30 research outputs found

    A pilot inference study for a beta-Bernoulli spatial scan statistic

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    The Bernoulli spatial scan statistic is used to detect localised clusters in binary labelled point data, such as that used in spatial or spatio-temporal case/control studies. We test the inferential capability of a recently developed beta-Bernoulli spatial scan statistic, which adds a beta prior to the original statistic. This pilot study, which includes two test scenarios with 6,000 data sets each, suggests a marked increase in power for a given false alert rate. We suggest a more extensive study would be worthwhile to corroborate the findings. We also speculate on an explanation for the observed improvement

    A Power-Enhanced Algorithm for Spatial Anomaly Detection in Binary Labelled Point Data Using the Spatial Scan Statistic [postprint]

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    This paper presents a novel modification to an existing algorithm for spatial anomaly detection in binary labeled point data sets, using the Bernoulli version of the Spatial Scan Statistic. We identify a potential ambiguity in p-values produced by Monte Carlo testing, which (by the selection of the most conservative p-value) can lead to sub-optimal power. When such ambiguity occurs, the modification uses a very inexpensive secondary test to suggest a less conservative p-value. Using benchmark tests, we show that this appears to restore power to the expected level, whilst having similarly retest variance to the original. The modification also appears to produce a small but significant improvement in overall detection performance when multiple anomalies are present

    Unsupervised robust nonparametric learning of hidden community properties

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    We consider learning of fundamental properties of communities in large noisy networks, in the prototypical situation where the nodes or users are split into two classes according to a binary property, e.g., according to their opinions or preferences on a topic. For learning these properties, we propose a nonparametric, unsupervised, and scalable graph scan procedure that is, in addition, robust against a class of powerful adversaries. In our setup, one of the communities can fall under the influence of a knowledgeable adversarial leader, who knows the full network structure, has unlimited computational resources and can completely foresee our planned actions on the network. We prove strong consistency of our results in this setup with minimal assumptions. In particular, the learning procedure estimates the baseline activity of normal users asymptotically correctly with probability 1; the only assumption being the existence of a single implicit community of asymptotically negligible logarithmic size. We provide experiments on real and synthetic data to illustrate the performance of our method, including examples with adversaries.Comment: Experiments with new types of adversaries adde

    Spatial Big Data Analytics of Influenza Epidemic in Vellore, India.

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    The study objective is to develop a big spatial data model to predict the epidemiological impact of influenza in Vellore, India. Large repositories of geospatial and health data provide vital statistics on surveillance and epidemiological metrics, and valuable insight into the spatiotemporal determinants of disease and health. The integration of these big data sources and analytics to assess risk factors and geospatial vulnerability can assist to develop effective prevention and control strategies for influenza epidemics and optimize allocation of limited public health resources. We used the spatial epidemiology data of the HIN1 epidemic collected at the National Informatics Center during 2009-2010 in Vellore. We developed an ecological niche model based on geographically weighted regression for predicting influenza epidemics in Vellore, India during 2013-2014. Data on rainfall, temperature, wind speed, humidity and population are included in the geographically weighted regression analysis. We inferred positive correlations for H1N1 influenza prevalence with rainfall and wind speed, and negative correlations for H1N1 influenza prevalence with temperature and humidity. We evaluated the results of the geographically weighted regression model in predicting the spatial distribution of the influenza epidemic during 2013-2014

    A Bayesian Model for Cluster Detection

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    The detection of areas in which the risk of a particular disease is significantly elevated, leading to an excess of cases, is an important enterprise in spatial epidemiology. Various frequentist approaches have been suggested for the detection of “clusters” within a hypothesis testing framework. Unfortunately, these suffer from a number of drawbacks including the difficulty in specifying a p-value threshold at which to call significance, the inherent multiplicity problem, and the possibility of multiple clusters. In this paper, we suggest a Bayesian approach to detecting “areas of clustering” in which the study region is partitioned into, possibly multiple, “zones” within which the risk is either at a null, or non-null, level. Computation is carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo, tuned to the model that we develop. The method is applied to leukemia data in upstate New York

    Mining 911 calls in New York City : temporal patterns, detection and forecasting

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    The New York Police Department (NYPD) is tasked with responding to a wide range of incidents that are reported through the city’s 911 emergency hotline. Currently, response resources are distributed within police precincts on the basis of high-level summary statistics and expert reasoning. In this paper, we describe our first steps towards a better understanding of 911 call activity: temporal behavioral clustering, predictive models of call activity, and anomalous event detection. In practice, the proposed techniques provide decision makers granular information on resource allocation needs across precincts and are important components of an overall data-driven resource allocation policy