7 research outputs found

    Millimeter-Wave CMOS Digitally Controlled Oscillators for Automotive Radars

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    All-Digital-Phase-Locked-Loops (ADPLLs) are ideal for integrated circuit implementations and effectively generate frequency chirps for Frequency-Modulated-Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radar. This dissertation discusses the design requirements for integrated ADPLL, which is used as chirp synthesizer for FMCW automotive radar and focuses on an analysis of the ADPLL performance based on the Digitally-Controlled-Oscillator (DCO) design parameters and the ADPLL configuration. The fundamental principles of the FMCW radar are reviewed and the importance of linear DCO for reliable operation of the synthesizer is discussed. A novel DCO, which achieves linear frequency tuning steps is designed by arranging the available minimum Metal-Oxide-Metal (MoM) capacitor in unique confconfigurations. The DCO prototype fabricated in 65 nm CMOS fullls the requirements of the 77 GHz automotive radar. The resultant linear DCO characterization can effectively drive a chirp generation system in complete FMCW automotive radar synthesizer

    Circuit Design Techniques For Wideband Phased Arrays

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.June 2015. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 143 pages.This dissertation focuses on beam steering in wideband phased arrays and phase noise modeling in injection locked oscillators. Two different solutions, one in frequency and one in time, have been proposed to minimize beam squinting in phased arrays. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler for area and power savings has been proposed. Silicon measurement results are provided for the frequency domain solution (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), injection locked oscillator model verification (IBM 130nm RF-CMOS) and frequency doubler (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), while post extraction simulation results are provided for the time domain phased array solution (the chip is currently under fabrication, TSMC 65nm RF CMOS). In the frequency domain solution, a 4-point passive analog FFT based frequency tunable filter is used to channelize an incoming wideband signal into multiple narrowband signals, which are then processed through independent phase shifters. A two channel prototype has been developed at 8GHz RF frequency. Three discrete phase shifts (0 & +/- 90 degrees) are implemented through differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity. A minimum null-depth of 19dB while a maximum null-depth of 27dB is measured. In the time domain solution, a discrete time approach is undertaken with signals getting sampled in order of their arrival times. A two-channel prototype for a 2GHz instantaneous RF bandwidth (7GHz-9GHz) has been designed. A QVCO generates quadrature LO signals at 8GHz which are phase shifted through a 5-bit (2 extra bits from differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity) cartesian combiner. Baseband sampling clocks are generated from phase shifted LOs through a CMOS divide by 4 with independent resets. The design achieves an average time delay of 4.53ps with 31.5mW of power consumption (per channel, buffers excluded). An injection locked oscillator has been analyzed in s-domain using Paciorek's time domain transient equations. The simplified analysis leads to a phase noise model identical to that of a type-I PLL. The model is equally applicable to injection locked dividers and multipliers and has been extended to cover all injection locking scenarios. The model has been verified against a discrete 57MHz Colpitt's ILO, a 6.5GHz ILFD and a 24GHz ILFM with excellent matching between the model and measurements. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler, for frequency outputs between 7GHz to 14GHz, design has been developed to reduce passive area and dc power dissipation. A 3-bit capacitive tuning along with a tail current source is used to better conversion efficiency. The doubler shows FOMT_{T} values between 191dBc/Hz to 209dBc/Hz when driven by a 0.7GHz to 5.8GHz wide tuning VCO with a phase noise that ranges from -114dBc/Hz to -112dBc/Hz over the same bandwidth

    Oscillateur de puissance en ondes millimétriques

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    Ce travail porte sur l'étude d'un oscillateur de puissance contrôlé en tension en ondes millimétriques. L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir cet oscillateur pour la bande de fréquence utilisée dans les standards IEEE 802.15.3c, IEEE 802.11ad et ECMA TC48, à savoir 56GHz-65GHz. Le principe de l'oscillateur de puissance est développé autour d'un amplificateur de puissance rebouclé pour engendrer un système oscillant. L'amplificateur de puissance développé est un amplicateur à deux étages. Celui de puissance est de classe E et le driver est de classe F. La boucle de retour est basée sur un vecteur-modulateur. Les circuits ont été fabriqués en technologie CMOS 65nm de STMicroelectronics.This PhD thesis deals with a Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) in millimeter waves. The aim is to design this Power VCO in the frequency band used in the standards IEEE 802.15.3c, IEEE 802.11ad and ECMA TC48, meaning from 56GHz to 65GHz. The principle of this oscillator is developed around a power amplifier in a loop, generating an oscillating system. The power amplifier is developed in a two-stage topology. The power stage is composed with a 60GHz class E cascoded amplifier and the driver stage is composed of a 60GHz class F amplifier. The feedback of the loop is based on a vector-modulator. The circuits have been realised in 65nm CMOS technology from STMicroelectronics.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Concepts for Short Range Millimeter-wave Miniaturized Radar Systems with Built-in Self-Test

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    This work explores short-range millimeter wave radar systems, with emphasis on miniaturization and overall system cost reduction. The designing and implementation processes, starting from the system level design considerations and characterization of the individual components to final implementation of the proposed architecture are described briefly. Several D-band radar systems are developed and their functionality and performances are demonstrated

