203 research outputs found


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    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) chirp generators are used on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar systems for high-resolution and high-accuracy range measurements. At the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), we have developed two UWB radar sensors for high resolution measurements of surface elevation and snow cover over Greenland and Antarctica. These radar systems are routinely operated from both surface and airborne platforms. Low cost implementations of UWB chirp generators are possible using an UWB Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). VCOs possess several advantages over other competing technologies, but their frequency-voltage tuning characteristics are inherently non-linear. This nonlinear relationship between the tuning voltage and the output frequency should be corrected with a linearization system to implement a linear frequency modulated (LFM) waveform, also known as a chirp. If the waveform is not properly linearized, undesired additional frequency modulation is found in the waveform. This additional frequency modulation results in undesired sidebands at the frequency spectrum of the Intermediate Frequency (IF) stage of the FMCW radar. Since the spectrum of the filtered IF stage represents the measured range, the uncorrected nonlinear behavior of the VCO will cause a degradation of the range sensing performance of a FMCW radar. This issue is intensified as the chirp rate and nominal range of the target increase. A linearization method has been developed to linearize the output of a VCO-based chirp generator with 6 GHz of bandwidth. The linearization system is composed of a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) and an external compensation added to the loop. The nonlinear behavior of the VCO was treated as added disturbances to the loop, and a wide loop bandwidth PLL was designed for wideband compensation of these disturbances. Moreover, the PLL requires a loop filter able to attenuate the reference spurs. The PLL has been designed with a loop bandwidth as wide as possible while maintaining the reference spur level below 35 dBc. Several design considerations were made for the large loop bandwidth design. Furthermore, the large variations in the tuning sensitivity of the oscillator forced a design with a large phase margin at the average tuning sensitivity. This design constraint degraded the tracking performance of the PLL. A second compensation signal, externally generated, was added to the compensation signal of the PLL. By adding a compensation signal, which was not affected by the frequency response effects of the loop compensation, the loop tracking error is reduced. This technique enabled us to produce an output chirp signal that is a much closer replica of the scaled version of the reference signal. Furthermore, a type 1 PLL was chosen for improved transient response, compared to that of the type 2 PLL. This type of PLL requires an external compensation to obtain a finite steady state error when applying a frequency ramp to the input. The external compensation signal required to solve this issue was included in the second compensation signal mentioned above. Measurements for the PLL performance and the chirp generator performance were performed in the laboratory using a radar demonstrator. The experimental results show that the designed loop bandwidth was successfully achieved without significantly increasing the spurious signal level. The chirp generator measurements show a direct relationship between the bandwidth of the external compensation and the range resolution performance

    RF Front End for an Integrated Silhouette Capture and Boundary Detection Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Ultra-Wideband Radar System for the Extension of Independent Living

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    Limitations of current eldercare monitoring systems leave a need for new solutions. A monitoring system based on a frequency modulated continuous wave ultra-wideband short-range radar is proposed for this application. The complete proposed monitoring system is comprised of four blocks: boundary detection, silhouette capture, human identification, and data transmission. This paper develops the RF front end hardware for the silhouette capture subsystem. System requirements are derived for the silhouette capture subsystem. An architecture for the RF front end is designed, and required individual component specifications are determined. Components are selected off the shelf or custom designed for each socket. Full transmitter and receiver level plans are calculated to ensure expected system performance meets system requirements. A component library and full system schematic is created, PCB layout is completed, and PCB files are generated and sent for fabrication. PCB traces and individual components are characterized over frequency, and methods that improve inadequate performance are documented and discussed

    Millimeter-wave Communication and Radar Sensing — Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions

