8 research outputs found

    Competitive-Ratio Approximation Schemes for Minimizing the Makespan in the Online-List Model

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    We consider online scheduling on multiple machines for jobs arriving one-by-one with the objective of minimizing the makespan. For any number of identical parallel or uniformly related machines, we provide a competitive-ratio approximation scheme that computes an online algorithm whose competitive ratio is arbitrarily close to the best possible competitive ratio. We also determine this value up to any desired accuracy. This is the first application of competitive-ratio approximation schemes in the online-list model. The result proves the applicability of the concept in different online models. We expect that it fosters further research on other online problems

    Online Makespan Minimization with Parallel Schedules

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    In online makespan minimization a sequence of jobs σ=J1,...,Jn\sigma = J_1,..., J_n has to be scheduled on mm identical parallel machines so as to minimize the maximum completion time of any job. We investigate the problem with an essentially new model of resource augmentation. Here, an online algorithm is allowed to build several schedules in parallel while processing σ\sigma. At the end of the scheduling process the best schedule is selected. This model can be viewed as providing an online algorithm with extra space, which is invested to maintain multiple solutions. The setting is of particular interest in parallel processing environments where each processor can maintain a single or a small set of solutions. We develop a (4/3+\eps)-competitive algorithm, for any 0<\eps\leq 1, that uses a number of 1/\eps^{O(\log (1/\eps))} schedules. We also give a (1+\eps)-competitive algorithm, for any 0<\eps\leq 1, that builds a polynomial number of (m/\eps)^{O(\log (1/\eps) / \eps)} schedules. This value depends on mm but is independent of the input σ\sigma. The performance guarantees are nearly best possible. We show that any algorithm that achieves a competitiveness smaller than 4/3 must construct Ω(m)\Omega(m) schedules. Our algorithms make use of novel guessing schemes that (1) predict the optimum makespan of a job sequence σ\sigma to within a factor of 1+\eps and (2) guess the job processing times and their frequencies in σ\sigma. In (2) we have to sparsify the universe of all guesses so as to reduce the number of schedules to a constant. The competitive ratios achieved using parallel schedules are considerably smaller than those in the standard problem without resource augmentation

    Scheduling in the Random-Order Model

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    Makespan minimization on identical machines is a fundamental problem in online scheduling. The goal is to assign a sequence of jobs to m identical parallel machines so as to minimize the maximum completion time of any job. Already in the 1960s, Graham showed that Greedy is (2-1/m)-competitive [Graham, 1966]. The best deterministic online algorithm currently known achieves a competitive ratio of 1.9201 [Fleischer and Wahl, 2000]. No deterministic online strategy can obtain a competitiveness smaller than 1.88 [Rudin III, 2001]. In this paper, we study online makespan minimization in the popular random-order model, where the jobs of a given input arrive as a random permutation. It is known that Greedy does not attain a competitive factor asymptotically smaller than 2 in this setting [Osborn and Torng, 2008]. We present the first improved performance guarantees. Specifically, we develop a deterministic online algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 1.8478. The result relies on a new analysis approach. We identify a set of properties that a random permutation of the input jobs satisfies with high probability. Then we conduct a worst-case analysis of our algorithm, for the respective class of permutations. The analysis implies that the stated competitiveness holds not only in expectation but with high probability. Moreover, it provides mathematical evidence that job sequences leading to higher performance ratios are extremely rare, pathological inputs. We complement the results by lower bounds for the random-order model. We show that no deterministic online algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than 4/3. Moreover, no deterministic online algorithm can attain a competitiveness smaller than 3/2 with high probability

