10 research outputs found

    Simple low-power demodulator for the measurement of basal and physiological changes of electrical bioimpedance

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    Wearable sensors constitute a growing trend both as a research tool as well as an end-consumer products. In the physiological signal monitoring fields, the changing signals have a low bandwidth hence most sensing techniques are not powerhungry. Electrical bioimpedance is a non-obtrusive sensing technique and is an interesting choice as it can recover both breathing and pulse rate signals. However, it works at comparatively higher frequencies and usually need demodulation circuitry, meaning higher power consumption. In this work, we show an alternative technique to demodulate the impedance response that need very few components and whose power consumption can be tailored as needed. We show that, by using a 24-bit ADC, the respiration and pulse rate signals as well as the basal impedance are recovered from the demodulated signal and further digital band-pass filters that are easily implemented with currently available low-power microcontroller technology. Further, it constitutes a compact solution, as the sensor needs not to change location to measure these signals.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (published version

    A battery-less implantable glucose sensor based on electrical impedance spectroscopy

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    The ability to perform accurate continuous glucose monitoring without blood sampling has revolutionised the management of diabetes. Newer methods that can allow measurements during longer periods are necessary to substantially improve patients' quality of life. This paper presents an alternative method for glucose monitoring which is based on electrical impedance spectroscopy. A battery-less implantable bioimpedance spectroscope was designed, built, and used in an in vivo study on pigs. After a recovery period of 14 days post surgery, a total of 236 subcutaneous bioimpedance measurements obtained from intravenous glucose tolerance tests, with glucose concentration ranges between 77.4 and 523.8 mg/dL, were analyzed. The results show that glucose concentrations estimated by subcutaneous bioimpedance measurements correlate very well to the blood glucose reference values. The pigs were clinically healthy throughout the study, and the postmortem examinations revealed no signs of adverse effects related to the sensor. The implantation of the sensor requires minor surgery. The implant, being externally powered, could in principle last indefinitely. These encouraging results demonstrate the potential of the bioimpedance method to be used in future continuous glucose monitoring systems

    Energy-Efficient PRBS Impedance Spectroscopy on a Digital Versatile Platform

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    partially_open6siThis research has been partially funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) through the program “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza” (2018-2022). The research has also received partial support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Eranet FLAG ERA initiative within CONVERGENCE project (CUP B84I16000030005) through the IUNET Consortium.This paper presents the digital design of a versatile and low-power broadband impedance spectroscopy (IS) system based on pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) excitation. The PRBS technique allows fast, and low-power estimation of the impedance spectrum over a wide bandwidth with adequate accuracy, proving to be a good candidate for portable medical devices, especially. This paper covers the low-power design of the firmware algorithms and implements them on a versatile and reconfigurable digital platform that can be easily adjusted to the specific application. It will analyze the digital platform with the aim of reducing power consumption while maintaining adequate accuracy of the estimated spectrum. The paper studies two main algorithms (time-domain and frequency-domain) used for PRBS-based IS and implements both of them on the ultra-low-power GAP-8 digital platform. They are compared in terms of accuracy, measurement time, and power budget, while general design trade-offs are drawn out. The time-domain algorithm demonstrated the best accuracy while the frequency-domain one contributes more to save power and energy. However, analysis of the energy-per-error FOM revealed that the time-domain algorithm outperforms the frequency-domain algorithm offering better accuracy for the same energy consumption. Numerical methods and microprocessor resources are exploited to optimize the implementation of both algorithms achieving 27 ms in processing time, power consumption as low as 1.4 mW and a minimum energy consumption per measurement of 0.5 mJ, for a dense impedance spectrum estimation of 214 points.embargoed_20210525Luciani G.; Crescentini M.; Romani A.; Chiani M.; Benini L.; Tartagni M.Luciani G.; Crescentini M.; Romani A.; Chiani M.; Benini L.; Tartagni M

    A CMOS low pass filter for soc lock-in-based measurement devices

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    This paper presents a fully integrated Gm–C low pass ¿lter (LPF) based on a current ¿steering Gm reduction-tuning technique, specifically designed to operate as the output stage of a SoC lock-in amplifier. To validate this proposal, a first-order and a second-order single-ended topology were integrated into a 1.8 V to 0.18 µm CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) process, showing experimentally a tuneable cutoff frequency that spanned five orders of magnitude, from tens of mHz to kHz, with a constant current consumption (below 3 µA/pole), compact size (<0.0140 mm2 /pole), and a dynamic range better than 70 dB. Compared to state-of-the-art solutions, the proposed approach exhibited very competitive performances while simultaneously fully satisfying the demanding requirements of on-chip portable measurement systems in terms of highly efficient area and power. This is of special relevance, taking into account the current trend towards multichannel instruments to process sensor arrays, as the total area and power consumption will be proportional to the number of channels


