28 research outputs found

    Vrednovanje činitelja u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji namještaja primjenom AHP metode

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    There are not many wooden products that consumers would buy on pure impulse. Their decision regarding the purchase of a product normally undergoes a process of consideration – the more expensive the product, the more thorough the consideration. The consumer buying decision process consists of five stages: need recognition, search for information, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase behaviour. A company must establish what is important for consumers in each stage of this process. On the basis of these findings, the company must define the measures to influence consumers in individual phases. In this study, the analytic hierarchy process was used to analyse the buying behaviour of potential furniture buyers. Slovenian and Croatian marketing experts were asked about the habits, requests and needs of furniture buyers. The results of the research can serve as useful information for companies producing wooden products in the formulation of successful marketing strategies.Ne postoji mnogo proizvoda od drva koje bi kupci kupili impulzivno, bez dodatnog poticaja i razmišljanja. Odluka potencijalnog kupca s obzirom na vrstu proizvoda obično prolazi kroz proces razmatranja, i to na način da je za skuplji proizvod razmatranje detaljnije. Proces donošenja odluke o kupnji nekog proizvoda ima pet faza: prepoznavanje potrebe, potraga za informacijom, vrednovanje alternativa, odluka o kupnji i ponašanje nakon kupnje. Tvrtka mora utvrditi što je njezinim potencijalnim kupcima (potrošačima) u svakoj fazi procesa donošenja odluke o kupnji važno. Na temelju toga, tvrtka mora odrediti mjere kojima će utjecati na potrošača u pojedinim fazama procesa razmatranja. Cilj ovog rada bio je vrednovati činitelje u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji namještaja primjenom metode analitičkoga hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP). Vrednovanje pokazatelja navika, zahtjeva i potreba kupaca namještaja proveli su suradnici iz Slovenije i Hrvatske koji se bave istraživanjima i aktivnostima u području marketinga. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pomoći proizvođačima i/ili prodavačima namještaja u procesima definiranja uspješnih marketinških strategija

    New group decision-making ARCAS approach based on the integration of the SWARA and the ARAS methods adapted for negotiations

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    Groups are generally considered to be more effective as compared to single individuals. The practical implementation of Operation Research methods in group negotiations needs simple contexts and clear cause-and-effect relationships easily discernible by everyone. This paper proposes a multi-criteria group decision-making approach allowing decision makers/experts involved in a negotiation process to better express and defend their preferences in the selection of the best alternative. In the proposed approach, the most appropriate alternative is the alternative with the largest number of appearances in the first position or in ranking lists, or the one determined based on negotiations of decision makers/experts. The proposed ARCAS approach is based on the use of the ARAS method, a new normalization procedure, and the SWARA method. In the proposed approach, each decision maker/expert involved in evaluation has an opportunity to set the preferred level of rating for each criterion used in such evaluation. Finally, a case study is presented in order to highlight the proposed approach. The obtained results confirm the usability and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Decision-making under uncertainty – the integrated approach of the AHP and Bayesian analysis

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    In situations where it is necessary to perform a large number of experiments in order to collect adequate statistical data which require expert analysis and assessment, there is a need to define a model that will include and coordinate statistical data and experts’ opinions. This article points out the new integrated application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Bayesian analysis, in the sense that the Bayes’ formula can improve the accuracy of input data for the Analytical Hierarchy Process, and vice versa, AHP can provide objectified inputs for the Bayesian formula in situations where the statistical estimates of probability are not possible. In this sense, the AHP can be considered as the Bayesian process that allows decision-makers to objectify their decisions and formalise the decision process through pairwise comparison of elements

    AHP-group decision making based on consistency

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    The Precise consistency consensus matrix (PCCM) is a consensus matrix for AHP-group decision making in which the value of each entry belongs, simultaneously, to all the individual consistency stability intervals. This new consensus matrix has shown significantly better behaviour with regards to consistency than other group consensus matrices, but it is slightly worse in terms of compatibility, understood as the discrepancy between the individual positions and the collective position that synthesises them. This paper includes an iterative algorithm for improving the compatibility of the PCCM. The sequence followed to modify the judgments of the PCCM is given by the entries that most contribute to the overall compatibility of the group. The procedure is illustrated by means of its application to a real-life situation (a local context) with three decision makers and four alternatives. The paper also offers, for the first time in the scientific literature, a detailed explanation of the process followed to solve the optimisation problem proposed for the consideration of different weights for the decision makers in the calculation of the PCCM

