4 research outputs found

    A Novel Stochastic Predictive Stabilizer for DC Microgrids Feeding CPLs

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    In this work, a novel nonlinear approach is proposed for the stabilization of microgrids (MGs) with constant power loads (CPLs). The proposed method is constructed based on the incorporation of a pseudo-extended Kalman filter (EKF) into stochastic nonlinear model predictive control (MPC). In order to achieve high-performance and optimal control in dc MGs, estimating the instantaneous power flow of the uncertain CPLs and the available power units is essential. Thus, by utilizing the advantages of the stochastic MPC and the pseudo-EKF, an effective control solution for the stabilization of dc islanded MGs with CPLs is established. This technique develops a constrained controller for practical application to handle the states and control input constraints explicitly; furthermore, as it estimates the current by using the pseudo-EKF, it is a current-senseless approach. As noisy measurements are taken into account for the state estimation, it leads to a less conservative control action rather than the classical robust MPC, whereas it guarantees the global asymptotic stability in the presence of noisy measurements and parameter uncertainty. To validate the performance of the proposed controller, the attained results are compared with state-of-the-art controllers. Furthermore, the implementability of the proposed method is validated using real-time simulations on dSPACE hardware

    A novel energy management strategy for the ternary lithium batteries based on the dynamic equivalent circuit modeling and differential Kalman filtering under time-varying conditions.

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    The dynamic model of the ternary lithium battery is a time-varying nonlinear system due to the polarization and diffusion effects inside the battery in its charge-discharge process. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the energy management methods, the state of charge is estimated by introducing the differential Kalman filtering method combined with the dynamic equivalent circuit model considering the nonlinear temperature coefficient. The model simulates the transient response with high precision which is suitable for its high current and complicated charging and discharging conditions. In order to better reflect the dynamic characteristics of the power ternary lithium battery in the step-type charging and discharging conditions, the polarization circuit of the model is differential and the improved iterate calculation model is obtained. As can be known from the experimental verifications, the maximize state of charge estimation error is only 0.022 under the time-varying complex working conditions and the output voltage is monitored simultaneously with the maximum error of 0.08 V and the average error of 0.04 V. The established model can describe the dynamic battery behavior effectively, which can estimate its state of charge value with considerably high precision, providing an effective energy management strategy for the ternary lithium batteries

    E-Mobility -- Advancements and Challenges

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    Mobile platforms cover a broad range of applications from small portable electric devices, drones, and robots to electric transportation, which influence the quality of modern life. The end-to-end energy systems of these platforms are moving toward more electrification. Despite their wide range of power ratings and diverse applications, the electrification of these systems shares several technical requirements. Electrified mobile energy systems have minimal or no access to the power grid, and thus, to achieve long operating time, ultrafast charging or charging during motion as well as advanced battery technologies are needed. Mobile platforms are space-, shape-, and weight-constrained, and therefore, their onboard energy technologies such as the power electronic converters and magnetic components must be compact and lightweight. These systems should also demonstrate improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional designs. This paper discusses some technical challenges that the industry currently faces moving toward more electrification of energy conversion systems in mobile platforms, herein referred to as E-Mobility, and reviews the recent advancements reported in literature