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    Dlje časa trajajoča povišana raven krvnega sladkorja oziroma raven glukoze v krvi je tesno povezana s pojavom diabetesa ali sladkorne bolezni tipa 2 in posledično resnih zdravstvenih težav kot so nevropatija, srčno-žilne bolezni, nagnjenost k okužbam itd. Dandanes edini učinkovit in zanesljiv način merjenja krvnega sladkorja je neposredna analiza krvi (kapilarne ali venozne), intersticijske in drugih telesnih tekočin. Najpogostejša je prva omenjena metoda. Njena glavna slabost je prebadanje pacientove kože (npr. blazinic na prstih), ki pogosto povzroča bolečino in predstavlja tveganje, saj lahko virusi in bakterije prodrejo v telo. Razvoj učinkovite in natančne neinvazivne metode za merjenje ravni krvnega sladkorja je bil prepoznan kot ključni korak za bodoče študije krvnega sladkorja in implementacije takih metod v prenosne naprave. V tej disertaciji je predstavljeno merjenje ravni krvnega sladkorja na osnovi merjenja impedance kože. Merilni sistem z integriram vezjem (ASIC) je predstavljen in analiziran. Izdelano integrirano vezje v 350 nm CMOS tehnologiji z dimenzijami 1223 µm x 1388 µm tipično troši 450 µA pri napajalni napetosti 3,3 V in deluje v frekvenčnem razponu 5 kHz do 16 MHz. Sistem izkazuje dober linearni odziv za bremena do nekaj kW, kar je primerno za meritve impedance kože.Blood glycemic level, also known as blood sugar level or blood glucose level, especially that reaching high values (hyperglycemia) and persisting in time, is strongly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and consequently serious medical conditions such as neuropathy, cardiovascular diseases, sensitivity to infections etc. Nowadays the only effective and reliable way of monitoring blood sugar level is to directly analyze the blood (capillary or venous), interstitial or other body fluids. The former method is the most used. Its main disadvantage is puncturing of patient skin (finger pricking for example) which frequently causes pain and the risk of viruses and bacteria entering the body. The development of an effective and accurate noninvasive method for blood glucose monitoring has been recognized as a crucial goal for future studies of blood sugar and implementations of such methods into wearable devices. In this thesis we propose monitoring of blood glucose level employing skin impedance measurement. A measurement system featuring an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is presented and analyzed. The fabricated ASIC in 350 nm CMOS technology with dimensions 1223 µm x 1388 µm, typically consumes 450 µA at 3.3 V supply voltage and operates in frequency region from 5 kHz to 16 MHz. The system exhibits a good linear response for loads up to a few kW, making it suitable for skin impedance measurements

    Design and implementation of a multi-modal sensor with on-chip security

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    With the advancement of technology, wearable devices for fitness tracking, patient monitoring, diagnosis, and disease prevention are finding ways to be woven into modern world reality. CMOS sensors are known to be compact, with low power consumption, making them an inseparable part of wireless medical applications and Internet of Things (IoT). Digital/semi-digital output, by the translation of transmitting data into the frequency domain, takes advantages of both the analog and digital world. However, one of the most critical measures of communication, security, is ignored and not considered for fabrication of an integrated chip. With the advancement of Moore\u27s law and the possibility of having a higher number of transistors and more complex circuits, the feasibility of having on-chip security measures is drawing more attention. One of the fundamental means of secure communication is real-time encryption. Encryption/ciphering occurs when we encode a signal or data, and prevents unauthorized parties from reading or understanding this information. Encryption is the process of transmitting sensitive data securely and with privacy. This measure of security is essential since in biomedical devices, the attacker/hacker can endanger users of IoT or wearable sensors (e.g. attacks at implanted biosensors can cause fatal harm to the user). This work develops 1) A low power and compact multi-modal sensor that can measure temperature and impedance with a quasi-digital output and 2) a low power on-chip signal cipher for real-time data transfer

