4 research outputs found

    An improved model of binocular energy calculation for full-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment

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    With the exponential growth of stereoscopic imaging in various applications, it has become very demanding to have a reliable quality assessment technique to measure the human perception of stereoscopic images. Quality assessment of stereoscopic visual content in the presence of artefacts caused by compression and transmission is a key component of end-to-end 3D media delivery systems. Despite a few recent attempts to develop stereoscopic image/video quality metrics, there is still a lack of a robust stereoscopic image quality metric. Towards addressing this issue, this paper proposes a full reference stereoscopic image quality metric, which mimics the human perception while viewing stereoscopic images. A signal processing model that is consistent with physiological literature is developed in the paper to simulate the behaviour of simple and complex cells of the primary visual cortex in the Human Visual System (HVS). The model is trained with two publicly available stereoscopic image databases to match the perceptual judgement of impaired stereoscopic images. The experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in prediction performance as compared with several state-of-the-art stereoscopic image quality metrics

    Assessing 3D Scan Quality Through Paired-comparisons Psychophysics

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    ABSTRACT Consumer 3D scanners and depth cameras are increasingly being used to generate content and avatars for Virtual Reality (VR) environments and avoid the inconveniences of hand modeling; however, it is sometimes difficult to evaluate quantitatively the mesh quality at which consumer available 3D scans should be exported, and whether the object perception might be affected by its shading. We propose using a paired-comparisons test based on psychophysics of perception to do that evaluation. As psychophysics is not subject to opinion, skill level, mental state, or economic situation it can be considered a quantitative way to measure how people perceive the mesh quality. In particular, we compare four different levels of mesh quality (1K, 5K, 10K and 20K triangles). We present two studies within subjects: in one we investigate the influences of seeing an object in a regular screen vs. in a Head Mounted Display (HMD); while in the second experiment we aim at detecting the effects of shading into quality perception. At each iteration of the pair-test comparisons participants pick the mesh that they think had higher quality; by the end of the experiment we compile a preference matrix. The results show a correlation between real and assessed quality, despite participants' reported uncertainty. We also find an interaction with quality and shading, which gains importance for quality perception when the mesh has high definition. Furthermore, we assess the subjective realism of the most/least preferred scans using an Immersive Augmented Reality (IAR) video-see-through setup to compare the real vs the 3D scanned object in the same HMD environment. Results show higher levels of realism were perceived through the HMD than when using a regular monitor, although the quality was similarly perceived in both systems

    A 3d perceptual metric using just-noticeable-difference

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    In multimedia applications, it is essential to distribute resources efficiently among different types of data in order to optimize overall quality. We propose a perceptual metric using Just-Noticeable-Difference (JND) to identify redundant mesh data so that available bandwidth can be allocated to improve texture resolution. Evaluation of perceptual impact during runtime is based on statistics in a lookup table generated during preprocessing. If the impact is less than the JND, no mesh refinement is performed. We apply Weber’s fraction to compute the JND threshold, which is verified by perceptual evaluations. Experimental result shows that our JND model can accurately predict perceptual impact based on the human visual system. 1. Introduction structures tend to diminish as σ increases, and only major structures survive at higher scales (Fig. 1). When transmitting 3D textured mesh (TexMesh) over a Decimation and refinement are performed using edge shared network, limited resources such as bandwidth has to collapse and vertex split operations. A detailed discussion of be allocated between both mesh and texture data. various mesh simplification approaches can be found i

    Visualização interativa de modelos 3D realistas na web

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luciano SilvaCo-orientadora : Profª. Drª. Olga Regina Pereira BellonTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 16/09/2014Inclui referênciasResumo: A visualização 3D remota de objetos culturais é uma ferramenta importante para diversas atividades na área de preservação digital, pois pode minimizar danos causados pelo transporte ou manipulação física dos objetos. Os modelos 3D gerados no processo de digitalização 3D podem auxiliar em restaurações ou na reconstrução física dos objetos. Devido aos avanços das tecnologias para digitalização 3D, os modelos 3D estão cada vez mais precisos. A disponibilização desses modelos para a visualização na web pode ser dificultada por restrições de acesso remoto, como por exemplo espaço de armazenamento, memória, capacidade de processamento e velocidade de conexão disponíveis. Nesse contexto, esta tese se concentra na visualização web interativa de modelos 3D realistas com fidelidade visual requerida ao estudo remoto dos objetos. O framework de visualização 3D baseada na web proposto incorpora a compressão progressiva de modelos 3D coloridos orientada por dados, uma base de dados de apoio à reconstrução 3D progressiva e uma aplicação web para a visualização 3D remota. Ao preservar as cores através do mapeamento de textura, a abordagem de compressão 3D progressiva orientada por dados proposta provê modelos intermediários com boa qualidade visual, principalmente a baixas resoluções. A estrutura do framework possibilita à aplicação suportar acessos simultâneos, além de viabilizar o acesso remoto por computadores e dispositivos móveis com restrição de recursos. A aplicação desenvolvida aproveita os recentes avanços das tecnologias web, proporcionando acesso livre de plugins e melhorando a qualidade da experiência do usuário. A solução proposta foi aplicada aos modelos 3D do conjunto de esculturas chamado "Os Doze Profetas" de Aleijadinho, considerado Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO. Através dos resultados experimentais pode-se comprovar que a preservação das cores combinada à reconstrução 3D progressiva é uma estratégia efetiva e apropriada para a visualização interativa de modelos 3D realistas na web. Palavras-chave: Preservação digital. Modelos 3D realistas. Visualização na web. Reconstrução 3D progressiva. Qualidade visual.Abstract: Remote 3D visualization of valuable objects is a very important tool for the accomplishment of digital preservation tasks, since it prevents damages caused both by shipping and physical manipulation. The 3D models generated by 3D scanning may help physical restoration or reconstruction of the objects. Due to advances in 3D scanning technologies, the 3D models are becoming increasingly detailed. The web visualization of these models generated for digital preservation purposes is hampered by storage space, memory and processing restrictions. In this context, this thesis focuses on interactive web visualization of realistic 3D models for the remote study of the objects. The proposed web-based 3D visualization framework incorporates the datadriven progressive compression of colored 3D models, the database to support the progressive 3D reconstruction and a web application for remote 3D visualization. By preserving the colors through texture mapping, the proposed data-driven progressive 3D compression provides intermediate models with good visual quality at low resolutions. The framework enables the web application to support concurrent access, as well as providing access through computers with restricted resources. Our application takes advantages of the recent advances of the web technologies for providing a plugin-free experience. The proposed solution was applied to sculptures of the Twelve Prophets of Aleijadinho, considered World Heritage by UNESCO. The experimental results shows that the color preservation combined with progressive 3D reconstruction is an effective and appropriate strategy for interactive visualization of realistic 3D models on the web. Keywords: Digital preservation. Realistic 3D models. Web-based visualization. Progressive 3D reconstrution. Visual Quality