5 research outputs found

    Design and characterization of monolithic millimeter-wave active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends

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    This thesis focuses on the design and characterization of monolithic active and passive components, low-noise and power amplifiers, resistive mixers, and radio front-ends for millimeter-wave applications. The thesis consists of 11 publications and an overview of the research area, which also summarizes the main results of the work. In the design of millimeter-wave active and passive components the main focus is on realized CMOS components and techniques for pushing nanoscale CMOS circuits beyond 100 GHz. Test structures for measuring and analyzing these components are shown. Topologies for a coplanar waveguide, microstrip line, and slow-wave coplanar waveguide that are suitable for implementing transmission lines in nanoscale CMOS are presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed slow-wave coplanar waveguide improves the performance of the transistor-matching networks when compared to a conventional coplanar waveguide and the floating slow-wave shield reduces losses and simplifies modeling when extended below other passives, such as DC decoupling and RF short-circuiting capacitors. Furthermore, wideband spiral transmission line baluns in CMOS at millimeter-wave frequencies are demonstrated. The design of amplifiers and a wideband resistive mixer utilizing the developed components in 65-nm CMOS are shown. A 40-GHz amplifier achieved a +6-dBm 1-dB output compression point and a saturated output power of 9.6 dBm with a miniature chip size of 0.286 mm². The measured noise figure and gain of the 60-GHz amplifier were 5.6 dB and 11.5 dB, respectively. The V-band balanced resistive mixer achieved a 13.5-dB upconversion loss and 34-dB LO-to-RF isolation with a chip area of 0.47 mm². In downconversion, the measured conversion loss and 1-dB input compression point were 12.5 dB and +5 dBm, respectively. The design and experimental results of low-noise and power amplifiers are presented. Two wideband low-noise amplifiers were implemented in a 100-nm metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology. The amplifiers achieved a 22.5-dB gain and a 3.3-dB noise figure at 94 GHz and a 18-19-dB gain and a 5.5-7.0-dB noise figure from 130 to 154 GHz. A 60-GHz power amplifier implemented in a 150-nm pseudomorphic HEMT technology exhibited a +17-dBm 1-dB output compression point with a 13.4-dB linear gain. In this thesis, the main system-level aspects of millimeter-wave transmitters and receivers are discussed and the experimental circuits of a 60-GHz transmitter front-end and a 60-GHz receiver with an on-chip analog-to-digital converter implemented in 65-nm CMOS are shown. The receiver exhibited a 7-dB noise figure, while the saturated output power of the transmitter front-end was +2 dBm. Furthermore, a wideband W-band transmitter front-end with an output power of +6.6 dBm suitable for both image-rejecting superheterodyne and direct-conversion transmission is demonstrated in 65-nm CMOS


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    A SiGe BiCMOS LNA for mm-wave applications

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    A 5 GHz continuous unlicensed bandwidth is available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies around 60 GHz and offers the prospect for multi gigabit wireless applications. The inherent atmospheric attenuation at 60 GHz due to oxygen absorption makes the frequency range ideal for short distance communication networks. For these mm-wave wireless networks, the low noise amplifier (LNA) is a critical subsystem determining the receiver performance i.e., the noise figure (NF) and receiver sensitivity. It however proves challenging to realise high performance mm-wave LNAs in a silicon (Si) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The mm-wave passive devices, specifically on-chip inductors, experience high propagation loss due to the conductivity of the Si substrate at mm-wave frequencies, degrading the performance of the LNA and subsequently the performance of the receiver architecture. The research is aimed at realising a high performance mm-wave LNA in a Si BiCMOS technology. The focal points are firstly, the fundamental understanding of the various forms of losses passive inductors experience and the techniques to address these issues, and secondly, whether the performance of mm-wave passive inductors can be improved by means of geometry optimising. An associated hypothesis is formulated, where the research outcome results in a preferred passive inductor and formulates an optimised passive inductor for mm-wave applications. The performance of the mm-wave inductor is evaluated using the quality factor (Q-factor) as a figure of merit. An increased inductor Q-factor translates to improved LNA input and output matching performance and contributes to the lowering of the LNA NF. The passive inductors are designed and simulated in a 2.5D electromagnetic (EM) simulator. The electrical characteristics of the passive structures are exported to a SPICE netlist which is included in a circuit simulator to evaluate and investigate the LNA performance. Two LNAs are designed and prototyped using the 13μ-m SiGe BiCMOS process from IBM as part of the experimental process to validate the hypothesis. One LNA implements the preferred inductor structures as a benchmark, while the second LNA, identical to the first, replaces one inductor with the optimised inductor. Experimental verification allows complete characterization of the passive inductors and the performance of the LNAs to prove the hypothesis. According to the author's knowledge, the slow-wave coplanar waveguide (S-CPW) achieves a higher Q-factor than microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines at mm-wave frequencies implemented for the 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology node. In literature, specific S-CPW transmission line geometry parameters have previously been investigated, but this work optimises the signal-to-ground spacing of the S-CPW transmission lines without changing the characteristic impedance of the lines. Optimising the S-CPW transmission line for 60 GHz increases the Q-factor from 38 to 50 in simulation, a 32 % improvement, and from 8 to 10 in measurements. Furthermore, replacing only one inductor in the output matching network of the LNA with the higher Q-factor inductor, improves the input and output matching performance of the LNA, resulting in a 5 dB input and output reflection coefficient improvement. Although a 5 dB improvement in matching performance is obtained, the resultant noise and gain performance show no significant improvement. The single stage LNAs achieve a simulated gain and NF of 13 dB and 5.3 dB respectively, and dissipate 6 mW from the 1.5 V supply. The LNA focused to attain high gain and a low NF, trading off linearity and as a result obtained poor 1 dB compression of -21.7 dBm. The LNA results are not state of the art but are comparable to SiGe BiCMOS LNAs presented in literature, achieving similar gain, NF and power dissipation figures.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Conception et étude d’une synthèse de fréquence innovante en technologies CMOS avancées pour les applications en bande de fréquence millimétrique

