problem to consider AC network constraints. An equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints is used as a mathematical program to model the multi-leader-multi-follower, bi-level problem, which is simultaneously solved for all DRPs. The diagonalization method is employed to solve the problem. The detailed numerical analyses are conducted on IEEE 33-bus test and Indian-108 bus distribution systems to demonstrate the applicability and scalability of the proposed model and the suggested method.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulatio

    Agent-based homeostatic control for green energy in the smart grid

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    With dwindling non-renewable energy reserves and the adverse effects of climate change, the development of the smart electricity grid is seen as key to solving global energy security issues and to reducing carbon emissions. In this respect, there is a growing need to integrate renewable (or green) energy sources in the grid. However, the intermittency of these energy sources requires that demand must also be made more responsive to changes in supply, and a number of smart grid technologies are being developed, such as high-capacity batteries and smart meters for the home, to enable consumers to be more responsive to conditions on the grid in real-time. Traditional solutions based on these technologies, however, tend to ignore the fact that individual consumers will behave in such a way that best satisfies their own preferences to use or store energy (as opposed to that of the supplier or the grid operator). Hence, in practice, it is unclear how these solutions will cope with large numbers of consumers using their devices in this way. Against this background, in this paper, we develop novel control mechanisms based on the use of autonomous agents to better incorporate consumer preferences in managing demand. These agents, residing on consumers' smart meters, can both communicate with the grid and optimise their owner's energy consumption to satisfy their preferences. More specifically, we provide a novel control mechanism that models and controls a system comprising of a green energy supplier operating within the grid and a number of individual homes (each possibly owning a storage device). This control mechanism is based on the concept of homeostasis whereby control signals are sent to individual components of a system, based on their continuous feedback, in order to change their state so that the system may reach a stable equilibrium. Thus, we define a new carbon-based pricing mechanism for this green energy supplier that takes advantage of carbon-intensity signals available on the internet in order to provide real-time pricing. The pricing scheme is designed in such a way that it can be readily implemented using existing communication technologies and is easily understandable by consumers. Building upon this, we develop new control signals that the supplier can use to incentivise agents to shift demand (using their storage device) to times when green energy is available. Moreover, we show how these signals can be adapted according to changes in supply and to various degrees of penetration of storage in the system. We empirically evaluate our system and show that, when all homes are equipped with storage devices, the supplier can significantly reduce its reliance on other carbon-emitting power sources to cater for its own shortfalls. By so doing, the supplier reduces the carbon emission of the system by up to 25% while the consumer reduces its costs by up to 14.5%. Finally, we demonstrate that our homeostatic control mechanism is not sensitive to small prediction errors and the supplier is incentivised to accurately predict its green production to minimise costs

    Optimal Demand Response Strategy in Electricity Markets through Bi-level Stochastic Short-Term Scheduling

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    Current technology in the smart monitoring including Internet of Things (IoT) enables the electricity network at both transmission and distribution levels to apply demand response (DR) programs in order to ensure the secure and economic operation of power systems. Liberalization and restructuring in the power systems industry also empowers demand-side management in an optimum way. The impacts of DR scheduling on the electricity market can be revealed through the concept of DR aggregators (DRAs), being the interface between supply side and demand side. Various markets such as day-ahead and real-time markets are studied for supply-side management and demand-side management from the Independent System Operator (ISO) viewpoint or Distribution System Operator (DSO) viewpoint. To achieve the research goals, single or bi-level optimization models can be developed. The behavior of weather-dependent renewable energy sources, such as wind and photovoltaic power generation as uncertainty sources, is modeled by the Monte-Carlo Simulation method to cope with their negative impact on the scheduling process. Moreover, two-stage stochastic programming is applied in order to minimize the operation cost. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of considering all effective players in the market, such as DRAs and customers, on the operation cost. Moreover, modeling the uncertainty helps network operators to reduce the expenses, enabling a resilient and reliable network.A tecnologia atual na monitorização inteligente, incluindo a Internet of Things (IoT), permite que a rede elétrica ao nível da transporte e distribuição faça uso de programas de demand response (DR) para garantir a operação segura e económica dos sistemas de energia. A liberalização e a reestruturação da indústria dos sistemas de energia elétrica também promovem a gestão do lado da procura de forma otimizada. Os impactes da implementação de DR no mercado elétrico podem ser expressos pelo conceito de agregadores de DR (DRAs), sendo a interface entre o lado da oferta e o lado da procura de energia elétrica. Vários mercados, como os mercados diário e em tempo real, são estudados visando a gestão otimizada do ponto de vista do Independent System Operator (ISO) ou do Distribution System Operator (DSO). Para atingir os objetivos propostos, modelos de otimização em um ou dois níveis podem ser desenvolvidos. O comportamento das fontes de energia renováveis dependentes do clima, como a produção de energia eólica e fotovoltaica que acarretam incerteza, é modelado pelo método de simulação de Monte Carlo. Ainda, two-stage stochastic programming é aplicada para minimizar o custo de operação. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a importância de considerar todos os participantes efetivos no mercado, como DRAs e clientes finais, no custo de operação. Ainda, considerando a incerteza no modelo beneficia os operadores da rede na redução de custos, capacitando a resiliência e fiabilidade da rede