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    With the development of communication and radar sensing technology, people are able to seek for a more convenient life and better experiences. The fifth generation (5G) mobile network provides high speed communication and internet services with a data rate up to several gigabit per second (Gbps). In addition, 5G offers great opportunities of emerging applications, for example, manufacture automation with the help of precise wireless sensing. For future communication and sensing systems, increasing capacity and accuracy is desired, which can be realized at millimeter-wave spectrum from 30 GHz to 300 GHz with several tens of GHz available bandwidth. Wavelength reduces at higher frequency, this implies more compact transceivers and antennas, and high sensing accuracy and imaging resolution. Challenges arise with these application opportunities when it comes to realizing prototype or demonstrators in practice. This thesis proposes some of the solutions addressing such challenges in a laboratory environment.High data rate millimeter-wave transmission experiments have been demonstrated with the help of advanced instrumentations. These demonstrations show the potential of transceiver chipsets. On the other hand, the real-time communication demonstrations are limited to either low modulation order signals or low symbol rate transmissions. The reason for that is the lack of commercially available high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs); therefore, conventional digital synchronization methods are difficult to implement in real-time systems at very high data rates. In this thesis, two synchronous baseband receivers are proposed with carrier recovery subsystems which only require low-speed ADCs [A][B].Besides synchronization, high-frequency signal generation is also a challenge in millimeter-wave communications. The frequency divider is a critical component of a millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer. Having both wide locking range and high working frequencies is a challenge. In this thesis, a tunable delay gated ring oscillator topology is proposed for dual-mode operation and bandwidth extension [C]. Millimeter-wave radar offers advantages for high accuracy sensing. Traditional millimeter-wave radar with frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW), or continuous-wave (CW), all have their disadvantages. Typically, the FMCW radar cannot share the spectrum with other FMCW radars.\ua0 With limited bandwidth, the number of FMCW radars that could coexist in the same area is limited. CW radars have a limited ambiguous distance of a wavelength. In this thesis, a phase-modulated radar with micrometer accuracy is presented [D]. It is applicable in a multi-radar scenario without occupying more bandwidth, and its ambiguous distance is also much larger than the CW radar. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) radar has similar properties. However, its traditional fast calculation method, fast Fourier transform (FFT), limits its measurement accuracy. In this thesis, an accuracy enhancement technique is introduced to increase the measurement accuracy up to the micrometer level [E]

    Non-Contact Human Motion Sensing Using Radar Techniques

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    Human motion analysis has recently gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its widespread applications. A full understanding of normal motion from human limb joint trajectory tracking could be essential to develop and establish a scientific basis for correcting any abnormalities. Technology to analyze human motion has significantly advanced in the last few years. However, there is a need to develop a non-invasive, cost effective gait analysis system that can be functional indoors or outdoors 24/7 without hindering the normal daily activities for the subjects being monitored or invading their privacy. Out of the various methods for human gait analysis, radar technique is a non-invasive method, and can be carried out remotely. For one subject monitoring, single tone radars can be utilized for motion capturing of a single target, while ultra-wideband radars can be used for multi-subject tracking. But there are still some challenges that need to be overcome for utilizing radars for motion analysis, such as sophisticated signal processing requirements, sensitivity to noise, and hardware imperfections. The goal of this research is to overcome these challenges and realize a non-contact gait analysis system capable of extracting different organ trajectories (like the torso, hands and legs) from a complex human motion such as walking. The implemented system can be hugely beneficial for applications such as treating patients with joint problems, athlete performance analysis, motion classification, and so on

    Design, Integration, and Miniaturization of a Multichannel Ultra-Wideband Snow Radar Receiver and Passive Microwave Components

