9,310 research outputs found

    Beta Residuals: Improving Fault-Tolerant Control for Sensory Faults via Bayesian Inference and Precision Learning

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    Model-based fault-tolerant control (FTC) often consists of two distinct steps: fault detection & isolation (FDI), and fault accommodation. In this work we investigate posing fault-tolerant control as a single Bayesian inference problem. Previous work showed that precision learning allows for stochastic FTC without an explicit fault detection step. While this leads to implicit fault recovery, information on sensor faults is not provided, which may be essential for triggering other impact-mitigation actions. In this paper, we introduce a precision-learning based Bayesian FTC approach and a novel beta residual for fault detection. Simulation results are presented, supporting the use of beta residual against competing approaches.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted at the 11th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes - SAFEPROCESS 202

    A probabilistic model for information and sensor validation

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    This paper develops a new theory and model for information and sensor validation. The model represents relationships between variables using Bayesian networks and utilizes probabilistic propagation to estimate the expected values of variables. If the estimated value of a variable differs from the actual value, an apparent fault is detected. The fault is only apparent since it may be that the estimated value is itself based on faulty data. The theory extends our understanding of when it is possible to isolate real faults from potential faults and supports the development of an algorithm that is capable of isolating real faults without deferring the problem to the use of expert provided domain-specific rules. To enable practical adoption for real-time processes, an any time version of the algorithm is developed, that, unlike most other algorithms, is capable of returning improving assessments of the validity of the sensors as it accumulates more evidence with time. The developed model is tested by applying it to the validation of temperature sensors during the start-up phase of a gas turbine when conditions are not stable; a problem that is known to be challenging. The paper concludes with a discussion of the practical applicability and scalability of the model

    Building Bayesian Networks: Elicitation, Evaluation, and Learning

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    As a compact graphical framework for representation of multivariate probabilitydistributions, Bayesian networks are widely used for efficient reasoning underuncertainty in a variety of applications, from medical diagnosis to computertroubleshooting and airplane fault isolation. However, construction of Bayesiannetworks is often considered the main difficulty when applying this frameworkto real-world problems. In real world domains, Bayesian networks are often built by knowledge engineering approach. Unfortunately, eliciting knowledge from domain experts isa very time-consuming process, and could result in poor-quality graphicalmodels when not performed carefully. Over the last decade, the research focusis shifting more towards learning Bayesian networks from data, especially withincreasing volumes of data available in various applications, such asbiomedical, internet, and e-business, among others.Aiming at solving the bottle-neck problem of building Bayesian network models, thisresearch work focuses on elicitation, evaluation and learning Bayesiannetworks. Specifically, the contribution of this dissertation involves the research in the following five areas:a) graphical user interface tools forefficient elicitation and navigation of probability distributions, b) systematic and objective evaluation of elicitation schemes for probabilistic models, c)valid evaluation of performance robustness, i.e., sensitivity, of Bayesian networks,d) the sensitivity inequivalent characteristic of Markov equivalent networks, and the appropriateness of using sensitivity for model selection in learning Bayesian networks,e) selective refinement for learning probability parameters of Bayesian networks from limited data with availability of expert knowledge. In addition, an efficient algorithm for fast sensitivity analysis is developed based on relevance reasoning technique. The implemented algorithm runs very fast and makes d) and e) more affordable for real domain practice

    The application of Bayesian change point detection in UAV fuel systems

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    AbstractA significant amount of research has been undertaken in statistics to develop and implement various change point detection techniques for different industrial applications. One of the successful change point detection techniques is Bayesian approach because of its strength to cope with uncertainties in the recorded data. The Bayesian Change Point (BCP) detection technique has the ability to overcome the uncertainty in estimating the number and location of change point due to its probabilistic theory. In this paper we implement the BCP detection technique to a laboratory based fuel rig system to detect the change in the pre-valve pressure signal due to a failure in the valve. The laboratory test-bed represents a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) fuel system and its associated electrical power supply, control system and sensing capabilities. It is specifically designed in order to replicate a number of component degradation faults with high accuracy and repeatability so that it can produce benchmark datasets to demonstrate and assess the efficiency of the BCP algorithm. Simulation shows satisfactory results of implementing the proposed BCP approach. However, the computational complexity, and the high sensitivity due to the prior distribution on the number and location of the change points are the main disadvantages of the BCP approac

    Comparison of different classification algorithms for fault detection and fault isolation in complex systems

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    Due to the lack of sufficient results seen in literature, feature extraction and classification methods of hydraulic systems appears to be somewhat challenging. This paper compares the performance of three classifiers (namely linear support vector machine (SVM), distance-weighted k-nearest neighbor (WKNN), and decision tree (DT) using data from optimized and non-optimized sensor set solutions. The algorithms are trained with known data and then tested with unknown data for different scenarios characterizing faults with different degrees of severity. This investigation is based solely on a data-driven approach and relies on data sets that are taken from experiments on the fuel system. The system that is used throughout this study is a typical fuel delivery system consisting of standard components such as a filter, pump, valve, nozzle, pipes, and two tanks. Running representative tests on a fuel system are problematic because of the time, cost, and reproduction constraints involved in capturing any significant degradation. Simulating significant degradation requires running over a considerable period; this cannot be reproduced quickly and is costly