25 research outputs found


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    Kentucky Architecture nanocontrollers employ a bit-serial SIMD-parallel hardware design to execute MIMD control programs. A MIMD program is transformed into equivalent SIMD code by a process called Meta-State Conversion (MSC), which makes heavy use of enable masking to distinguish which code should be executed by each processing element. Both the bit-serial operations and the enable masking imposed on them are expressed in terms of if-then-else (ITE) operations implemented by a 1-of-2 multiplexor, greatly simplifying the hardware. However, it takes a lot of ITEs to implement even a small program fragment. Traditionally, bit-serial SIMD machines had been programmed by expanding a fixed bitserial pattern for each word-level operation. Instead, nanocontrollers can make use of the fact that ITEs are equivalent to the operations in Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), and can apply BDD analysis to optimize the ITEs. This thesis proposes and experimentally evaluates a number of techniques for minimizing the complexity of the BDDs, primarily by manipulating normalization ordering constraints. The best method found is a new approach in which a simple set of optimization transformations is followed by normalization using an ordering determined by a Genetic Algorithm (GA)

    Parallel symbolic state-space exploration is difficult, but what is the alternative?

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    State-space exploration is an essential step in many modeling and analysis problems. Its goal is to find the states reachable from the initial state of a discrete-state model described. The state space can used to answer important questions, e.g., "Is there a dead state?" and "Can N become negative?", or as a starting point for sophisticated investigations expressed in temporal logic. Unfortunately, the state space is often so large that ordinary explicit data structures and sequential algorithms cannot cope, prompting the exploration of (1) parallel approaches using multiple processors, from simple workstation networks to shared-memory supercomputers, to satisfy large memory and runtime requirements and (2) symbolic approaches using decision diagrams to encode the large structured sets and relations manipulated during state-space generation. Both approaches have merits and limitations. Parallel explicit state-space generation is challenging, but almost linear speedup can be achieved; however, the analysis is ultimately limited by the memory and processors available. Symbolic methods are a heuristic that can efficiently encode many, but not all, functions over a structured and exponentially large domain; here the pitfalls are subtler: their performance varies widely depending on the class of decision diagram chosen, the state variable order, and obscure algorithmic parameters. As symbolic approaches are often much more efficient than explicit ones for many practical models, we argue for the need to parallelize symbolic state-space generation algorithms, so that we can realize the advantage of both approaches. This is a challenging endeavor, as the most efficient symbolic algorithm, Saturation, is inherently sequential. We conclude by discussing challenges, efforts, and promising directions toward this goal

    Automated Synthesis of Memristor Crossbar Networks

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    The advancement of semiconductor device technology over the past decades has enabled the design of increasingly complex electrical and computational machines. Electronic design automation (EDA) has played a significant role in the design and implementation of transistor-based machines. However, as transistors move closer toward their physical limits, the speed-up provided by Moore\u27s law will grind to a halt. Once again, we find ourselves on the verge of a paradigm shift in the computational sciences as newer devices pave the way for novel approaches to computing. One of such devices is the memristor -- a resistor with non-volatile memory. Memristors can be used as junctional switches in crossbar circuits, which comprise of intersecting sets of vertical and horizontal nanowires. The major contribution of this dissertation lies in automating the design of such crossbar circuits -- doing a new kind of EDA for a new kind of computational machinery. In general, this dissertation attempts to answer the following questions: a. How can we synthesize crossbars for computing large Boolean formulas, up to 128-bit? b. How can we synthesize more compact crossbars for small Boolean formulas, up to 8-bit? c. For a given loop-free C program doing integer arithmetic, is it possible to synthesize an equivalent crossbar circuit? We have presented novel solutions to each of the above problems. Our new, proposed solutions resolve a number of significant bottlenecks in existing research, via the usage of innovative logic representation and artificial intelligence techniques. For large Boolean formulas (up to 128-bit), we have utilized Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) to automatically synthesize linearly growing crossbar circuits that compute them. This cutting edge approach towards flow-based computing has yielded state-of-the-art results. It is worth noting that this approach is scalable to n-bit Boolean formulas. We have made significant original contributions by leveraging artificial intelligence for automatic synthesis of compact crossbar circuits. This inventive method has been expanded to encompass crossbar networks with 1D1M (1-diode-1-memristor) switches, as well. The resultant circuits satisfy the tight constraints of the Feynman Grand Prize challenge and are able to perform 8-bit binary addition. A leading edge development for end-to-end computation with flow-based crossbars has been implemented, which involves methodical translation of loop-free C programs into crossbar circuits via automated synthesis. The original contributions described in this dissertation reflect the substantial progress we have made in the area of electronic design automation for synthesis of memristor crossbar networks

    Parallel Processing for VLSI CAD Applications a Tutorial

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratorySemiconductor Research CorporationAuthor's name appears in front matter as Prithviraj Banerje

    Space Decomposition Based Parallelisation Solutions for the Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method in 2D.

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    PhDThe Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method (FDEM), originally invented by Munjiza, has become a tool of choice for problems of discontinua, where particles are deformable and can fracture or fragment. The downside of FDEM is that it is CPU intensive and, as a consequence, it is difficult to analyse large scale problems on sequential CPU hardware and parallelisation becomes necessary. In this work a novel approach for parallelisation of the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) in 2D aimed at clusters and desktop computers is developed. Dynamic domain decomposition-based parallelisation solvers covering all aspects of FDEM have been developed. These have been implemented into the open source Y2D software package by using a Message-Passing Interface (MPI) and have been tested on a PC cluster. The overall performance and scalability of the parallel code has been studied using numerical examples. The state of the art, the proposed solvers and the test results are described in the thesis in detail.

    A comparative study of synchronous and self-timed systolic array architectures.

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    This thesis examines systolic array architectures and their methods of control and communication synchronisation. Systolic array processors suffer from synchronisation problems associated with the clocking mechanism that causally restricts their scalability. To overcome this problem both return-to-zero (RTZ) and non-return-to zero (NRTZ) delay-insensitive self-timed (ST) techniques can be used to realise architectures that operate correctly in the presence of arbitrary delays at all levels in their design. As a consequence, RTZ and NRTZ versions of an existing systolic array architecture, namely the Single instruction Systolic Array (SISA), have been developed in order to investigate the potential for realising architecturally scaleable systolic arrays. The new architectures, called the RTZ and NRTZ ST-SISAs, have been compared with each other and against their synchronous counterpart to establish their relative trade-offs. The new designs exhibit several novel features including: variable length bit-serial data words, average case processing speeds dependent on data word length as well as computational complexity, a novel autonomous inter-processor data communication mechanism and architectural scalability independent of fabrication technology. This thesis introduces an implementation of the RTZ and NRTZ ST-SISA architectures, along with their performance and area characteristics. Guidelines have been developed from the resulting RTZ and NRTZ architectures allowing novel self-timed systolic architectures to be derived

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2


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    Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities.

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    Actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel

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    National audienceCe document contient les actes des Cinquièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Gé}nie de la Programmation et du Logiciel (GDR GPL) s'étant déroulées à Nancy du 3 au 5 avril 2013. Les contributions présentées dans ce document ont été sélectionnées par les différents groupes de travail du GDR. Il s'agit de résumés, de nouvelles versions, de posters et de démonstrations qui correspondent à des travaux qui ont déjà été validés par les comités de programmes d'autres conférences et revues et dont les droits appartiennent exclusivement à leurs auteurs