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    At the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), two Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radars are used for remote sensing of snow. The 12-18 GHz Ku-Band Radar altimeters provides high resolution surface elevation measurements, while the 2-8 GHz Snow Radar measures snow thickness over sea ice. In order for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to continuously develop more accurate models, additional snow characterization over sea ice is needed. Employing a constrained optimization approach, the snow water equivalent (SWE) can be estimated directly from the measured radar backscatter. Using the current Snow Radar depth measurement ability along with modified SWE approximation, remotely sensed snow density data can be gathered over large areas using airborne microwave sensors. These additional snow parameters will allow scientists to more accurately model a given area of snow and its effect on polar climate change. To meet this demand, a new “Airborne” Multi-Channel, Quad-Polarized 2-18GHz Snow Radar has been proposed. With tight size and weight constraints from the airborne platforms deploying with the Navy Research Laboratory (NRL), the need for integrated and miniaturized receivers for cost and size reduction is crucial for future deployments. A set of heterodyne microwave receivers were developed as part of the new 2-18 GHz Snow radar to satisfy the March 2015 NRL deployment. The receivers were designed to enable snow thickness measurements from a survey altitude of 500 feet to 5000 feet while nadir looking, and estimation of SWE from polarimetric backscattered signals at low elevation 30 degree off nadir. The individual receiver has undergone a five times size reduction with respect to initial prototype design, while achieving a sensitivity of -125 dBm on average across the 2-18 GHz bandwidth, enabling measurements with a vertical range resolution of 1.64 cm in snow. The design of a compact enclosure was defined to accommodate up to 18 individual receiver modules allowing for multi-channel quad-polarized measurements of snow backscatter over the entire 16 GHz bandwidth. With the new receiver and enclosure design, a one-fourth size reduction of the overall receiver chassis has been accomplished. The receiver bank was tested individually and with the entire system in a full multi-channel loop-back measurement, using a 2.95 μs optical delay line, resulting in a beat frequency of 200 MHz with 20dB range side lobes. Due to the multi-angle, multi-polarization, and multi-frequency content from the data, the number of free parameters in the SWE estimation can thus be significantly reduced resulting in more accurate estimation of SWE. In addition to the receiver design, several UWB passive components were designed, fabricated, and tested for future implementation to reduce cost and allow for quick lead time due to in-house assembly. Design equations have been derived and a new method for modeling Suspended Substrate Stripline (SSS) filters in ADS for rapid-prototyping has been accomplished. Two SSS filters were designed which include an Optimized Chebyshev SSS Low Pass Filter (LPF) with an 18 GHz cutoff frequency and a Broadside Coupled SSS High Pass Filter (HPF) with a 2 GHz cutoff frequency. These filters were designed and modeled in house and sent out for professional fabrication. Mechanical design, fabrication, and assembly were all completed at CReSIS. Measurements were taken with a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and compared with HFSS simulations. Also, a 2-18 GHz three- port Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Mode Hybrid 8:1 power combiner was designed and modeled at CReSIS. This design will be integrated into the Vivaldi Dual Polarized antenna array with 8 active dual-polarized elements to implement a lightweight and compact array structure, eliminating cable and connector cost and losses

    Hardware Development of an Ultra-Wideband System for High Precision Localization Applications

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    A precise localization system in an indoor environment has been developed. The developed system is based on transmitting and receiving picosecond pulses and carrying out a complete narrow-pulse, signal detection and processing scheme in the time domain. The challenges in developing such a system include: generating ultra wideband (UWB) pulses, pulse dispersion due to antennas, modeling of complex propagation channels with severe multipath effects, need for extremely high sampling rates for digital processing, synchronization between the tag and receivers’ clocks, clock jitter, local oscillator (LO) phase noise, frequency offset between tag and receivers’ LOs, and antenna phase center variation. For such a high precision system with mm or even sub-mm accuracy, all these effects should be accounted for and minimized. In this work, we have successfully addressed many of the above challenges and developed a stand-alone system for positioning both static and dynamic targets with approximately 2 mm and 6 mm of 3-D accuracy, respectively. The results have exceeded the state of the art for any commercially available UWB positioning system and are considered a great milestone in developing such technology. My contributions include the development of a picosecond pulse generator, an extremely wideband omni-directional antenna, a highly directive UWB receiving antenna with low phase center variation, an extremely high data rate sampler, and establishment of a non-synchronized UWB system architecture. The developed low cost sampler, for example, can be easily utilized to sample narrow pulses with up to 1000 GS/s while the developed antennas can cover over 6 GHz bandwidth with minimal pulse distortion. The stand-alone prototype system is based on tracking a target using 4-6 base stations and utilizing a triangulation scheme to find its location in space. Advanced signal processing algorithms based on first peak and leading edge detection have been developed and extensively evaluated to achieve high accuracy 3-D localization. 1D, 2D and 3D experiments have been carried out and validated using an optical reference system which provides better than 0.3 mm 3-D accuracy. Such a high accuracy wireless localization system should have a great impact on the operating room of the future