    Procesos drv: la toma de decisiones como entrenamiento para equipos de trabajo

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    Este artículo presenta un método orientado a facilitar la toma de decisiones en equipos de trabajo. La propuesta utiliza herramientas de la Teoría de Utilidad Multiatributo, combinadas con Estadística. El artículo contiene una revisión de contribuciones al problema de la decisión con múltiples decisores, y una reflexión sobre características y requerimientos de las prácticas grupales. Además, se describen los fundamentos conceptuales del método. Se  enumeran y explican los pasos necesarios para su aplicación. El método se ejemplifica con la capacitación de un equipo responsable por el desarrollo de un sistema de mantenimiento preventivo. En ésta y otras experiencias, la propuesta resultó motivadora, con buen nivel de logros y amplia colaboración de los participantes. Esta contribución se diferencia de otros aportes, porque visualiza el proceso de toma de decisiones como una interesante posibilidad de capacitación grupal y, por ello, orienta su estrategia a posibilitar el intercambio de conocimientos, afianzar liderazgos, aumentar la cohesión interna y favorecer el compromiso con la decisión adoptada.This paper presents a method designed to facilitate group decision making. The proposal relies on tools of the Multiattribute Utility Theory combined with Statistics. The article contains a review of contributions to the problem of multiple decision makers and a reflection on the characteristics and requirements of group practices. It describes the conceptual foundations of the method and it also identifies and explains the steps needed for implementation. The method is exemplified with the training of a team responsible for the development of a preventive maintenance system. In this and other experiences, the proposal was motivating, with good level of achievements and ex-tensive collaboration of the participants. This contribution differs from others because it considers the decision making process as an interesting possibility for group training and therefore gears its strategy to enable knowledge exchange, strengthen leadership, improve internal cohesion and foster commitment to the adopted decision

    An Evaluation of Indicators of Railway Intelligent Transportation Systems using the Group Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have a significant and promising role in the overall improvement of transport performances. However, in the absence of a set of key performance indicators (KPI), it is very difficult to evaluate ITS and the effects of their application objectively. Therefore, the first aim of the paper is to develop an appropriate KPIs for assessment of railway ITS and the monitoring of their impacts. Based on that, a tool for the evaluation of the importance of these indicators is proposed. For that purpose a set of twenty-four indicators was grouped by topics under the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The paper thoroughly describes their development and classification. An evaluation of indicators based on expert opinions via the Group Analytic Hierarchy Process (GAHP) method is presented. Results obtained by the GAHP method illustrate the importance or significance of indicators for railway ITS

    Análisis multimetodológico del problema de gestión de residuos patógenos en un hospital

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    Fil: Pontelli, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Conforte, José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Ingeniería y Mantenimiento Industrial; Argentina.Fil: Zanazzi, José Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Ingeniería y Mantenimiento Industrial; Argentina.La gestión de los residuos patógenos en los hospitales es un problema complejo ya que reconoce, en general, múltiples participantes y diversos tipos de desechos. El Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), es el principal generador de residuos patógenos de esta entidad. Por esta razón y por la complejidad que presenta desde diferentes puntos de vista (dificultades edilicias, diversidad de servicios, heterogeneidad de residuos que genera), fue elegido para abordar el problema de implementar en la UNC, un Sistema de Gestión de Residuos Patógenos (SGRP) que sea sustentable. El presente trabajo muestra cómo se utilizaron herramientas de Soft System Methodology (SSM) para estructurar el problema. Mediante su aplicación, se establecieron los actores, sus relaciones, las fallas del sistema, las transformaciones necesarias y la forma en que deberían llevarse a cabo. Se completa esta actividad con la aplicación de los Procesos DRV a la toma de decisiones para priorizar los cambios propuestos. El trabajo finaliza sintetizando los avances alcanzados en la estructuración del problema, los resultados del proceso de ordenamiento de las transformaciones y los pasos a seguir a partir de ellos.http://www.din.uem.br/sbpo/sbpo2014/autores/autores-z.htmlFil: Pontelli, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Conforte, José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Ingeniería y Mantenimiento Industrial; Argentina.Fil: Zanazzi, José Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Ingeniería y Mantenimiento Industrial; Argentina.Otras Ingenierías y Tecnología

    DANP-Evaluation of AHP-DSS

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    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the analytic network process (ANP) are important multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods for solving strategic decision problems. In the field of the research and teaching projects of a university’s Management Science Department, the use of adequate decision support systems (DSS) enables an appropriate application and acceptance of these methods. By reason of the great variety of AHP-DSS, the aim of this paper is the selection of AHP-supporting software. Owing to the interdependencies of the software quality criteria, these influences can be evaluated appropriately by the ANP. As for the various requirements of the different department members, the ANP procedure is linked with the DEMATEL approach. Within such a combined framework (DANP), the alternate software products and their quality selection criteria are transparently analysed and evaluated from a multi-personal point of view. The described procedure is an object of reference to solve such structuring and evaluation problems by support of parallel and/or distributed computing architecture