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    The 60-GHz unlicensed band is a promising alternative to perform the high data rate required in the next generation of wireless communication systems. Complex modulations such as OFDM or 64-QAM allow reaching multi-gigabits per second throughput over up to several tens of meters in standard CMOS technologies. This performance rely on the use of high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer in the RF front-end. In this work, an original architecture is proposed to generate this high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer. It is based on a high order (several tens) multiplication of a low frequency reference (few GHz), that is capable of copying the low frequency reference spectral properties. This high order frequency multiplication is performed in two steps. Firstly, a multi-harmonic signal which power is located around the harmonic of interest is generated from the low frequency reference signal. Secondly, the harmonic of interest is filtered out from this multi-harmonic signal. Both steps rely on the specific use of oscillators. This work deals with the circuit design on advanced CMOS technologies (40 nm CMOS, 55 nm BiCMOS) for the proof of concept and on the theoretical study of this system. This novel technique is experimentally validated by measurements on the fabricated circuits and exhibit state-of-the-art performance. The analytical study of this high order frequency multiplication led to the discovery of a particular kind of synchronization in oscillators and to approximated solutions of the Van der Pol equation in two different practical cases. The perspectives of this work include the design of the low frequency reference and the integration of this frequency synthesizer in a complete RF front-end architecture.La bande de fréquence non-licensée autour de 60 GHz est une alternative prometteuse pour couvrir les besoins en bande passante des futurs systèmes de communication. L'utilisation de modulations complexes (comme OFDM ou 64-QAM) à ces fréquences permet d'atteindre, en utilisant une technologie CMOS standard, des débits de plusieurs gigabits par seconde sur quelques mètres voire quelques dizaines de mètres. Pour atteindre ces performances, la tête d'émission-réception RF (front-end RF) doit être dotée d'une référence de fréquence haute performance. Dans ce travail, une architecture originale est proposée pour générer cette référence de fréquence haute performance. Elle repose sur la multiplication de fréquence d'ordre élevé (plusieurs dizaines) d'un signal de référence basse fréquence (moins de quelques GHz), tout en recopiant les propriétés spectrales du signal basse fréquence. Cette multiplication est réalisée en combinant la production d'un signal multi-harmonique dont la puissance est concentrée autour de la fréquence à synthétiser. L'harmonique d'intérêt est ensuite extraite au moyen d'un filtrage. Ces deux étapes reposent sur l'utilisation d'oscillateurs dans des configurations spécifiques. Ce travail porte à la fois sur la mise en équation et l'étude du fonctionnement de ce système, et sur la conception de circuits dans des technologies CMOS avancées (CMOS 40 nm, BiCMOS 55 nm). Les mesures sur les circuits fabriqués permettent de valider la preuve de concept ainsi que de montrer des performances à l'état de l'art. L'étude du fonctionnement de ce système a conduit à la découverte d'une forme particulière de synchronisation des oscillateurs ainsi qu'à l'expression de solutions approchées de l'équation de Van der Pol dans deux cas pratiques particuliers. Les perspectives de ce travail sont notamment l'intégration de cette synthèse innovante dans un émetteur-récepteur complet

    Analogue circuits for low power communication

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    Low power electronic circuits are required to extend the operational time of battery operated devices. They are also necessary to reduce the power consumption of equipment in general, especially as the world tries to cut energy usage. The first section of this thesis explores fundamental and implementation limits for low power circuits. The energy requirements of amplification are presented and a lower bound on the energy required to transmit information over a point to point link is proposed. It is evident from the low power limits survey that when a transistor is biased, significant thermodynamic energy is required to reduce the resistance of the channel. A transmitter is presented that turns on a transistor for 0.1 % of transmitted time. This transmitter approximates a Gaussian pulse by allowing the impulse response of two 2nd order transmitting elements to sum in free space. The transmitter is of low complexity and the receiver architecture ensures that no on-line tuning is required. Measured results indicate that by using coherent detection a 1 Mbps, 50 mm distance link with a bit error rate of 10−3 can be achieved. The bandwidth of the transmitted pulse is 30-37.5 MHz and 30 dB of out of band attenuation is provided. An analogue Gabor transform is described which splits a signal into parallel paths of a lower bandwidth. This enables post processing at lower clock rates, which can reduce energy dissipation. An implementation of the transform using sub-threshold CMOS continuous time filters is presented. A novel method for designing low power gmC filters using simple models of identical transconductors is used to specify transistor sizes. Measured results show that the transform consumes 7 μW for an input signal bandwidth of 4 kHz