    Noncontact Vital Signs Detection

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    Human health condition can be accessed by measurement of vital signs, i.e., respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), blood oxygen level, temperature and blood pressure. Due to drawbacks of contact sensors in measurement, non-contact sensors such as imaging photoplethysmogram (IPPG) and Doppler radar system have been proposed for cardiorespiratory rates detection by researchers.The UWB pulse Doppler radars provide high resolution range-time-frequency information. It is bestowed with advantages of low transmitted power, through-wall capabilities, and high resolution in localization. However, the poor signal to noise ratio (SNR) makes it challenging for UWB radar systems to accurately detect the heartbeat of a subject. To solve the problem, phased-methods have been proposed to extract the phase variations in the reflected pulses modulated by human tiny thorax motions. Advance signal processing method, i.e., state space method, can not only be used to enhance SNR of human vital signs detection, but also enable the micro-Doppler trajectories extraction of walking subject from UWB radar data.Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave (SFCW) radar is an alternative technique useful to remotely monitor human subject activities. Compared with UWB pulse radar, it relieves the stress on requirement of high sampling rate analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and possesses higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) in vital signs detection. However, conventional SFCW radar suffers from long data acquisition time to step over many frequencies. To solve this problem, multi-channel SFCW radar has been proposed to step through different frequency bandwidths simultaneously. Compressed sensing (CS) can further reduce the data acquisition time by randomly stepping through 20% of the original frequency steps.In this work, SFCW system is implemented with low cost, off-the-shelf surface mount components to make the radar sensors portable. Experimental results collected from both pulse and SFCW radar systems have been validated with commercial contact sensors and satisfactory results are shown


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    An ultra-wideband radar system is built at the University of Tennessee with the goal to develop a ground penetrating radar (GPR). The radar is required to transmit and receive a very narrow pulse signal in the time domain. The bistatic radar transmits a pulse through an ultrawide spiral antenna and receives the pulse by a similar antenna. Direct sampling is used to improve the performance of the impulse radar allowing up to 1.5 GHz of bandwidth to be used for signal processing and target detection with high resolution. Using direct sampling offers a less complex system design than traditional lower sample rate, super-heterodyne systems using continuous wave or step frequency methods while offering faster results than conventional equivalent time sampling techniques that require multiple data sets and significant post-processing. These two points are particularly important for a system that may be used in the field in potentially dangerous environments. Direct sampling radar systems, while still frequency limited, are continually improving their upper frequencies boundaries due to more power efficient, higher sampling rate analog to digital converters (ADCs) which relates directly to better subsurface resolution for potential target detection

