7 research outputs found

    Developing a Benchmark Suite for the Evaluation of Orientation Sensors

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    This paper examines the problem with the lack of standardization through which MEMS orientation sensors are evaluated. These sensors are sold with data sheets that outline their performance, but lack the conditions under which the testing takes place. In this research, a testing apparatus was developed, and testing routines were designed to evaluate the different characteristics of orientation sensors under different motion conditions. Three orientation sensors, each in a different price range, were evaluated with the benchmark suite. The testing apparatus is a turntable that can precisely spin an orientation sensor via a stepper motor, and can record its exact orientation along with the heading read from the orientation sensor. Sets of movements we call benchmark routines were implemented to test different properties of the sensors. The results show that the turntable performs correctly, and as expected, sensors with similar data sheets perform differently

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    Latency and Distortion compensation in Augmented Environments using Electromagnetic trackers

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    Augmented reality (AR) systems are often used to superimpose virtual objects or information on a scene to improve situational awareness. Delays in the display system or inaccurate registration of objects destroy the sense of immersion a user experiences when using AR systems. AC electromagnetic trackers are ideally for these applications when combined with head orientation prediction to compensate for display system delays. Unfortunately, these trackers do not perform well in environments that contain conductive or ferrous materials due to magnetic field distortion without expensive calibration techniques. In our work we focus on both the prediction and distortion compensation aspects of this application, developing a “small footprint” predictive filter for display lag compensation and a simplified calibration system for AC magnetic trackers. In the first phase of our study we presented a novel method of tracking angular head velocity from quaternion orientation using an Extended Kalman Filter in both single model (DQEKF) and multiple model (MMDQ) implementations. In the second phase of our work we have developed a new method of mapping the magnetic field generated by the tracker without high precision measurement equipment. This method uses simple fixtures with multiple sensors in a rigid geometry to collect magnetic field data in the tracking volume. We have developed a new algorithm to process the collected data and generate a map of the magnetic field distortion that can be used to compensation distorted measurement data


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    The overarching goal of Augmented Reality (AR) is to provide users with the illusion that virtual and real objects coexist indistinguishably in the same space. An effective persistent illusion requires accurate registration between the real and the virtual objects, registration that is spatially and temporally coherent. However, visible misregistration can be caused by many inherent error sources, such as errors in calibration, tracking, and modeling, and system delay. This dissertation focuses on new methods that could be considered part of "the last mile" of spatio-temporal registration in AR: closed-loop spatial registration and low-latency temporal registration: 1. For spatial registration, the primary insight is that calibration, tracking and modeling are means to an end---the ultimate goal is registration. In this spirit I present a novel pixel-wise closed-loop registration approach that can automatically minimize registration errors using a reference model comprised of the real scene model and the desired virtual augmentations. Registration errors are minimized in both global world space via camera pose refinement, and local screen space via pixel-wise adjustments. This approach is presented in the context of Video See-Through AR (VST-AR) and projector-based Spatial AR (SAR), where registration results are measurable using a commodity color camera. 2. For temporal registration, the primary insight is that the real-virtual relationships are evolving throughout the tracking, rendering, scanout, and display steps, and registration can be improved by leveraging fine-grained processing and display mechanisms. In this spirit I introduce a general end-to-end system pipeline with low latency, and propose an algorithm for minimizing latency in displays (DLP DMD projectors in particular). This approach is presented in the context of Optical See-Through AR (OST-AR), where system delay is the most detrimental source of error. I also discuss future steps that may further improve spatio-temporal registration. Particularly, I discuss possibilities for using custom virtual or physical-virtual fiducials for closed-loop registration in SAR. The custom fiducials can be designed to elicit desirable optical signals that directly indicate any error in the relative pose between the physical and projected virtual objects.Doctor of Philosoph

    Mobility prediction and multicasting in wireless networks : performance and analysis

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    Handoff is a call handling mechanism that is invoked when a mobile node moves from one cell to another. Such movement may lead to degradation in performance for wireless networks as a result of packet losses. A promising technique proposed in this thesis is to apply multicasting techniques aided by mobility prediction in order to improve handoff performance. In this thesis, we present a method that uses a Grey model for mobility prediction and a fuzzy logic controller that has been fine-tuned using evolutionary algorithms in order to improve prediction accuracy. We also compare the self-tuning algorithm with two evolutionary algorithms in terms of accuracy and their convergence times. Our proposed method takes into account signal strengths from the base stations and predicts the signal strength of the next candidate base station in order to provide improved handover performance. The primary decision for mobility prediction is the accurate prediction of signal strengths obtained from the base stations and remove any unwanted errors in the prediction using suitable optimisation techniques. Furthermore, the model includes the procedures of fine-tuning the predicted data using fuzzy parameters. We also propose suitable multicasting algorithms to minimise the reservation of overall network resource requirements during handoff with the mobility prediction information. To be able to efficiently solve the problem, the situation is modelled using a multicast tree that is defined to maintain connectivity with the mobile node, whilst ensuring bandwidth guarantees and a minimum hop-count. In this approach, we have tried to solve the problem by balancing two objectives through putting a weight on each of two costs. We provide a detailed description of an algorithm to implement join and prune mechanisms, which will help to build an optimal multicast tree with QoS requirements during handoff as well as incorporating dynamic changes in the positions of mobile nodes. An analysis of how mobility prediction helps in the selection of potential Access Routers (AR) with QoS requirements - which affects the multicast group size and bandwidth cost of the multicast tree -- is presented. The proposed technique tries to minimise the number of multicast tree join and prune operations. Our results show that the expected size of the multicast group increases linearly with an increase in the number of selected destination AR's for multicast during handoff. We observe that the expected number of joins and prunes from the multicast tree increases with group size. A special simulation model was developed to demonstrate both homogeneous and heterogeneous handoff which is an emerging requirement for fourth generation mobile networks. The model incorporates our mobility prediction model for heterogeneous handoff between the Wireless LAN and a cellular network. The results presented in this thesis for mobility prediction, multicasting techniques and heterogeneous handoff include proposed algorithms and models which aid in the understanding, analysing and reducing of overheads during handoff