    CMOS Design of Reconfigurable SoC Systems for Impedance Sensor Devices

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    La rápida evolución en el campo de los sensores inteligentes, junto con los avances en las tecnologías de la computación y la comunicación, está revolucionando la forma en que recopilamos y analizamos datos del mundo físico para tomar decisiones, facilitando nuevas soluciones que desempeñan tareas que antes eran inconcebibles de lograr.La inclusión en un mismo dado de silicio de todos los elementos necesarios para un proceso de monitorización y actuación ha sido posible gracias a los avances en micro (y nano) electrónica. Al mismo tiempo, la evolución de las tecnologías de procesamiento y micromecanizado de superficies de silicio y otros materiales complementarios ha dado lugar al desarrollo de sensores integrados compatibles con CMOS, lo que permite la implementación de matrices de sensores de alta densidad. Así, la combinación de un sistema de adquisición basado en sensores on-Chip, junto con un microprocesador como núcleo digital donde se puede ejecutar la digitalización de señales, el procesamiento y la comunicación de datos proporciona características adicionales como reducción del coste, compacidad, portabilidad, alimentación por batería, facilidad de uso e intercambio inteligente de datos, aumentando su potencial número de aplicaciones.Esta tesis pretende profundizar en el diseño de un sistema portátil de medición de espectroscopía de impedancia de baja potencia operado por batería, basado en tecnologías microelectrónicas CMOS, que pueda integrarse con el sensor, proporcionando una implementación paralelizable sin incrementar significativamente el tamaño o el consumo, pero manteniendo las principales características de fiabilidad y sensibilidad de un instrumento de laboratorio. Esto requiere el diseño tanto de la etapa de gestión de la energía como de las diferentes celdas que conforman la interfaz, que habrán de satisfacer los requisitos de un alto rendimiento a la par que las exigentes restricciones de tamaño mínimo y bajo consumo requeridas en la monitorización portátil, características que son aún más críticas al considerar la tendencia actual hacia matrices de sensores.A nivel de celdas, se proponen diferentes circuitos en un proceso CMOS de 180 nm: un regulador de baja caída de voltaje como unidad de gestión de energía, que proporciona una alimentación de 1.8 V estable, de bajo ruido, precisa e independiente de la carga para todo el sistema; amplificadores de instrumentación con una aproximación completamente diferencial, que incluyen una etapa de entrada de voltaje/corriente configurable, ganancia programable y ancho de banda ajustable, tanto en la frecuencia de corte baja como alta; un multiplicador para conformar la demodulación dual, que está embebido en el amplificador para optimizar consumo y área; y filtros pasa baja totalmente integrados, que actúan como extractores de magnitud de DC, con frecuencias de corte ajustables desde sub-Hz hasta cientos de Hz.<br /

    New Directions in Impedance Spectroscopy for High Accuracy, Augmented Information Extraction and Low Power Implementation

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    This thesis provides new directions in the impedance spectroscopy, making it an interesting investigation technique for emerging smart sensors. Modern technologies increasingly require sensors capable of giving accurate measurements extracted among a lot of undesired surrounding information while maintaining low power consumptions. In this scenario, the main focuses of this thesis are: 1) developing an accurate complex impedance system, 2) extracting the augmented information using multivariate statistical analysis and 3) implementing IS-based systems with low power consumptions. The first project shows the design of a miniaturized, low power and accurate vector analyser for multi-parameter measurements in real-time. It is a versatile platform well-suited to be interfaced with various impedance-based sensors. The vector analyser, based on an accurate application specific integrated circuit and a digital interface, has been statistically characterized in order to evaluate accuracy and resolution. The validation of the entire system was performing on two real-time biomedical applications. The second project concerns the combination of powerful statistical methods inside moisture content sensors. The multivariate statistical approaches boost the prediction capability of the sensors exploiting the impedance mismatch between a transmitting and reflecting excitation on a soil. Two probe systems have been manufactured and associated with linear and non-linear models for being tested on three soil types. The third project shows a low-power implementation of an impedance sensor based on a digital random excitation. The entire system is almost digital, made up by an ultra-low power platform with the aim to become a wearable device. In future developments, these new investigated directions can be simultaneously applied in the design of IS based sensors which extract the desired information with high accuracy and reduced power budget. The potential of such improved system can be employed in a lot of smart sensors, involving electrochemical, environmental, food, biological applications and wearable devices

    Interface Circuits for Microsensor Integrated Systems

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    ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. [Recent advances in sensing technologies, especially those for Microsensor Integrated Systems, have led to several new commercial applications. Among these, low voltage and low power circuit architectures have gained growing attention, being suitable for portable long battery life devices. The aim is to improve the performances of actual interface circuits and systems, both in terms of voltage mode and current mode, in order to overcome the potential problems due to technology scaling and different technology integrations. Related problems, especially those concerning parasitics, lead to a severe interface design attention, especially concerning the analog front-end and novel and smart architecture must be explored and tested, both at simulation and prototype level. Moreover, the growing demand for autonomous systems gets even harder the interface design due to the need of energy-aware cost-effective circuit interfaces integrating, where possible, energy harvesting solutions. The objective of this Special Issue is to explore the potential solutions to overcome actual limitations in sensor interface circuits and systems, especially those for low voltage and low power Microsensor Integrated Systems. The present Special Issue aims to present and highlight the advances and the latest novel and emergent results on this topic, showing best practices, implementations and applications. The Guest Editors invite to submit original research contributions dealing with sensor interfacing related to this specific topic. Additionally, application oriented and review papers are encouraged.