    Design of a Dual Band Local Positioning System

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    This work presents a robust dual band local positioning system (LPS) working in the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz industrial science medical (ISM) bands. Position measurement is based on the frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar approach, which uses radio frequency (RF) chirp signals for propagation time and therefore distance measurements. Contrary to state of the art LPS, the presented system uses data from both bands to improve accuracy, precision and robustness. A complete system prototype is designed consisting of base stations and tags encapsulating most of the RF and analogue signal processing in custom integrated circuits. This design approach allows to reduce size and power consumption compared to a hybrid system using off-the-shelf components. Key components are implemented using concepts, which support operation in multiple frequency bands, namely, the receiver consisting of a low noise amplifier (LNA), mixer, frequency synthesizer with a wide band voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) having broadband chirp generation capabilities and a dual band power amplifier. System imperfections occurring in FMCW radar systems are modelled. Effects neglected in literature such as compression, intermodulation, the influence of automatic gain control, blockers and spurious emissions are modeled. The results are used to derive a specification set for the circuit design. Position estimation from measured distances is done using an enhanced version of the grid search algorithm, which makes use of data from multiple frequency bands. The algorithm is designed to be easily and efficiently implemented in embedded systems. Measurements show a coverage range of the system of at least 245m. Ranging accuracy in an outdoor scenario can be as low as 8.2cm. Comparative dual band position measurements prove an effective outlier filtering in indoor and outdoor scenarios compared to single band results, yielding in a large gain of accuracy. Positioning accuracy in an indoor scenario with an area of 276m² can be improved from 1.27m at 2.4GHz and 1.86m at 5.8GHz to only 0.38m in the dual band case, corresponding to an improvement by at least a factor of 3.3. In a large outdoor scenario of 4.8 km², accuracy improves from 1.88m at 2.4GHz and 5.93m at 5.8GHz to 0.68m with dual band processing, which is a factor of at least 2.8.Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Entwurf eines robusten lokalen Positionierungssystems (LPS), welches in den lizenzfreien Frequenzbereichen für industrielle, wissenschaftliche und medizinische Zwecke (industrial, scientific, medical, ISM) bei 2,4GHz und 5,8GHz arbeitet. Die Positionsbestimmung beruht auf dem Prinzip des frequenzmodulierten Dauerstrichradars (frequency modulated continuous wave, FMCW-Radar), welches hochfrequente Rampensignale für Laufzeitmessungen und damit Abstandsmessungen benutzt. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet benutzt das vorgestellte System Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit und Präzision sowie Verbesserung der Robustheit. Ein Prototyp des kompletten Systems bestehend aus Basisstationen und mobilen Stationen wurde entworfen. Fast die gesamte analoge hochfrequente Signalverarbeitungskette wurde als anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung realisiert. Verglichen mit Systemen aus Standardkomponenten erlaubt dieser Ansatz die Miniaturisierung der Systemkomponenten und die Einsparung von Leistung. Schlüsselkomponenten wurden mit Konzepten für mehrbandige oder breitbandige Schaltungen entworfen. Dabei wurden Sender und Empfänger bestehend aus rauscharmem Verstärker, Mischer und Frequenzsynthesizer mit breitbandiger Frequenzrampenfunktion implementiert. Außerdem wurde ein Leistungsverstärker für die gleichzeitige Nutzung der beiden definierten Frequenzbänder entworfen. Um Spezifikationen für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten, wurden in der Fachliteratur vernachlässigte Nichtidealitäten von FMCW-Radarsystemen modelliert. Dazu gehören Signalverzerrungen durch Kompression oder Intermodulation, der Einfluss der automatischen Verstärkungseinstellung sowie schmalbandige Störer und Nebenschwingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung wurden benutzt, um eine Spezifikation für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten. Die Schätzung der Position aus gemessenen Abständen wurde über eine erweiterte Version des Gittersuchalgorithmus erreicht. Dieser nutzt die Abstandsmessdaten aus beiden Frequenzbändern. Der Algorithmus ist so entworfen, dass er effizient in einem eingebetteten System implementiert werden kann. Messungen zeigen eine maximale Reichweite des Systems von mindestens 245m. Die Genauigkeit von Abstandsmessungen im Freiland beträgt 8,2cm. Positionsmessungen wurden unter Verwendung beider Einzelbänder durchgeführt und mit den Ergebnissen des Zweiband-Gittersuchalgorithmus verglichen. Damit konnte eine starke Verbesserung der Positionsgenauigkeit erreicht werden. Die Genauigkeit in einem Innenraum mit einer Grundfläche von 276m² kann verbessert werden von 1,27m bei 2,4GHz und 1,86m bei 5,8GHz zu nur 0,38m im Zweibandverfahren. Das entspricht einer Verbesserung um einen Faktor von mindestens 3,3. In einem größeren Außenszenario mit einer Fläche von 4,8 km² verbessert sich die Genauigkeit um einen Faktor von mindestens 2,8 von 1,88m bei 2,4GHz und 5,93m bei 5,8GHz auf 0,68m bei Nutzung von Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern

    Millimetre-Resolution Photonics-Assisted Radar

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    Radar is essential in applications such as anti-collision systems for driving, airport security screening, and contactless vital sign detection. The demand for high-resolution and real-time recognition in radar applications is growing, driving the development of electronic radars with increased bandwidth, higher frequency, and improved reconfigurability. However, conventional electronic approaches are challenging due to limitations in synthesising radar signals, limiting performance. In contrast, microwave photonics-enabled radars have gained interest because they offer numerous benefits compared to traditional electronic methods. Photonics-assisted techniques provide a broad fractional bandwidth at the optical carrier frequency and enable spectrum manipulation, producing wideband and high-resolution radar signals in various formats. However, photonic-based methods face limitations like low time-frequency linearity due to the inherent nonlinearity of lasers, restricted RF bandwidth, limited stability of the photonic frequency multipliers, and difficulties in achieving extended sensing with dispersion-based techniques. In response to these challenges, this thesis presents approaches for generating broadband radar signals with high time-frequency linearity using recirculated unidirectional optical frequency-shifted modulation. The photonics-assisted system allows flexible bandwidth tuning from sub-GHz to over 30 GHz and requires only MHz-level electronics. Such a system offers millimetre-level range resolution and a high imaging refresh rate, detecting fast-moving objects using the ISAR technique. With millimetre-level resolution and micrometre accuracy, this system supports contactless vital sign detection, capturing precise respiratory patterns from simulators and a living body using a cane toad. In the end, we highlight the promise of merging radar and LiDAR, foreshadowing future advancements in sensor fusion for enhanced sensing performance and resilience
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