    Policy analysis of electricity demand flexibility

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    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in Demand Response (DR) as a means to provide flexibility, and hence improve the reliability of energy systems in a cost-effective way. Yet, the high complexity of the tasks associated with DR, combined with their use of large-scale data and the frequent need for near real-time de-cisions, means that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) — a branch of AI — have recently emerged as key technologies for enabling demand-side response. AI methods can be used to tackle various challenges, ranging from selecting the optimal set of consumers to respond, learning their attributes and pref-erences, dynamic pricing, scheduling and control of devices, learning how to incentivise participants in the DR schemes and how to reward them in a fair and economically efficient way. This work provides an overview of AI methods utilised for DR applications, based on a systematic review of over 160 papers, 40 companies and commercial initiatives, and 21 large-scale projects. The papers are classified with regards to both the AI/ML algorithm(s) used and the application area in energy DR. Next, commercial initiatives are presented (including both start-ups and established companies) and large-scale innovation projects, where AI methods have been used for energy DR. The paper concludes with a discussion of advantages and potential limitations of reviewed AI techniques for different DR tasks, and outlines directions for future research in this fast-growing area

    Electricity Market Designs for Demand Response from Residential Customers

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    The main purpose of this dissertation is to design an appropriate tariff program for residential customers that encourages customers to participate in the system while satisfying market operators and utilities goals. This research investigates three aspects critical for successful programs: tariff designs for DR, impact of renewable on such tariffs, and load elasticity estimates. First, both categories of DR are modeled based on the demand-price elasticity concept and used to design an optimum scheme for achieving the maximum benefit of DR. The objective is to not only reduce costs and improve reliability but also to increase customer acceptance of a DR program by limiting price volatility. A time of use (TOU) program is considered for a PB scheme designed using a monthly peak and off peak tariff. For the IBDR, a novel optimization is proposed that in addition to calculation of an adequate and a reasonable amount of load change for the incentive also finds the best times to request DR. Second, the effect of both DR programs under a high penetration of renewable resources is investigated. LMP variation after renewable expansion is more highly correlated with renewable’s intermittent output than the load profile. As a result, a TOU program is difficult to successfully implement; however, analysis shows IBDR can diminish most of the volatile price changes in WECC. To model risk associated with renewable uncertainty, a robust optimization is designed considering market price and elasticity uncertainty. Third, a comprehensive study to estimate residential load elasticity in an IBDR program. A key component in all demand response programs design is elasticity, which implies customer reaction to LSEs offers. Due to limited information, PB elasticity is used in IBDR as well. Customer elasticity is calculated using data from two nationwide surveys and integrated with a detailed residential load model. In addition, IB elasticity is reported at the individual appliance level, which is more effective than one for the aggregate load of the feeder. Considering the importance of HVAC in the aggregate load signal, its elasticity is studied in greater detail and estimated for different customer groupings

    Optimal Management of community Demand Response

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    More than one-third of the electricity produced globally is consumed by the residential sectors [1], with nearly 17% of CO2 emissions, are coming from residential buildings according to reports from 2018 [2] [3]. In order to cope with increase in electricity demand and consumption, while considering the environmental impacts, electricity providers are seeking to implement solutions to help them balance the supply with the electricity demand while mitigating emissions. Thus, increasing the number of conventional generation units and using unreliable renewable source of energy is not a viable investment. That’s why, in recent years research attention has shifted to demand side solutions [4]. This research investigates the optimal management for an urban residential community, that can help in reducing energy consumption and peak and CO2 emissions. This will help to put an agreement with the grid operator for an agreed load shape, for efficient demand response (DR) program implementation. This work uses a framework known as CityLearn [2]. It is based on a Machine Learning branch known as Reinforcement Learning (RL), and it is used to test a variety of intelligent agents for optimizing building load consumption and load shape. The RL agent is used for controlling hot water and chilled water storages, as well as the battery system. When compared to the regular building usage, the results demonstrate that utilizing an RL agent for storage system control can be helpful, as the electricity consumption is greatly reduced when it’s compared to the normal building consumption

    New actor types in electricity market simulation models: Deliverable D4.4

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The modelling of agents in the simulation models and tools is of primary importance if the quality and the validity of the simulation outcomes are at stake. This is the first version of the report that deals with the representation of electricity market actors’ in the agent based models (ABMs) used in TradeRES project. With the AMIRIS, the EMLab-Generation (EMLab), the MASCEM and the RESTrade models being in the centre of the analysis, the subject matter of this report has been the identification of the actors’ characteristics that are already covered by the initial (with respect to the project) version of the models and the presentation of the foreseen modelling enhancements. For serving these goals, agent attributes and representation methods, as found in the literature of agent-driven models, are considered initially. The detailed review of such aspects offers the necessary background and supports the formation of a context that facilitates the mapping of actors’ characteristics to agent modelling approaches. Emphasis is given in several approaches and technics found in the literature for the development of a broader environment, on which part of the later analysis is deployed. Although the ABMs that are used in the project constitute an important part of the literature, they have not been included in the review since they are the subject of another section.N/