72 research outputs found

    Haptics: state of the art survey

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the understanding of Haptic and its related fields where haptics is used extensively like in display systems, communication, different types of haptic devices, and interconnection of haptic displays where virtual environment should feel like equivalent physical systems. There have been escalating research interests on areas relating to haptic modality in recent years, towards multiple fields. However, there seems to be limited studies in determining the various subfields and interfacing and related information on haptic user interfaces and its influence on the fields mentioned. This paper aims to bring forth the theory behind the essence of Haptics and its Subfields like haptic interfaces and its applications

    Collaborative billiARds: Towards the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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    Abstract. In this paper, we identify the features that enhance gaming experience in Augmented Reality (AR) environments. These include Tangibl

    Collaborative billiARds: Towards the ultimate gaming experience

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    Abstract. In this paper, we identify the features that enhance gaming experience in Augmented Reality (AR) environments. These include Tangible User Interface, force-feedback, audio-visual cues, collaboration and mobility. We base our findings on lessons learnt from existing AR games. We apply these results to billiARds which is an AR system that, in addition to visual and aural cues, provides force-feedback. billiARds supports interaction through a visionbased tangible AR interface. Two users can easily operate the proposed system while playing Collaborative billiARds game around a table. The users can collaborate through both virtual and real objects. User study confirmed that the resulting system delivers enhanced gaming experience by supporting the five features highlighted in this paper

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Augmented Reality in Sport Marketing: Uses and Directions

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    The augmented reality (AR) market is expected to grow to $60.55 billion by 2023 and there are currently an estimated 4.2 billion AR-capable devices in the hands of consumers. Experts believe that sport is a high-value market for AR as it is uniquely positioned to utilize AR in multiple marketing contexts (Haber, 2019). The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rate at which sport organizations are utilizing AR as they attempt to reach fans and consumers that are limited or restricted from attending events in person. This article introduces augmented reality to sport managers and practitioners and defines AR, detailing how it can be used by citing examples of how it has been used in sport marketing to this point. Specifically, the paper discusses the three most common classifications of AR for marketing and their role in sport: advertising/promotion, product management, and customer service. The types of AR delivery systems (e.g., HMD, projector-based, smartphone, broadcast AR) are also discussed to clarify that AR is a grouping of technologies and not just one hardware platform. Sport and non-sport examples of AR implementations of the different classifications and delivery systems are provided in this text. Three recommendations are provided for AR development and implementation, namely that sport AR activations should be a complement to the sport product, focus on visual appeal, and strive for immersion. These recommendations are grounded in academic research and intended to assist practitioners planning to implement AR as part of their marketing strategy

    Proceedings of the Second PHANToM Users Group Workshop : October 19-22, 1997 : Endicott House, Dedham, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

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    "December, 1997." Cover title.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by SensAble Technologies, Inc., Cambridge, MA."[edited by J. Kennedy Salisbury and Mandayam A. Srinivasan]

    Virtual Assembly and Disassembly Analysis: An Exploration into Virtual Object Interactions and Haptic Feedback

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    In recent years, researchers have developed virtual environments, which allow more realistic human-computer interactions and have become increasingly popular for engineering applications such as computer-aided design and process evaluation. For instance, the demand for product service, remanufacture, and recycling has forced companies to consider ease of assembly and disassembly during the design phase of their products. Evaluating these processes in a virtual environment during the early stages of design not only increases the impact of design modifications on the final product, but also eliminates the time, cost, and material associated with the construction of physical prototypes. Although numerous virtual environments for assembly analysis exist or are under development, many provide only visual feedback. A real-time haptic simulation test bed for the analysis of assembly and disassembly operations has been developed, providing the designer with force and tactile feedback in addition to traditional visual feedback. The development such a simulation requires the modeling of collisions between virtual objects, which is a computationally expensive process. Also, the demands of a real-time simulation incorporating haptic feedback introduce additional complications for reliable collision detection. Therefore, the first objective of this work was to discover ways in which current collision detection libraries can be improved or supplemented to create more robust interaction between virtual objects. Using the simulation as a test bed, studies were then conducted to determine the potential usefulness of haptic feedback for analysis of assembly and disassembly operations. The following significant contributions were accomplished: (1) a simulation combining the strengths of an impulse-based simulation with a supplemental constraint maintenance scheme for modeling object interactions, (2) a toolkit of supplemental techniques to support object interactions in situations where collision detection algorithms commonly fail, (3) a haptic assembly and disassembly simulation useful for experimentation, and (4) results from a series of five experimental user studies with the focus of determining the effectiveness of haptic feedback in such a simulation. Additional contributions include knowledge of the usability and functionality of current collision detection libraries, the limitations of haptic feedback devices, and feedback from experimental subjects regarding their comfort and overall satisfaction with the simulation.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Bras, Bert; Committee Member: Baker, Nelson; Committee Member: Griffin, Paul; Committee Member: Paredis, Chris; Committee Member: Rosen, Davi

    Spatial auditory display for acoustics and music collections

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    PhDThis thesis explores how audio can be better incorporated into how people access information and does so by developing approaches for creating three-dimensional audio environments with low processing demands. This is done by investigating three research questions. Mobile applications have processor and memory requirements that restrict the number of concurrent static or moving sound sources that can be rendered with binaural audio. Is there a more e cient approach that is as perceptually accurate as the traditional method? This thesis concludes that virtual Ambisonics is an ef cient and accurate means to render a binaural auditory display consisting of noise signals placed on the horizontal plane without head tracking. Virtual Ambisonics is then more e cient than convolution of HRTFs if more than two sound sources are concurrently rendered or if movement of the sources or head tracking is implemented. Complex acoustics models require signi cant amounts of memory and processing. If the memory and processor loads for a model are too large for a particular device, that model cannot be interactive in real-time. What steps can be taken to allow a complex room model to be interactive by using less memory and decreasing the computational load? This thesis presents a new reverberation model based on hybrid reverberation which uses a collection of B-format IRs. A new metric for determining the mixing time of a room is developed and interpolation between early re ections is investigated. Though hybrid reverberation typically uses a recursive lter such as a FDN for the late reverberation, an average late reverberation tail is instead synthesised for convolution reverberation. Commercial interfaces for music search and discovery use little aural information even though the information being sought is audio. How can audio be used in interfaces for music search and discovery? This thesis looks at 20 interfaces and determines that several themes emerge from past interfaces. These include using a two or three-dimensional space to explore a music collection, allowing concurrent playback of multiple sources, and tools such as auras to control how much information is presented. A new interface, the amblr, is developed because virtual two-dimensional spaces populated by music have been a common approach, but not yet a perfected one. The amblr is also interpreted as an art installation which was visited by approximately 1000 people over 5 days. The installation maps the virtual space created by the amblr to a physical space