    Quadrature Frequency Synthesis for Wideband Wireless Transceivers

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2014. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 112 pages.In this thesis, three different techniques pertinent to quadrature LO generation in high data rate and wideband RF transceivers are presented. Prototype designs are made to verify the performance of the proposed techniques, in three different technologies: IBM 130nm CMOS process, TSMC 65nm CMOS process and IBM 32nm SOI process. The three prototype designs also cover three different frequency bands, ranging from 5GHz to 74GHz. First, an LO generation scheme for a 21 GHz center-frequency, 4-GHz instantaneous bandwidth channelized receiver is presented. A single 1.33 GHz reference source is used to simultaneously generate 20 GHz and 22 GHz LOs with quadrature outputs. Injection locking is used instead of conventional PLL techniques allowing low-power quadrature generation. A harmonic-rich signal, containing both even and odd harmonics of the input reference signal, is generated using a digital pulse slimmer. Two ILO chains are used to lock on to the 10th and 11th harmonics of the reference signal generating the 20 GHz and the 22 GHz quadrature LOs respectively. The prototype design is implemented in IBM's 130 nm CMOS process, draws 110 mA from a 1.2 V supply and occupies an active area of 1.8 square-mm. Next, a wide-tuning range QVCO with a novel complimentary-coupling technique is presented. By using PMOS transistors for coupling two VCOs with NMOS gm-cells, it is shown that significant phase-noise improvement (7-9 dB) can be achieved over the traditional NMOS coupling. This breaks the trade-off between quadrature accuracy and phase-noise, allowing reasonable accuracy without a significant phase-noise hit. The proposed technique is frequency-insensitive, allowing robust coupling over a wide tuning range. A prototype design is done in TSMC 65nm process, with 4-bits of discrete tuning spanning the frequency range 4.6-7.8 GHz (52% FTR) while achieving a minimum FOM of 181.4dBc/Hz and a minimum FOMT of 196dBc/Hz. Finally, a wide tuning-range millimeter wave QVCO is presented that employs a modified transformer-based super-harmonic coupling technique. Using the proposed technique, together with custom-designed inductors and metal capacitors, a prototype is designed in IBM 32nm SOI technology with 6-bits of discrete tuning using switched capacitors. Full EM-extracted simulations show a tuning range of 53.84GHz to 73.59GHz, with an FOM of 173 dBc/Hz and an FOMT of 183 dBc/Hz. With 19.75GHz of tuning range around a 63.7GHz center frequency, the simulated FTR is 31%, surpassing all similar designs in the same band. A slight modification in the tank inductors would enable the QVCO to be employed in multiple mm-Wave bands (57-66 GHz communication band, 71-76 GHz E-band, and 76-77 GHz radar band)

    Integrated Circuit and Antenna Technology for Millimeter-wave Phased Array Radio Front-end

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    Ever growing demands for higher data rate and bandwidth are pushing extremely high data rate wireless applications to millimeter-wave band (30-300GHz), where sufficient bandwidth is available and high data rate wireless can be achieved without using complex modulation schemes. In addition to the communication applications, millimeter-wave band has enabled novel short range and long range radar sensors for automotive as well as high resolution imaging systems for medical and security. Small size, high gain antennas, unlicensed and worldwide availability of released bands for communication and a number of other applications are other advantages of the millimeter-wave band. The major obstacle for the wide deployment of commercial wireless and radar systems in this frequency range is the high cost and bulky nature of existing GaAs- and InP-based solutions. In recent years, with the rapid scaling and development of the silicon-based integrated circuit technologies such as CMOS and SiGe, low cost technologies have shown acceptable millimeter-wave performance, which can enable highly integrated millimeter-wave radio devices and reduce the cost significantly. Furthermore, at this range of frequencies, on-chip antenna becomes feasible and can be considered as an attractive solution that can further reduce the cost and complexity of the radio package. The propagation channel challenges for the realization of low cost and reliable silicon-based communication devices at millimeter-wave band are severe path loss as well as shadowing loss of human body. Silicon technology challenges are low-Q passive components, low breakdown voltage of active devices, and low efficiency of on-chip antennas. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate and to develop antenna and front-end for cost-effective silicon based millimeter-wave phased array radio architectures that can address above challenges for short range, high data rate wireless communication as well as radar applications. Although the proposed concepts and the results obtained in this research are general, as an important example, the application focus in this research is placed on the radio aspects of emerging 60 GHz communication system. For this particular but extremely important case, various aspects of the technology including standard, architecture, antenna options and indoor propagation channel at presence of a human body are studied. On-chip dielectric resonator antenna as a radiation efficiency improvement technique for an on-chip antenna on low resistivity silicon is presented, developed and proved by measurement. Radiation efficiency of about 50% was measured which is a significant improvement in the radiation efficiency of on-chip antennas. Also as a further step, integration of the proposed high efficiency antenna with an amplifier in transmit and receive configurations at 30 GHz is successfully demonstrated. For the implementation of a low cost millimeter-wave array antenna, miniaturized, and efficient antenna structures in a new integrated passive device technology using high resistivity silicon are designed and developed. Front-end circuit blocks such as variable gain LNA, continuous passive and active phase shifters are investigated, designed and developed for a 60GHz phased array radio in CMOS technology. Finally, two-element CMOS phased array front-ends based on passive and active phase shifting architectures are proposed, developed and compared

    New Architectures for Low Complexity Scalable Phased Arrays

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    Inspired by the unique advantages of phased arrays in communication and radar systems, i.e. their capability to increase the channel capacity, signal-to-noise ratio, directivity, and radar resolution, this dissertation presents novel architectures for low-complexity scalable phased arrays to facilitate their widespread use in commercial applications. In phased arrays, phase shifters are one of the key components responsible for adjusting the signal phase across the array elements. In general, phase shifters and their control circuitry play a significant role in determining the complexity and size of conventional phased arrays. To reduce phased arrays’ complexity and size without degrading their performance, two new circuit architectures for scalable phased arrays with a significantly reduced number of phase shifters and control signals are presented. These architectures can be utilized for designing phased arrays in receive as well as transmit mode. The phased arrays designed based on the proposed architectures are intended for applications such as 5G communications and automotive radars for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147494/1/noyan_1.pd