    Scheduling in the Secretary Model

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    This paper studies online makespan minimization in the secretary model. Jobs, specified by their processing times, are presented in a uniformly random order. The input size n is known in advance. An online algorithm has to non-preemptively assign each job permanently and irrevocably to one of m parallel and identical machines such that the expected time it takes to process them all, the makespan, is minimized. We give two deterministic algorithms. First, a straightforward adaptation of the semi-online strategy Light Load [Albers and Hellwig, 2012] provides a very simple approach retaining its competitive ratio of 1.75. A new and sophisticated algorithm is 1.535-competitive. These competitive ratios are not only obtained in expectation but, in fact, for all but a very tiny fraction of job orders. Classically, online makespan minimization only considers the worst-case order. Here, no competitive ratio below 1.885 for deterministic algorithms and 1.581 using randomization is possible. The best randomized algorithm so far is 1.916-competitive. Our results show that classical worst-case orders are quite rare and pessimistic for many applications. We complement our results by providing first lower bounds. A competitive ratio obtained on nearly all possible job orders must be at least 1.257. This implies a lower bound of 1.043 for both deterministic and randomized algorithms in the general model

    On the Value of Job Migration in Online Makespan Minimization

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    Makespan minimization on identical parallel machines is a classical scheduling problem. We consider the online scenario where a sequence of nn jobs has to be scheduled non-preemptively on mm machines so as to minimize the maximum completion time of any job. The best competitive ratio that can be achieved by deterministic online algorithms is in the range [1.88,1.9201][1.88,1.9201]. Currently no randomized online algorithm with a smaller competitiveness is known, for general mm. In this paper we explore the power of job migration, i.e.\ an online scheduler is allowed to perform a limited number of job reassignments. Migration is a common technique used in theory and practice to balance load in parallel processing environments. As our main result we settle the performance that can be achieved by deterministic online algorithms. We develop an algorithm that is αm\alpha_m-competitive, for any m2m\geq 2, where αm\alpha_m is the solution of a certain equation. For m=2m=2, α2=4/3\alpha_2 = 4/3 and limmαm=W1(1/e2)/(1+W1(1/e2))1.4659\lim_{m\rightarrow \infty} \alpha_m = W_{-1}(-1/e^2)/(1+ W_{-1}(-1/e^2)) \approx 1.4659. Here W1W_{-1} is the lower branch of the Lambert WW function. For m11m\geq 11, the algorithm uses at most 7m7m migration operations. For smaller mm, 8m8m to 10m10m operations may be performed. We complement this result by a matching lower bound: No online algorithm that uses o(n)o(n) job migrations can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than αm\alpha_m. We finally trade performance for migrations. We give a family of algorithms that is cc-competitive, for any 5/3c25/3\leq c \leq 2. For c=5/3c= 5/3, the strategy uses at most 4m4m job migrations. For c=1.75c=1.75, at most 2.5m2.5m migrations are used.Comment: Revised versio

    Online makespan scheduling with job migration on uniform machines

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    In the classic minimum makespan scheduling problem, we are given an input sequence of n jobs with sizes. A scheduling algorithm has to assign the jobs to m parallel machines. The objective is to minimize the makespan, which is the time it takes until all jobs are processed. In this paper, we consider online scheduling algorithms without preemption. However, we allow the online algorithm to change the assignment of up to k jobs at the end for some limited number k. For m identical machines, Albers and Hellwig (Algorithmica 79(2):598–623, 2017) give tight bounds on the competitive ratio in this model. The precise ratio depends on, and increases with, m. It lies between 4/3 and ≈1.4659. They show that k=O(m) is sufficient to achieve this bound and no k=o(n) can result in a better bound. We study m uniform machines, i.e., machines with different speeds, and show that this setting is strictly harder. For sufficiently large m, there is a δ=Θ(1) such that, for m machines with only two different machine speeds, no online algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio of less than 1.4659+δ with k=o(n). We present a new algorithm for the uniform machine setting. Depending on the speeds of the machines, our scheduling algorithm achieves a competitive ratio that lies between 4/3 and ≈1.7992 with k=O(m). We also show that k=Ω(m) is necessary to achieve a competitive ratio below 2. Our algorithm is based on maintaining a specific imbalance with respect to the completion times of the machines, complemented by a bicriteria approximation algorithm that minimizes the makespan and maximizes the average completion time for certain sets of machines