24,644 research outputs found

    Bayesian Generalized Probability Calculus for Density Matrices

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    One of the main concepts in quantum physics is a density matrix, which is a symmetric positive definite matrix of trace one. Finite probability distributions can be seen as a special case when the density matrix is restricted to be diagonal. We develop a probability calculus based on these more general distributions that includes definitions of joints, conditionals and formulas that relate these, including analogs of the Theorem of Total Probability and various Bayes rules for the calculation of posterior density matrices. The resulting calculus parallels the familiar "conventional" probability calculus and always retains the latter as a special case when all matrices are diagonal. We motivate both the conventional and the generalized Bayes rule with a minimum relative entropy principle, where the Kullbach-Leibler version gives the conventional Bayes rule and Umegaki's quantum relative entropy the new Bayes rule for density matrices. Whereas the conventional Bayesian methods maintain uncertainty about which model has the highest data likelihood, the generalization maintains uncertainty about which unit direction has the largest variance. Surprisingly the bounds also generalize: as in the conventional setting we upper bound the negative log likelihood of the data by the negative log likelihood of the MAP estimator

    Asymptotic operating characteristics of an optimal change point detection in hidden Markov models

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    Let \xi_0,\xi_1,...,\xi_{\omega-1} be observations from the hidden Markov model with probability distribution P^{\theta_0}, and let \xi_{\omega},\xi_{\omega+1},... be observations from the hidden Markov model with probability distribution P^{\theta_1}. The parameters \theta_0 and \theta_1 are given, while the change point \omega is unknown. The problem is to raise an alarm as soon as possible after the distribution changes from P^{\theta_0} to P^{\theta_1}, but to avoid false alarms. Specifically, we seek a stopping rule N which allows us to observe the \xi's sequentially, such that E_{\infty}N is large, and subject to this constraint, sup_kE_k(N-k|N\geq k) is as small as possible. Here E_k denotes expectation under the change point k, and E_{\infty} denotes expectation under the hypothesis of no change whatever. In this paper we investigate the performance of the Shiryayev-Roberts-Pollak (SRP) rule for change point detection in the dynamic system of hidden Markov models. By making use of Markov chain representation for the likelihood function, the structure of asymptotically minimax policy and of the Bayes rule, and sequential hypothesis testing theory for Markov random walks, we show that the SRP procedure is asymptotically minimax in the sense of Pollak [Ann. Statist. 13 (1985) 206-227]. Next, we present a second-order asymptotic approximation for the expected stopping time of such a stopping scheme when \omega=1. Motivated by the sequential analysis in hidden Markov models, a nonlinear renewal theory for Markov random walks is also given.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000580 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Posterior mean and variance approximation for regression and time series problems

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    This paper develops a methodology for approximating the posterior first two moments of the posterior distribution in Bayesian inference. Partially specified probability models that are defined only by specifying means and variances, are constructed based upon second-order conditional independence in order to facilitate posterior updating and prediction of required distributional quantities. Such models are formulated particularly for multivariate regression and time series analysis with unknown observational variance-covariance components. The similarities and differences of these models with the Bayes linear approach are established. Several subclasses of important models, including regression and time series models with errors following multivariate t, inverted multivariate t and Wishart distributions, are discussed in detail. Two numerical examples consisting of simulated data and of US investment and change in inventory data illustrate the proposed methodology

    Kernel Bayes' rule

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    A nonparametric kernel-based method for realizing Bayes' rule is proposed, based on representations of probabilities in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Probabilities are uniquely characterized by the mean of the canonical map to the RKHS. The prior and conditional probabilities are expressed in terms of RKHS functions of an empirical sample: no explicit parametric model is needed for these quantities. The posterior is likewise an RKHS mean of a weighted sample. The estimator for the expectation of a function of the posterior is derived, and rates of consistency are shown. Some representative applications of the kernel Bayes' rule are presented, including Baysian computation without likelihood and filtering with a nonparametric state-space model.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    A nonparametric empirical Bayes approach to covariance matrix estimation

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    We propose an empirical Bayes method to estimate high-dimensional covariance matrices. Our procedure centers on vectorizing the covariance matrix and treating matrix estimation as a vector estimation problem. Drawing from the compound decision theory literature, we introduce a new class of decision rules that generalizes several existing procedures. We then use a nonparametric empirical Bayes g-modeling approach to estimate the oracle optimal rule in that class. This allows us to let the data itself determine how best to shrink the estimator, rather than shrinking in a pre-determined direction such as toward a diagonal matrix. Simulation results and a gene expression network analysis shows that our approach can outperform a number of state-of-the-art proposals in a wide range of settings, sometimes substantially.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
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